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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. i think the big heart the guy has should be remembered more so that his fsu stuff: http://jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/...f_6895455.shtml
  2. he also had only 1 good season..... just saying.........
  3. special teams went down the drain when stamer left......
  4. how about a tennis court(works best so you dont have to chase the ball/puck), or basketball court at playgrounds? how many pickup game of football or baseball games are played on REAL field?
  5. no way. too much history in afc east.
  6. this is just downright wrong...... brandon has a correspondance course degree, not an online degree
  7. maybe kelly is putting a hit out on jauron and wilson through the irish mob?
  8. if there was a rally outside the ralph to fire jauron on a non game day, and 70,000 people showed up we might get something done. we as fans can cause a ruckus that will force ralph to do something
  9. could it be because they ARE the same exact player
  10. can't agree here. playing a street hockey pickup game costs about the same or less than a pickup game of baseball, as costs relate player for player. now ice hockey may be somewhat elitist, but street hockey, no way
  11. yeah, lemieux got to buy the pens because the team deferred so much money they owed him that, if i remember correctly, he had one of the largest claims against the team in bankruptcy court. unless kelly had some hidden ownership clause in his contract that nobody ever knew about, it will not be that easy. EDIT: bmwolf21 beat me to it
  13. whoops, typed an "L" in the wrong place........ good burn though
  14. its not the first time thurman has said this publicaly.
  15. the problem is not the owner, it's the fans. if there was a rally outside the ralph to fire jauron on a non game day, and 70,000 people showed up we might get something done. with ralph, you get what you get, it has never and will never change with HIM. the guy is 90+ yrs old and in his case, you cant teach an old dog new tricks. we as fans can cause a ruckus that will force ralph to do something
  16. you lost me right here. you were not even wiping your own butt during the glory years............. and you can remember playing catch when you were 3 yrs old and something your father told you? just bustin your chops
  17. come on jim, you cant watch hockey with your eyes closed.
  18. far towards the bottom? the running game is the only thing that consistently performs on either side of the ball
  19. there was a ton of discussion here over the last 3 weeks about lynch vs jackson. have you changed your mind? if so why? if not why? i still say as i have since early last year jackson is the best option for the bills as he is a way more dynamic player
  20. :censored: out-freaking-standing
  21. Strike a pose..... trent thinking to himself, "i wonder if i look hot in pink?"
  22. modrak, guy, brandon, jauron, none are doing what they are paid for. get rid of all of them together. you do not have to blow up a team to start over. you CAN blow up leadership and get the same effect
  23. i'm calling b.s. here. if you went back and looked at trent's games as you said you did, you would have seen that even before the concussion he was the same exact thing we are getting now. only big difference is that his first bunch of starts, opposing teams didnt have all that much tape on him to gameplan for his style of play, so his short pass high percentage game made us think he was great. fast forward to 2009, tons of tape on the guy and he is showing his true colors. we all bought the b.s. when bledsoe got here. we drank the koolaid with losman. now everyone is jumping off capt checkdown's wagon while the wheels are falling off and for good reason, just as the other two showed in buffalo, none of the 3 have it.
  24. harrison was implicated in the shooting death of a person. yet you hear more about t.o's attitude. rice complained and pouted alot while in oakland and seattle- got a pass though because it was jerry rice.
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