what i need to see is less willis mcbadknee and more of willis mcgahee.
what happened to the viscious stiff arm? willis is damn strong, i'd like to see him put his shoulder into some tacklers and run them into the ground instead of flopping down after feeling a hand on him.
the speed part is secondary- i dont think he needs a 5th gear. if he played strictly as a power back (ie: bettis or jamal lewis) and less like a guy with lightening speed and barry sanders moves(which i dont believe he has either of), he would be a helluva lot better.
willis does have good hands and passing to him in the flat with a db comming up on him after the pass should be a no brainer. he should be able to run over 9 out of 10 db's in the nfl.
once he finally starts doing the above, i'll stop calling him MCBADKNEE and start calling him great