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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. If you waited 30 minutes to get in, it's your own fault. Some gates had little or no lines all day. If everyone entered the gate near their section, it wouldn't be a problem
  2. has it ever been mentioned if the Toronto series could have been postponed to make it possible for another sports league team owner to buy the bills without violating any ownership rules? using pegula as the example, would the NHL have issue with the Toronto series as it is the leafs' market? like how the nfl has the rule that you can own a team from a different league as long as it plays in the same market or there is no nfl team in the market area for the non nfl team. does the NHL have similar rules? does this factor in with the Toronto series being put on hold?
  3. With all the recent arrests of pros from any sport, players need to realize they are not the untouchable giants of yesterday. Dwi's, weapon possession, domestic violence, etc. its not being tolerated by law enforcement any more just because you play or played for the home team. I like it. Rookie wr Blackmon from the jags just got a dui in Oklahoma no less.
  4. Why all the excitement for this guy? I'd want a backup that plays similar to the starter. When u have a guy like vince young your offense has to make too many adjustments when he's in. Think tebow or vick. Those adjustments make it harder to run the offense for all involved. Give me a pocket passer for a backup. That way the line, receivers, and rbs don't have to adjust to a running qb. If we had signed vick, then young or tebow would have been good backup options as they are running qbs
  5. Where is Kelly and Thurman with all this? Did buddy cut them off?
  6. Plane is for meetchum not Williams Chan is on the plane Per John egghead clayton
  7. Texans owner just stated they will make push to resign Williams. Could be trying to keep fans content about "trying" to keep him, or could be serious
  8. Were Rowdy Roddy Piper and Jimmy Superfly Snuka in the area? Wrestlemania is in a few weeks.......
  9. If you are a state c.o. you are not the lowest paid. And please inform me as to which law enforcement agencies in wny received 7%raises.
  10. The bills of the late 80's and 90's were already playoff teams. They made an afc championship game w/o lofton. He may have helped push them through the ceiling, but this current team is at least 5 players away. Maybe more
  11. wow! the sky is falling chicken little. why dont the bills go out and get a franchise corner after the poor game florance had. to play the giants as close as the bills did with the fitz picks and the interferance penalties on florance is still a good sign to me. fitz is still good enough after 6 weeks in my opinion
  12. i'm sure packers fans were thinking the same thing last year with gb winning 4 games by 7 or less and ALL SIX OF THEIR LOSSES BY 4 OR LESS. how'd that turn out?
  13. so it's the unions that told these banks not to lend to this couple?
  14. i dont think it happens. he just said in the presser he has not thought about the bills. i'm sure somebody in his group or with the team told him the bills question would come up and his answer is "i really have not thought about it". at least tommy g openly stated if the bills were going to leave his interest could increase. seems to me that pegula loves hockey and the sabres which could turn out great for us. i'd rather hold out hope that there is a billion dollar man that feels the same about the bills and would step up when the time comes.
  15. cancer? asswad? the bungles had what the talking heads call a future hof qb going into this season. that hof qb is possibly having his worst season as a pro. the bungles have a great wr team in owens and ocho. yet their offense can not put points on the board. owens didnt have anything to say while in b-lo because there were little to no expectations for the bills. the bungles were expected to at least compete for a wildcard spot and never got anything going. why is there a double standard when it comes to owens? while the bills have sucked over the last 10+ years there has been numorous posts on this board about who on the bills is going to step up, speak out, and be a LEADER. yet when owens does it he's an asswad and a cancer. i dont get it.........
  16. as much as creed disgusts me, they were for a few years the biggest drawing band for concerts and sold the most records in the us. therefore i dont know how they could be underrated. i think they just wore out the whole god rock thing............. deftones. now there is an underrated band
  17. i make beer can chicken often. labatt blue lime is a good choice for beer. pepsi lime was great for a sweet taste. i also usually put a spicy homemade rub on the chicken. just make sure the beer/pop can is not full as it will boil over and make a mess. i usually have the cans half full or a bit less. i just feel the lime flavor sets off the spicy rub. be sure to cook on low heat so the chicken steams slowly from the beer/pop
  18. spiller- the quicker picker upper
  19. i have 4. remington 1187 12 ga semi auto, winchester 20ga, mossberg 12ga pump, browning sweet 16. all used for killing bambi
  20. madden has jumped the shark.....hell jumping the shark has jumped the shark..... ea's nhl series is by far the best sports game going right now. you can add custom songs for team intros, goal celebrations, ect. the gameplay is a+ and they actually make the series better each year with new things, they dont just throw someone new on the game's cover and claim that its better than last years. madden stopped being great when ps2 and xbox faded. its not what it should be on 360 and ps3. i also like how the nhl series gives you all the throwback uni's for all the teams, and does not charge you to get them. i bought that stupid afl pack for madden last year and it was a waste..........
  21. i see myself checking out at about age 75 from a heart attack with a 20-something yr old woman on top of me............. AHHH GET YOUR MINDS OUTTA THE GUTTER! the 20-something yr old woman would be the nurse performing CPR.
  22. the players better start to understand that they are not partners in the league but are employees.
  23. Jets - al toon Patriots - john stephens (if i was forced to wear a pats jersey at gun point) Dolphins - dan marino Bills - billy joe hobert Colts - manning Texans - andre johnson Titans - eddie george Jaguars - fred taylor Chargers - L.T. Raiders - bo jackson Broncos - elway Chiefs - christian okoye Steelers - bubby brister Ravens - deion sanders Browns - bernie kosar Bengals - ickey woods Giants - dave meggett Cowboys - deion sanders Eagles - ron jaworski Redskins - deion sanders Falcons - deion sanders Saints - drew brees Buccaneers - john lynch Panthers - mushin mohamed Rams - grant wistrom 49ers - deion sanders Cardinals - PAT TILLMAN Seahawks - steve largent Packers - don majkowski Bears - walter payton Lions - barry sanders Vikings - herschel walker
  24. i was just hired to a civil service position and scored 110 on my test. 100 on exam and 10 points for disabled vet. to simply answer your questions, any vet preference whether 5 for regular vets, or 10 for disabled vets, along with any 5 point claims for son/daughter of police/firefighters killed in line of duty must be made before the eligible list is established. once that list is established no points can be added. furthermore, your score does not guarantee you a job. they just have to hire 1 of the top 3 reachable scores. so you can score a 100 and not be selected. happens all the time when someone who scores a 90 gets a job over people with 100's and 95's. usually the person that scored a 90 has an in with whatever dept it is
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