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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. what kind of logic is that?
  2. http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&c...%2F6796309.html
  3. dont you pay state income tax to your state of residence? i'm sure cowher is not going to make buffalo his residence if he comes here
  4. how can they be "ONE SHOT WONDERS" when they succeed where ever they go? or am i misunderstanding?
  5. that's an even better question....... us polacks need to stick together.....
  6. how do you give defensive mvp to wilson over byrd? please explain......
  7. cowher and the bills may be talking today: http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/Report...-Bills-job.html
  8. byrd and the secondary seem to be good kyle williams played out of his mind this year- hope he can carry it to next year fred jackson emerges as the #1 runningback on the team we found out trent edwards is not the answer at qb before it was too late(no contract extension) the biggest upside is that the misery, err season ends next week
  9. it may also interest you to look at audio/video receivers that have at least 4 hdmi inputs makes connecting the system less of a spaghetti mess. also, there are audio/video recievers that upconvert the picture if your hdtv does not. i have a new model sharp aquos that does not upconvert, but is a true hdtv with 1080p, 120hz, 4ms response time.... go figure
  10. sds, you'd be suprised how many people we had claiming no physical damage to their home but filing for spoiled food after the october storm. i think the local news telling everyone they could file a claim for spoilage cause a mad rush to grab money. what the news did not tell them is the impact the se small claims could possible have...
  11. YES!!!! get it all out. thats what the airing of grievances is all about!
  12. now if we can get kelsey, mitchell, & whitner to follow suit, we'll be getting somewhere........
  13. sounds like mike cejka's wife was riding someone else's hog.........
  14. the issue is not so much 1 claim, as this article states, but the propensity for multiple claims. insurance companies risk models take into consideration that the average homeowner files a claim every 10 to 15 years. and the first occurance of a claim, whether covered or not increases the propensity to file another......... or so the statistics show........
  15. thats the rub with insurance. although the company didnt pay out, they may be rating for a claim made which caused the increase. any claims on record not wheather related will make it hard for you to shop.
  16. well, although you believe the value of your home decreased, the cost of rebuilding your home probably increased. furthermore, check your deductible. if you carry a 250 or 500 ded and have had no claims in the last 5 years, you are throwing away money. increase it to 1000 to see an average savings of about $125 per year. your agent or broker should be talking to you about this. most of the policies i sell and service (at least 90-95%) got decent decreases in premium this year. and they are going to see another decrease in 2010. anything below $500.00 a year for homeowners premium is usually good price as long as it gives you at least 300k liability, 5000 medical payments to others and replacement cost on the dwelling and contents. most of mine come in at $350-500.
  17. my favorite song for the season is........ merry mutha !@#$in christmas by eazy-e great song.
  18. right. and if collins didnt have to live up to kelly, if hobert studied his playbook, if flutie didnt get pulled going into the titans playoff game, if johnson performed up to his contract, if bledsoe had more time to throw, if jp was allowed to scramble and use his ability, if trent had a line so he could complete more dump-offs, if fitz was more accurate.......... are you seeing the freaking pattern here? our qb's since kelly have all sucked. end of story. the reason we make excuses for them is because ALL BILLS FANS LONG FOR THE 10-15YR FRANCHISE QB TO LATCH ON TO!
  19. you do know that festivus miracles are not miracles at all. they are just normal everyday occurrances which are proclaimed to be miracles. the bills making the playoffs would be a TRUE miracle
  20. someone wishing us all happy festivus........ it's a festivus miracle!
  21. the ravishing one was great. one of the best played fueds ever was him and jake the snake.....great stuff with the wife on the tights thing ect.... my all time favs in no order post rockers, pre-dx intercontinental champ days hbk mr perfect rvd wcw chris jericho, ralphus need to come back!
  22. i think trent looked good when nobody knew what he was about. bills fans have been waiting for so long to stake their claim to a new franchise qb, that we all bought in to what he had going in one way or another. he has since been figured out by the league and has shown he sucks. trent, jp and billie joe hobert all got what they deserved. back to the drawing board.........
  23. as far as no big names, while hart was champ(multiple times), all of the following were at one time or another in wwf hbk undertaker scott hall kevin nash hulk hogan lex lugar mr perfect ric flair steve austin the rock mick foley/cactus jack/mankind/dude love and those are just off the top of my head......... so to say wwf didnt have any big names at any point in time is insane while i do think things could have turned out better for wwf and bret hart, everything that happened with the screw job is what helped wwf to put wcw out of business. so i guess vince and hbk were the smarter or luckier of the bunch
  24. sure does show who michaels was...... a company guy willing to do anything to protect where he works. shows who mcmahon was too...... a company owner looking to protect the business he built. when all this went down, wwf was on the verge of bankruptcy and bret hart knew that when vinny mac asked him to defer some of the contract he signed just months ealier. and for a guy that never drew in fans the way hogan, austin, the rock, and others did, he should have done whatever reasonable things mcmahon asked him to. which includes dropping the strap. creative control for a character does not include creative control for an entire company
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