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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. you can call the bridge authority for wny crossing wait times. updates every 30 min. covers rainbow, peace, queenston/lewiston. 1-800-715-6722 back when i drove limo, i used this number often when taking clients to the canadian ballet, or casinos.
  2. dont forget about his great performance in dick tracy as mumbles
  3. i myself like boxer-briefs
  4. Comedy: meet the parents Horror: house of 1000 corpses and the devil's rejects Romantic Comedy: juno Superhero Movie: the dark knight Action Movie: blackhawk down Documentary: march of the penguins Animated: shrek Drama: almost famous Best Overall: tie- the departed and no country for old men Biggest Disappointment: hulk -2003 non edward norton version
  5. to quote sonny from a bronx tale: "nothin' worse than wasted talent" rip chris henry
  6. very true about flair and his fans...... i ran into him in a hotel bar a few years ago(he did have a woman on his arm) and had a funny conversation with him about the sabres/canes conference final. lasted about 30 min easily. nice guy! to brother naitch
  7. oh boy! an underachieving, over paid pro football player has harsh things to say about another player? wow, now i've seen everything!
  8. he he.... HEENAN: HAM AND EGGERS! and HUMANOIDS! MONSOON: WILL YOU STOP! classic stuff
  9. you know whats missing today from the good old days......... managers. none better than bobby heenan. you had jimmy hart, mr fuji, classy freddie blassie, sherrie martel,ect, and they all helped to get the story in the ring across to people watching. i miss the managers!
  10. how about how it looked like he was running in slow motion at the end of the play........... if you rewind the play. description is right on in my opinion
  11. i for the life of me can not understand why alot of posters keep saying jackson is old or will only be around for a few more years. the guy does not have the normal wear and tear that running backs that entered the nfl at age 22-23 have at 29. why is that so hard to get? everybody talks about jackson like he's been in the nfl for 7 years. i dont think we can fairly compare jackson's wear to a typical nfl runningback
  12. yep, it's the bills and browns fault. not the fact kc has also like the bills turned into a joke over the past 10 years.
  13. in the usaf we used intellicast. i swear by their stuff
  14. i'll play....... why is he always injured? because mcgee(i think it was mcgee) broke his arm with his helmet in his rookie year. then, the doctors that repaired the arm came out and said they did it incorrectly, leading to the broken bone this year. that is why he seems to "always be injured"---- nothing poz could do to prevent it
  15. wow, did everyone forget the guy is playing with a bum arm?
  16. POZ escapes clean with me cause' he's a fellow polack. and that's the ONLY reason
  17. Some random thoughts: the season was over before it started with untricky dick at the helm. 95% of this team sucks. end of transmission.......
  18. great googley moogley!!!!!!! brees and losman were drafted in the same year?????? have i been in a coma?
  19. agreed......time for a REVOLUTION.........
  20. easy answer to the bolded question. higher household penetration rate which leads to higher ratings, which in turn leads to higher cost to businesses for commercials to advertise their product. everyone with a tv has access to abc, nbc, cbs and fox. with or without cable,sat, fios,ect.
  21. i dont know how many of you guys and gals have tried this irish whiskey, but it's great. my brother in law brought a bottle up to our hunting camp for me to try. i normally hate whiskey, as i prefer a good tequila, but this knot stuff is breasts. 100 proof and no hard after taste like jd or beam, and it goes down easy. it has a little sugary taste at the start. we hunt on the pa border and after talking to the owner of a bar we hit up there, he told us they can not get this stuff in pa. if you like whiskey and have not tried the knot, do it. if you dont prefer whiskey like me, try it anyways. i think you'll be surprised.
  22. i think you may be mis-remembering(is that a word?) anyways, if i recall, when ruff's first deal was up he may have said if my EXTENSION is not completed by such and such a date, i'm done
  23. ruff was 4-7-2 in his first month. thats not all that bad for a first time head coach looking back on it now. especially with the problems in the lockerroom he had to deal with- (hasek the headcase, ect)
  24. i dont remember it being that way. i dont believe ruff was hired as a temp replacement. nor can i find any references to lindy's hiring being "interm" or temporary for that matter. what i do remember is thinking wtf are the sabres doing not resigning a proven good coach and going with an unproven guy. turns out they made the right decision......
  25. sure, it has risen 45% from what. are you adjusting for inflation? are you adjusting for the loss in value of the dollar?
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