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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. they never actually said harvey two-face was dead. they said harvey dent is dead.
  2. There's a shadow just behind me, shrouding every step I take, making every promise empty, pointing every finger at me. Waiting like a stalking butler who upon the finger rests. Murder now the path called must we just before the son has come. Jesus, won't you f#cking whistle something but the past and done? Jesus, won't you f#cking whistle Something but the past and done? Why can't we not be sober? I just want to start this over. Why can't we drink forever. I just want to start this over. I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile. I will only complicate you. Trust in me and fall as well. I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave, I will work to elevate you just enough to bring you down. Mother Mary won't you whisper something but the past and done. Mother Mary won't you whisper something but the past and done. Why can't we not be sober? I just want to start this over. Why can't we sleep forever. I just want to start this over. I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile. I will only complicate you. Trust in me and fall as well. I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave, Trust me. Trust me. Trust me. Trust me. Trust Me. Why can't we not be sober? I just want to start this over. Why can't we sleep forever. I just want to start this over. I want what I want. I want what I want. I want what I want. I want what I want. Tool Sober one of my top 5 all time
  3. johnny depp would make a great riddler or mad hatter. i think the riddler could be sweet if they made him a genius psychopathic killer. i guess what i mean is he would need to be a serial killer or something similar killing people ala saw 1 or seven, but leaving riddles for batman & police as to where the victim can be found/saved. just as long as it is no where close to jim carey's gay version. oh, and no question marks all over the damn place.
  4. this applies to every losman vs edwards thread losman vs edwards
  5. cris friggin carter!!!!!!!! cris friggin carter?????? cris friggin carter#$#$%^% one damn year of being eligable and they make a big deal about cris carter????? please.....
  6. pappacino's is owned by family on my wife's side. so to stay neutral i wont comment on them, but, bella(south park ave 10 minutes from stadium), blasdell(south park ave 10 min from stadium), and molino's(union rd 5 min from stadium) are pretty good nino's is good also, but i dont care for the blue cheese
  7. hbo real sports had an episode about josh hamilton about a year or two ago...... if you can find it, watch it........gives you the complete picture on what a waste case this guy was, and it's amazing where he is now.
  8. i'm guessing you told him fast times due to phoebe being topless, but i think d & c is a better movie
  9. i guess expansion team is a bad term. i should have said cleveland was awarded re-entry to the league by default
  10. true, but the cleveland team was an expansion team by default. the league did not offer a franchise bid to any other cities, just cleveland. this could be our only advantage as it relates to the bills. the owner/investor's location may not be the main issue funding for a stadium could be
  11. nobody has mentioned that seattle is keeping the team name, colors, and history, and david stern already said if the city can come up with funding for a new arena by the end of 2009, seattle will have an nba team again within 5 years. if the bills do leave here, this is the same scenerio i would like to see happen. the nfl did it for cleveland, i'm sure they would do it for buffalo. the only problem here would be the funding deadlines the nfl imposes
  12. from the dmv's web site LICENSE SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION The most common reasons your license may be suspended or revoked due to motor vehicle violations follow. Remember, your license also will be suspended if you do not answer a ticket or pay a fine. An ALJ has the authority to suspend or revoke your license for violations other than those listed. Speeding/Misdemeanors — If you commit three speeding and/or misdemeanor traffic violations within 18 months, your license will be revoked for at least six months. New Driver Probation — You are on license probation for six months after you pass a road test. If you are found guilty of committing any two moving violations during your probation period, your license will be suspended for 60 days. It will also be suspended for 60 days if you are found guilty of committing a single, more serious violation during the probation period, including speeding, tailgating, unauthorized racing, or reckless driving. Points — Most traffic violations carry violation points. The points will be added to your record using the date the violation occurred, not the date you are found guilty. If your violation points in any 18-month period add up to 11 or more, your license may be revoked or suspended following a hearing. The ALJ usually holds the point hearing immediately after you are found guilty of a violation that brings your total to 11 or more points in 18 months. On the following panel is a list of common violations and the number of points for each. Taking a DMV-approved accident prevention course can reduce your point total by up to four points and reduce your auto liability and collision insurance premiums by 10% for three years. Ask for more information at any motor vehicle office. http://www.nydmv.state.ny.us/broch/c49.htm
  13. suspension is pay your fine, do your time, and get your same license back. revoked means you can not have a lic for specified period, and when that period is up, you have to get a permit and do a road test all over again. also, if he was hit with a major violation on his lic due to the hit and run, it can keep him from getting insurance through a major company for up to 5 years. and his rates will be crazy if he goes into the new york state run insurance plan before the five years, ie 3000-8000 per year, maybe higher. i know the guy is rich, but what a waste of money.
