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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. i must be blind, cause i didnt see the other topic started.
  2. what a joke! everyone that plays sports knows you dont let up. look at the bills vs houston. yanks/sox, ect. anything can happen. girls basketball coach fired for winning 100-0
  3. headbutt off the top rope
  4. "cowboy" bob orton's son wrestles in wwe now. "mr wonderful" was paul orndorff has no son that is a wrestler. bam bam's main fued's were with one man gang, the big boss man and andre the giant.
  5. after staying at keesler afb in biloxi for just 2 weeks a few years back, i can see why.
  6. but all stats and data can be twisted to back up any point!
  7. i'm not understanding the "why the applause" part
  8. funny thing is that it is in the scheme of things, indirectly its not ralph's money that is being spent, it's tv money that the nfl earns and the teams get as "dividend" so to speak. so what does ralph actually spend on his baby to make it better? next to nothing. he spends little to nothing in nfl terms on coaching. we dont have a gm thats worth anything. we pay the stadium upkeep. the guy could hire a good coach if he'd sell naming rights to the stadium. i'd say he's not scrooge, but his isnt generous george either.
  9. i would have forgone the unenjoyment and went straight to a discrimination lawsuit. not allowing someone to work based on physical appearance? that's gold jerry! gold!! i could see if the bruises were dirt, but come on.
  10. ronnie lott came out in the 81 draft and played cb from 81-84. in 85 he shifted to safety for the rest of his career. he is still the greatest imho in part because players were more likely to let a ball go when they saw him comming in for a hit. intimidation is a factor that can not be measured but is undoubtably important. reed is good, but lott was scary good...... in every way
  11. and 06 and 05 and 04 and 03 and the first half of 02 ect ect ect
  12. to answer the topic title.......... 0% he is too valuable to the bills right NOW, when there is no other o-lineman on the team worth close to what they are being paid.
  13. to me, leinart in the nfl is jp losman with a little better short passing game. for what it is i'd have to say the bills made the right call. there are other reasons other than kurt warner as to why leinart is not playing in az right now.
  14. might as well list the bills in the obituary column.........cause this team is dead
  15. so parcels going to 3 superbowls and winning 2 with 1 on a fluke makes him an achiever? how many years did teams coached by him miss the playoffs? jimmy johnson winning a championship with one of the best teams ever makes him an achiever? what did he do in miami? bellicheat "possibly" cheating to win his rings makes him an achiever? what did he do in cleveland before he bought a camcorder? your arguement doesnt hold water
  16. i can see the comparison. bengals had a good coach in the 80's with wyche, the bills had a good coach at the time in levy/phillips. when those coaches were replaced, both teams brought in enept useless coaches....bungles had david shula, followed by bruce coslet and dick lebeau. the bills had greg williams followed by meathead marlarky. the bungles now have marvin lewis who was suppost to be a good coach and bring the team back to a respectful level, and he did do that if only for one season. the bills have dick whom make us sick with poor clock management, horrible play calls, and is too soft on the players. so to recap, both teams have had former head coaches who proved to suck, both teams have hired offensive and defensive cordinators with no head coaching history, and both teams had a couple of dick's as coaches. the bungles were the laughing stock of the league for over 10 years, and as luck would have it, ralph wilson has had success in turning the bills into the same. fire everyone!!!!!! save for bobby april
  17. it has got to be the 7-9 when i factor in the 5-1 start. 11-5 is a great season by anybody's standards. 7-9 after 5-1 if down right sorry and falls on the coaching and player's equal inability to prepare and perform
  18. as long as we could have a legit chance to be competative and make the playoffs every season, i'd wait 14 years, it's already been 10 since the last time we sniffed the post season
  19. underachieved? what qb has he ever had before big ben? neil odonnell? bubby brister?, slash stewart? and still had a good offense underachieved? the guy ran a smash mouth offense which at times has been unstoppable with barry freakin foster among others, underachieved? his defenses have always been highly regarded- cant make a comment here as pitts d has always had solid players underachieved? the guy went to 2 superbowls and 6 afc championships, and made the playoffs just about every year. what other available coach can say that? if thats underachieving, i'd like to see what you call a good coach who holds up to your standards
  20. well, you know brilliant minds think alike......
  21. pooj, i think the yanks believe the average fan for them is the person who watches the games at home and buys their hats, jerseys, ect. the above average fan is the person who does all the above and goes to games. the high end fan is the person who could care less about them winning or losing, wears a suit to the game, and pays hundreds of thousands per year to go to the stadium for the games and barely watches the team on the field.
  22. on the positive side, sports teams are like the titanic. when the ship starts to sink, the rich are the first to get off the boat.
  23. their are some things in this world that are recession proof, and the yanks are one of them. now if there is a depression, all bets are off
  24. i got to watch my kids open all thier stuff with big smiles on their faces and excitement in the air.......... for me, thats the best gift. it might sound corny to others, but i dont care
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