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Everything posted by hudella

  1. correction... just turley
  2. possibly shelton, possibly turley
  3. I'd take roy williams, but im happy with evans
  4. I'm going to NYC with a few of my buddies and were gunna go to the draft.
  5. Barron, Pack-man, Rolle, Mike Williams, Derrick Johnson, I'd think one of those guys would be there. But didnt TD say if he had a top 10 pick in this draft if he couldnt trade out of it he would pass. Could be BS but i doubt Nate will be traded within the next 5 days, but if he was, for the right deal i wouldnt be totally against it.
  6. I'd rather have Alex Barron
  7. you guys think pat williams or sam adams never smoked weed in their lives? please. As long as he doesnt rely on it mentally like ricky did cuz he was scarred of the world, it shouldnt be that big of a deal... dont forget we did draft Lee Evans last year who was arrested in wisconson for posession of marijuana. I know he claimed it wasn't his but who cares.
  8. there are actually a bunch of cow bell shirts, I own 2, if any of you want one that live in the buffalo area they sell them at the blvd. mall at hot topic. But if you dont feel comfortable enough to go in there, than i can't help ya.
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