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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. remember when community policing was done by the community and not the police. i remember being hit with brooms by the old polack women when i was younger and got stupid in the neighborhood. if the broom didnt solve my stupidity, the neighbor would go rat me out to my dad, and a beating would follow. that stuff doesnt happen any more for the most part, and i think thats 3/4 the problem with kids today..... no fear of their parents. mothers try to be friends to their daughters and fathers try to be friends to their sons. i tell my kids all the time....... i'm not here to be your friend........i here to raise you right......... i'm not saying we should go out to walmart and look for 2yr olds to smack up as that is overboard. 2yrs olds dont know right from wrong, so smacking them does no good. but when you are old enough to know you are being a dumbass, a beating here and there might do you good. (by beatings, i mean some old style discipline like a spanking)
  2. i really think jerry jones doesn't care, because he'll still own one of the most valuable sports franchises in north america. so while "poor" teams like buffalo and jacksonville struggle to compete or flat out fail, he for sure wont lose any sleep over it. he probably looks at it like "i can't make MY omlette without breaking and scrambling a few eggs"
  3. wtf are you talking about? ralph is only in his 90's
  4. how can it get worse than the first team offense not scoring a point dating back to last season?
  5. AVP will do just fine. heck, it cant possible get any worse than it was for the last 6 weeks
  6. say what you will, but avp knows football and has been around great players and coaches(present coaches excluded) dont be suprised to see buffalo's new oc get tons of lip service after the monday night game against the pats* i think we'll all be pleasantly suprised with avp's ability to call a game
  7. it wouldnt suprise me as the pats* secondary looks horrid. like a piece of rotten swiss cheese, stinky with holes everywhere. this game could be high scoring if checkwards can get the ball to owens and evans more than he even tried to in this dismal preseason.
  8. how bout buck naked? or ballz diep?
  9. dumb and dumber i think it reflects what most think of dick and turk perfectly.....
  10. i for the most part agree with you, but if a hit is illegal, and someone performs said hit, it is a cheap shot, whether intentional or not.
  11. favre has always been a blocking qb......go back and watch some tape of him. i remember him throwing more than a few big blocks in his day. there's no excuse for what he did.
  12. horrible. my inlaws have an inground pool with gates and a fence that keep the kids away, and i still get freaked out when i'm sitting there and my 1yr old is playing. too easy for something bad to happen
  13. yep, a 15+yr veteran player who doesnt know better. right........
  14. this favre block is more a case of do as i say and not as i do. if qb's cant be hit in the knees ala the brady rule, they should not ever go low on other players
  15. above ground is way cheaper, and when you are ready to sell, the buyer can easily remove it if they are not a fan
  16. it appears favre can do no wrong in the media for the most partand most are stating he will help lead the vikings to the promised land, so should we consider him jesus or moses?
  17. value all depends on if the pool takes up the entire yard, or if there is plenty of space after the pool is installed. alot of people would rather have a yard than a pool
  18. sorry, but when my grandparents with my 2yr old father and his 4 yr old brother had to flee poland due to german and soviet invasions/control to avoid possible death, there's nothing funny about it- at least to me. what i posted was just a bit of edu-ma-cation for everyone....
  19. Civilian losses due to German invasion of Poland: The Polish September Campaign was an instance of total war. Consequently, civilian casualties were high during and after combat. From the start, the Luftwaffe attacked civilian targets and columns of refugees along the roads to wreak havoc, disrupt communications and target Polish morale. Apart from the victims of the battles, the German forces (both SS and the regular Wehrmacht) are credited with the mass murder of several thousands of Polish POWs and civilians. Also, during Operation Tannenberg, nearly 20,000 Poles were shot at 760 mass execution sites by special units, the Einsatzgruppen, in addition to regular Wehrmacht, SS and Selbstschutz. Altogether, the civilian losses of Polish population amounted to about 150,000–200,000 while German civilian losses amounted to roughly 3,250 (including 2,000 who died fighting Polish troops as members of a fifth column). real funny........
  20. what about rex ryan's balls...... wont greenie be juggling those while sitting on the said sanchez apparatus?
  21. and on the 7th day he rest.................
  22. T.O. is no bret favre............ owens actually produces on the field. i think it's no big deal as T.O. gives 110% on game day
  23. yeah, after sleeping it off his first thought must have been; she drove herself off the dike bridge......... from the passenger seat.
  24. only the people who know how to buy a car
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