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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. belicheat may have teams phones tapped and already knows who is going to be cut
  2. i forgot about him. add him to the list with berman,jackson,jaws. i like schlereth because he's not a ballwasher like most others on espn. he was one of the first to publicly call out favre for holding the nfl season hostage
  3. for your first point, sorry if i implied it was the sponsors talking as i was referring to the talking heads. second point, i read somewhere that the iggles had sent a letters out to all sponsors as it relates to vick third, you'd have to be a fool to give up tix because of a player who'll be there for at most 2 years
  4. who on espn is consistantly good enough for nfl network to want them besides berman, jackson and jaws?
  5. ever taste coffee through your nose...... i just did. i have a buddy that loves the iggles and he's not the brightest star in the sky.
  6. teddy b can now return to his proper position at the right hand of zeus. really, he is/was the most overhyped and overrated linebacker since the boz.
  7. shefter is probably the most reliable person when it comes to "unofficial" news he must have been very smart and very careful to not burn bridges upon leaving nfl network to still get the scoop on everyone on most things football.
  8. damn canadians!
  9. thanks. i was hoping that it would show how many teams had picks miss all of camp
  10. better watch out.......that will be the next rage. bluetooth speakers for your ipod installed in your ear lobes.
  11. even more interesting is that he is the first bills player since the current free agency system started in 93 to miss all of camp due to holdout. i'd like to see others teams draft holdout records to compare
  12. at that point, you are better off getting your ears clipped like a dog and having the lobe somewhat reshaped
  13. dean, that's not fabrication, thats called a bad marriage
  14. that seems to happen alot around here
  15. and the beat goes on......
  16. i have one on my chest that is at most about a quarter inch above the nip. the one on my right arm goes from just above the short sleeve line to just below the neck line of t-shirts
  17. there was a report on dateline a few years ago that actually followed a "bum" from his $400,000 home in the morning to his corner post and back. they had hidden cameras watching him, and it was kind of strange to see a guy that seemed to be that well off beg for a dollar. if i remember correctly, the "bum" stated he made over $100,000 per year doing this
  18. all the talk of sponsors pulling out when the vick guessing game was going on now seems to be smoke: http://www.delawareonline.com/article/2009...--just-not-Vick
  19. funny thing is that i work in the INSURANCE indusrty and my comments are not off base due to MY expierences.
  20. too young to care right now as i have 5 to 10 yrs before i get my butt invaded, but from the elders i know, they all say nothing is more important than getting the ol' poop shoot checked out. good luck
  21. it's big brothers business because what they are seeking has a social impact. medical care costs, the cost of processing claims, and the cost of insurance are a joke right now. so if these health insurers are spending money the way aig did/does, and they continue to raise rates or only make coverage affordable with insanely high deductibles, they should be investigated.
  22. yeah, but the screen printed replicas do not have the elastic sleeves and the replithentic sewn on jerseys do not either.
  23. i dont want to order a jersey that looks like a screen printed jersey with sewn on numbers. thanks for answering!
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