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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. yeah, you have a better chance at winning the lottery than you do getting "rich" off iraqi money http://www.iraqidinar.org/
  2. tell that to steve young, his superbowl ring and his bust in canton. or maybe john elway?
  3. are there invisible words in my post? where did i say i was or was not defending vick? way to TRY to put words in my mouth.........
  4. roscoe parrish- arrested for DUI ko simpson- arrested for hindering a police investigation marshawn lynch- arrested for hit and run marchawn lynch arrested for possession of weapon donte whitner- arrested for aggravated disorderly conduct and resisting arrest travis henry- while in buffalo- arrested for attempted sexual misconduct for trying to have sexual contact with a 15yr old girl anthony hargrove- Arrested for resisting arrest, harassment & criminal mischief after allegedly striking a police officer outside a nightclub rodney wright- Arrested on four charges, including driving while intoxicated after he was involved in a three-car accident in a suburb of Buffalo. charles rogers- Arrested in the parking lot of a New Jersey go-go bar and charged with committing aggravated assault, making terroristic threats, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. sheldon jackson- Arrested on misdemeanor charges of driving with a suspended license and marijuana possession now, i'm not trying to make light of what vick did. but bills fans have been rooting for criminals for years. including a child molester.(travis henry) and you guys still rooted for them........ players who commited crimes against people and children but some poeple will not give vick a chance because he did horrible, horrible things to animals? wtf is wrong with society these days that crimes against animals take precedence over crimes against people? again, I in no way think what vick did should be accepted by any means. i'm just stating that everyone that is a bills fan have been rooting for people that in my view have done worse.
  5. it wasnt all that long ago that the bills were 3-13 and the following season, they had no problem selling tickets........
  6. i use the drag method. put the wing into your mouth and bite down. drag it out. if you miss some meat, bite the joint apart and dig in. works for drumsticks too. this also allows you to keep one hand clean
  7. why football? wouldnt basketball be a better choice?
  8. nice ali g impersonation.
  9. not our fault we got to stay in shangri la while army and marines were in roach motels
  10. after 9/11 i pulled sp duty at offutt, afb nebraska and when we carried side arms(beretta 9mm) we HAD to chamber a round before exiting the cop shop, clip in then slide forward. m-16's were bolt forward then magazine in wasn't my regular afsc,mos, or whatever you'd want to call it, but did enough time to work the gates of the base, a few ride around's off base housing, and flight line duty. gates and ride arounds were both m-16 and beretta. flight line was m-16 olny. about 5 months.
  11. well, MPs with side arms do keep a round chambered. MPs with m-16s simply have a full clip loaded after the bolt is forward, which means no round chambered without effort.
  12. great..... a group of US service members are killed or injured on American soil by multiple gunmen and you guys are going on about gun rights? bunch of richard craniums around here......
  13. while you make some great points, the most important thing to remember is that brett favre is not bigger than the game or the team. he's is paid well to play qb, not be a coach or gm. so what bret wanted doesnt matter. brett screwed brett. brett screwed the packers, brett screwed green bay, and brett screwed the game.
  14. did that announcer just say "i love dick" ?????
  15. san jose, if mcgee returns that kick its 6 points
  16. nice wack by harris
  17. regular tackles normally do not make highlight films
  18. very possible it's an ipod or even earplugs to muffle crowd noise. i'm sure its not good to be exposed to that loud noise after a concussion
  19. 3rd and 7 and no 3yrd dump off? what gives
  20. why do the bills still have jackson returning kicks? put mcgee back there already
  21. byrd gets a 3rd today, you'll hear someone on espn or nfln mention his name as mvp
  22. holy freaking shizle!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. so did the bills drop the no huddle offense for the 3 and out offense?
  24. might look slow, but he still moves forward, not side to side
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