I'll fact check this.
1. The vast majority of the wrestlers involved in the CTE lawsuit didn't only work for Vince/WWE. They worked for companies no longer in business with way lower safety standards. Most also worked in Japan at once time or another. They are hitching their suit to the largest most successful company.
2. Nobody forces these performers to sign contracts with WWE which contain language that they are independent contractors. All the wrestlers know they are classified this way prior to agreeing to a contract.
3. The non compete clause only applies to wrestlers that are released from their contracts, not the wrestlers who complete their contracts. They still get paid during the 90 days. Again, this is agreed to by both parties when the independent contractor agreement is signed.
4. Bret Hart is still alive. I'm sure you meant Owen Hart.
5. Again, agreed to in the wrestlers contract. If a person works for apple and invents the ipod, then leaves apple, do they take the ipod with them?
6. Ventura sued to be paid for his likeness being used on video tapes of old matches that he did commentary on. Vince wasn't withholding anything. Jesse believed he should be compensated. Does the networks or the NFL pay residuals to the announcers when a Superbowl is replayed on ESPN or NFLN?
7. I think your opinion is dead on with this.