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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. woohoo! at least the defense has looked good for the last bunch of games
  2. lynch sucks...... put jackson in
  3. randell "pink" floyd wont conform hazing is fun for seniors to perform on freshmen parties and a fight in the woods lots of pot is smoked, alcohol drank, drugs done shows what really happens in high school great soundtrack next up: charlie and the chocolate factory (remember this is not the johnny depp willy wonka version)
  4. jake plummer........ enough said
  5. 2.9 per dance....... out-freaking-standing
  6. yeah, but quoting out of context is fun
  7. i'm wayne brady beeootch!
  8. just remember bill, people used to think the the sun revolved around the earth, and that the world was flat too. they were also proved wrong.........
  9. edwards sucks, end of story with him. fitzpatrick sucks, end of story with him. the future is not now, bright, or even encouraging for the bills. back to the drawing board. one day we will see the next comming of the great one. it is written........
  10. you cant fairly compare 2pac and biggie, or death row and badboy. here's why: 2pac was known as more of a social issue rapper. songs like brenda's got a baby, keep your head up, letter to the president, ect were all making a statement about how he saw the world around him. now i'm not saying the guy didnt make party songs and some "gangsta shizzle", but pac's most important contribution to music was calling it how he seen it on social issues. now biggie was a story teller. songs like warning, suicidal thoughts, who shot ya, i got a story to tell, ect. the guy was great at painting a picture with words. and never once can i remember big ever making a song relevant to social issues. so the two can't be compared the way i see it. way too different in styles, flow, and delievery. as for death row and bad boy, death row was straight gangsta having limited radio play with the exception of dre, snoop, and later pac, while bad boy was more rap-pop and party music and had tons of radio play with biggie, ma$e, the lox, 112, craig mack,puff daddy, p diddy, diddy, sean combs, or what ever the hell the guy calls himself now.
  11. i saw fine throw punches on the replay and there were TWO JETS throwing back at him. the player that cought him in the eye was not the guy that was ejected
  12. imho, flutie was better than johnson. flutie had a 20 yr pro career and went on to start for another team while rob after leaving buffalo, rode the pine for the rest of his career as a backup. i see alot of gal gilbert in both edwards AND fitzpatrick. career backup material.
  13. maybe bill walsh and marv both had senior moments and were talking about the wrong ivy league qb?
  14. it was enough of a non bobble to have the ball start to slide up his chest. overturning the call was right
  15. first of all, i don't think marshawn and barry sanders should be mentioned in the same breath, especially when trying to defend a stance on marshawn's game. barry sanders is possibly the G.O.A.T. and marshawn is a multiple time crime offender. second, the pro bowl doesn't mean a thing. hasn't for a long time. now you might have an ax to grind had lynch made ALL-PRO, but there are many players that have made the pro bowl and not deserved it due to fan voting. the pro bowl has no credibility.
  16. jackson is still the better OVERALL back and should be starting. marshawn will start dancing behind the line again tomorrow. write it down now.......oh wait, i just did
  17. that game, even more than tecmo super bowl was what set the standard in sports games. i used to love climbing the outfield wall to attempt a catch only to see my player spill over the wall. the stats were amazing for, what was it? 1989? create a player, earning money to power up- in other words a salary cap,ect. awesome game- i wish i could buy it today(i could get it with an emulator)
  18. if you have a "natural bias" against any group different from you, you are a jerkoff and usually will act like a jerkoff
  19. you've got a friend in me......... or for the spanish speaking buzz lightyears out there, usted tiene un amigo en mí
  20. totally disagree. not ALL !@#$ING PEOPLE act like jerkoffs when it comes to people that are different from them.
  21. my favorite part, Shopper Candace Jordan said she told Brown she didn't need clothes, she needed help paying her rent. "And she said, 'How much is it?"' Jordan told WBNS-TV. "And she promptly wrote out a check what in the holy hell are you doing shopping for clothes when you cant pay your rent
  22. your name is not terrell owens? is it?
  23. well every pass i've seen leinart throw long in the pros looked like crap. and 99% of trent's long passes look like crap
  24. great! lets get rid of one noodle armed qb for another
  25. yep.....it's his job to make garbage out to be art.
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