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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. awesome!!!!
  2. to the bills credit, they did try to get tony gonzalez last year while the team was still red hot and he did not want to come here. it's not they they didn't try, it just didn't work out in our favor(as usual)
  3. i dont get it tim. how did T.O. "attack" harrison. harrison called him a clown and said T.O is more concerned with his own stats than the team's success. T.O. refreshed the FACT that harrison was suspended for cheating. so because harrison is retired now and does a football show he should be able to say what he wants about anything, but not have anything said in return? and if harrison did still play, would that matter? espically if it's T.O. making the comments? as i'm sure you remember, jim(chris) everett actually attacked jim rome for spouting off and there were alot of people happy(although that may be a strong word) about that. not trying to argue your point, just showing the double standard
  4. yeah, when you call a cheater a cheater(rodney harrison), it's not trash talking...... it's telling the truth
  5. exactly right. not quite THAT bad. the bills are only wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars and a 3rd round pick on trent where they wasted multiple millions and a 1st (who turned out to be fred taylor) and 4th round draft picks on johnson. SHOW EM' THE BIG ONE ROB!
  6. not true.......bickering bills ring a bell?
  7. i always enjoy your input Tim. can you answer a few points i make on your post:
  8. deliverance: squeel like a pig! that is creepy. poor ned betty
  9. we are back to the jp effect. this team does not trust it's qb to get the job done- key words from van pelt are "TRY TO THROW IT". THEN AGAIN, MAYBE I'M READING TOO MUCH INTO IT?
  10. i believe the most horrible part of all this is that more and more in sports, opinions are being passed off as news and its scary. imho thats what ruined world news, and its ugly head has been creeping into sport reporting more and more
  11. exactly. the press has the right to print/say whatever they want, they do not have the right to make a person talk. and i think its pretty low when the press turns on a person for not talking. that IS the press creating news instead of reporting the news.
  12. rather than badger T.O. about things out of HIS control, the media as a whole should be asking trent why he is not getting the ball downfield. i'd be more interested in that response.
  14. Injuries have always been an excuse since jauron got here. look at the weekly injury report: Dick Jauron; questionable; brain damage,lack of testicular fortitude
  15. wrong..... if you are picking up someone at an airport, you need to have their name. otherwise anyone could get a free ride
  16. who is wayne GRETSKY? is he some unknown player from 1985? i'd take wayne gretzky, but no way do i want wayne gretsky on the sabres. no one has ever heard of that bum
  17. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=97227 this thread explains them all
  18. you've heard of restraunts with make your own pizza, well....... this is a liqour store with make your own drive-thru
  19. same junk ran through my house last week. everyone got sick....... i felt like death was sitting next to me. hot,cold,cold,hot. all better now. the worst only lasted 3 days tea and soup are your friends get well!
  20. what players have proved anything other than maybe fred jackson and the run blocking of the o-line for the first 2 games? qb has proved he is either scared to or can not thrown downfield. wr's have proved they can not combine for 10 catches a game. o-line has proved they have trouble pass bolcking. db's have proved that they play 7-10 yrds off recievers almost every down. d-line has proved the no huddle does not work for them as they tire in the second half. lb's have proved to suck in pass coverage. special teams proved to have lost that magic touch. wait, this team has proved alot....... chicken little told me yesterday "the sky is falling in buffalo!"
  21. unless you like to poop fire, stay away from blazin' anything. i like the mango habenero sauce. i do get blazin's from time to time. i usually go to B3's for boneless wings, as i can get better chicken wings from bar-bill's in east aurora, although wildwings chicken wings are not bad, they are not the best
  22. T.O.'s actual tweet: "I could less about Rodney Harrison! Anybody tht using steroids, yes STEROIDS rodney, is a cheater & cheated the game! ... Is tht Y u used steroids b/c u were worried about ur stats or ws it b/c u were losing it? Lol! U're a loser & a cheater? Got any steroid ... Hey rodney! Send me sum steroids 2 the Bills facility next week!" harrison is an a** clown and a dirty player. always has been, always will be
  23. really interesting, plus the show includes history lessons each week.
  24. evans being under contract is a reason for him not to get in a tizzy. he gets his millions next year no matter how sad the offense is. players in the last year of their contracts will be the ones to lose it..... it's comming from T.O., just a matter of time
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