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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. sure.... YOU were the ONLY one....
  2. does that make kurt the gate keeper?
  3. i thought i was finally done with dummy blow hard joe when he got axed from mnf. how does this guy get back on the air! he's horrible
  4. yes! this police officer would file a report out of the quest for revenge. this police officer would love to be the laughing stock of NOT ONLY THE BUFFALO POLICE, BUT EVERY POLICE DEPARTMENT IN WESTERN NY this police officer would want to air his dirty laundry out in public, possibly ruining his rep and career come on.......
  5. you had me at "piece of flair" oh, and i'm um...... gonna need you to go ahead and come in on saturday.................AND sunday
  6. A source I spoke with this morning told me that Bill Cowher is “nearly a lock” to coach in the NFL again in 2010. It doesn’t automatically equate to Cowher roaming the sidelines in Orchard Park next season. “All my Cowher sources say no way”. The same source said, but also admitted there’s so much conflicting information out there they could be wrong. so Moran's sources have sources, who themselves have sources, that also have sources. please! until a direct named source comes out and makes a comment, and from what i can tell one has(jim kelly as source of logan), the rest of this he said/she said crap needs to stop.
  7. i do believe you've struck oil here. he has the world by the balls and still continues to be a douche.
  8. rich idiots that run down canadians
  9. ahh, but the real question is which style? tiger stripes? digital? team logo?
  10. why the heck would he need to drive drunk and run over Canadians when he's making millions? he could easily afford a cab, limo or rickshaw.... lynch is a douche. good thing freddy proved to everyone he could do the job.
  11. great, and out of the people this genius(schefter) listed, 3 of the 4 that have won superbowls were not drafted in the first round. and of those 3 of the 4 superbowl winning qb's, none would have even had a chance if it wasnt for their teams regular starter going down with injuries. so we would have been saying "kurt who?, brett who, tom who?"
  12. i got a 99 h-d sportster 1200 xlc. why do i like it? custom chameleon flames paint job custom tear drop gas tank custom bob tail fender custom lapera flamed seat custom cyclone 21in front wheel everything on the bike is chromed out. and the biggest reason i like it is that my wife refuses to get on it. extra bit of freedom
  13. wow! crayonz, i thought you were actually going to make sense on this one, until i got to the avoiding drunk canadian broads part. i should have known better. in any matter, well done.
  14. thats the first time ANY free molson shirt actually fit most. i thought those answer honestly era shirts were well done. the twin label shirts were one size fits all, and they barely fit my 10yr old(not that i let my kids wear clothing with beer logos on it)
  15. amen brother! preach on, preach on! now give me that poop-si, but hold the poop
  16. i do know. if it was me, and someone grabbed MY money out of MY hand, and i was not friends with that person, we'd be throwin' down if it wasn't returned on first demand. doesn't matter if the person is the size of roscoe parrish, or bruce smith. point is they would never, ever, eeevvveeerrrr try that on me again. as far as the buffalo police officer, i doubt he'd file a report and put his job at risk if this isn't the way it went down. nys can revoke his police officer certification for false statement. certain people, not just athletes, feel they can do what ever they want. and from what i know, not from what i hear or read, lynch is definitely one of those poeple.
  17. there is no true bills fan in history that would agree it was a lateral........ doesnt matter if it was legal. it will always be an illegal forward pass to me!
  18. been a great week for rehashing old playoff memories for the bills........ illegal throwback, harmon drop, ect
  19. tis a shame as we may never get to hear jr as a head coach go off on a rant about diddley poo and playoffs?,playoffs!,playoffs? are you kiddin me?
  20. not if he already signed with a confidentiality agreement that said signing not be annouced until his season at cbs is over.
  21. lynch is without a doubt a power runner, who can lay a hit on a lb, or db. but the fact he doesnt consistantly hit holes where he should, leads me to believe he would whiff on blocks. but hell, try him out in the preseason and see how it goes......
  22. does that make me first? ssswwwwweeeeeeeeeeeetttttttt!!!!!!
  23. same EXACT info reported multiple times already
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