  14. i feel your pain john...... my only option is to go reserves and get deployed for 91 days to get the new version
  15. THE HOUSE AND SENATE have both signed off, they have a few thing to hash out, but bush 2 should signoff within 30 days. it would be retro active to 09/12/01
  16. i dont know what took these pinheads in congress so long to change a completely outdated program. i discharged in jan 03, and i will get roughly $1100 per month for school. that should pay about HALF the tutition if i'm lucky. the new bill has up to $90k for any in-state 4yr school tutition and includes additional funds for books and other fees. you can now transfer any unused funds to a spouse or children. great news for anyone who was deployed for more than 90 days to iraq or afganistan, or enlisted after 9/11/01 and served 3yrs w/ honorable discharge.
  17. steve, has gieco ever explained to you how their credit scoring works? on new business? on renewals? credit scoring is completely different from where a customer is slotted in the company. insurance credit scoring for any company predicts the propensity to file a claim. it does not have to be at fault, could be towing for all the score cares, but it's all about propensity. the issue with increased rates comes from the COST of claims processing. geico may review policies insurance scores every 5 years for all i know- because i don't know what interval they do it at, but i guarentee you they do it. check with your underwriting dept. they may or may not be willing to share the info with you. i'm not starting a p!ssing match here, just curious.
  18. really? 100% bs??? tell me why my customers and some of my associates customers through other carriers are having the custumer index change in a negative way for non-chargable claims........ allstate calls it an elite number, but that is not the company i am connected to. i've had customers with 1 comp claim(usually glass) made in the past 5 years see jumps in premium due to this, as have other agents for other companies
  19. all claims hurt your rates now as insurance companies have changed from merit based pricing to credit based pricing. it is not going to impact your rate as drastically as if you rear-ended another car, but it WILL eventually cause a rate adjustment when your policy is re-scored by the insurance co.(usually every annual renewal or every 3rd year renewal depending on the company)
  20. this is crazy. i only hope when my time comes, the honor guard at my last party does the same outstanding job.... honor guard at it's best
  21. re the barry sanders arguement in the title i said that most players are based on timing, not ALL players
  22. what i meant about success are wins/losses that make a player go from average/good to great
  23. who is better? trent or jp, jp or trent, who cares. jp has not had many good/great weapons to use while he was the starter. and you know what, to bad for him. he lost the job and that's that. trent has a good chance to make it as he does have some good/great weapons to work with. good for him. he has the job and thats that. any players success is not solely based on skills, but timing of the players career (imo). would montana have been a hof player without rice, taylor,craig? would kelly have been a hof player without reed, thomas,lofton? would brady be as good as he is without the video camera? success in any sport is all timing. jp may have had a better career if he would have stayed in school and come out a year later. maybe with the weapons kelly had, vince ferragamo would have had a hof career(doubtful) too many people are still cought up in jp vs trent, trent vs jp and i cant understand why. the bills are quietly building a solid team at the perfect time. the pats* are getting to be very old, and i think it's only a matter of time before their older players start to break down, and their video camera has already run out of tape. the fish are in total chaos, and i feel this is the team tuna can not turn around. the jets are hit or miss every year for the last 5 or so seasons. not very consistant. i was a jp supporter, but have come to realize his timing may not have been right. trent's may be. too bad for one, good for the other, and if it works out, it'll be great for bills fans, if not, so be it
  24. that very well could be the case as willis is concerned, but i'm guessing the team had to be telling players under contract for the last 3 or so years to avoid any felony charges at all costs as they would not be allowed into canada
  25. just a thought, but could willis and marv have known years ago what the bills long term plan was as it relates to toronto. willis may have dropped a hint to the fans in the porn interview he was burned for. marv was always talking about "high character guys" as the type of players buffalo wanted and needed. could this be so that none of the bills players would be turned away by customs at the boarder or airport and denied entry to canada? seems to me they both knew of the toronto plan but maybe were not allowed to openly speak about it
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