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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. I disagree. We need one playmaker receiver. If we get a guy that draws the other teams top db and a safety throughout the games, Brown will look like a hall of famer. Brown had a very good year against other teams top guys. He will absolutely go off when we get our "true #1". If we model our offense after the Ravens, where do we go when dc's figure out a scheme to shut it down. And they will figure it out. Stay the course. Get that reciever. Give extensions to players that deserve them. We are going in the right direction. No need for a u-turn at this point.
  2. The Pats* built a dynasty on beating division 3 stiffs...... and cheating. I think the Bills will be ok.
  3. I don't care if the wins are ugly, by a point, or by a blown call. Just give them to me
  4. I found this wall while i was in the military, stationed where there was no Bills news. That was more than half my life ago. Coming into another decade on the wall, i have to say it's been a pleasure. Through the ups and downs. Through the hope and dispare. Through our people arguing and getting along. This is the place to be if you're a Bills fan. Thanks to all the 2BD'ers that have made this place what it is. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  5. We did earn it that year. It just wasnt pretty. We needed to win and did. Baltimore didn't do what they needed to and lost.
  6. For sure at the time of the trade it looked good. After seeing him play, it looked real bad. If it had worked out even a little better, the trade could have had good value to get a big bodied wr. Instead, we got a slob of a player with a big case of the dropsies.
  7. I was in Miami for the game too. Tons of people were watching on their phones after the game. I had a certain website's live feed of the Bengals/ ravens. I saw the play happen about a minute before everyone else and probably looked like i was on something running around Hard Rock Stadium's parking lot screaming. It made sense to other people around me once they saw the play.
  8. My pre game rituals for home games goes like this: Wake up at 06:45, drink at least 2 cups of coffee while everyone in the house is still asleep. After the coffee lubes the system, i take my morning glory. Following the morning glory, it's time to shower. Post cleansing, get dressed and meet up with my fellow ticket holders by 08:15. Get to the stadium just before 09:00. Prime the clean system with beer and food until 12:30 when we get in line to go to our seats. Every home game. Rinse and repeat. Pre game for away games: Wake up 08:00. Listen to the wife complain about everything she thinks i have to do that day. Drink at least 2 cups of coffee while i talk her out of having to do anything. Put the nice guy hat on and make breakfast for everyone. Following kitchen cleanup, disappear into the basement until 16:30.
  9. I just read through some if the posts on the Pats* board. There are some people there that seem to have a clue, but the vast majority are crazy. "WORST Pats* TEAM IN YEARS" yeah, 12-4. "COMPLETE REBUILD NEXT YEAR" sure, win the division with an average offense. Time to tear the team down. "BELICHICK IS HORRIBLE" Wtf? Their fans are out of touch with reality and deserve 10 years of losing seasons. I hate the Pats* and wish nothing but misery on the team and their fans.
  10. Maybe I'm optimistic, but i got us no worse than 13-3 next year. That wins the division. The Pats* are done.
  11. No we're won't. Houston is far from an elite team. Maybe in two weeks there's a worry.....
  12. Ron Rivera seems like a nice guy, but his Panthers team went down the tubes when McDermott and Beane left. Could be coincidence, but i doubt it.
  13. I'm sure almost everyone agrees that Allen was a raw talent coming out of college. Everyone talked about his high ceiling. Not everyone has the patients/fortitude to watch him develop and have realistic views on that development. I think he's on the right track. The are still some things that need improvement in his part, and also thing that Bills management must do to further put him in a position to be great. If you are an Allen doubter, ask yourself this question : When he was drafted, whether you liked the pick or not, if you were told he would take the Bills to a 10 win season and a playoff berth in year 2 of his career, would you not want him? Some Bills fans are fickle.
  14. If our offense jumped into the top 5, I billieve (see what i did there?) our defensive ranking would definitely take a hit. I'm not saying that the D would straight out suck, but a lot of chunk yards would be given up during garbage time which would drop the overall rankings of the defense. The Bills would probably be the best team in the league under your scenario, even with the diminished defensive yards allowed stats.
  15. Well, the defense was on the field for 40+ minutes of that game. They might have been a bit gassed. I wonder what the Bills could have done to give the D time to rest.....
  16. Na Zdorovie to all. Happy holidays! Hopefully we'll be here next year at this time taking about how the Bills have been resting players since week 14!
  17. Jim Kelly and Marv Levy are why the Bills lost that superbowl. Keep feeding Thurman and the Bills win easy. It's not reason 10,000,000,000. It's reason #1.
  18. This isn't a fun topic. Cooer is in Dallas. Brown is having a good season. Beckham is in Cleveland. Nuff said.
  19. I'd only make this trade after signing tre white and milano to extensions and seeing what we have left in cap space. Then if it makes sense, pull the trigger. I'd love to have him. But not at the expense of the future (signing our guys)
  20. Man, the NFL should get in board with this whole new technology thing. Pretty sad that the richest sport in North America can't use technology to call 1st downs made, spot the ball, and to make notifications when the ball crosses the line for a touchdown.
  21. Fitz and Duck are not in the playoffs right now. The Bills and 14 other teams faced a "weak" New England offense. All but 3 failed to beat them so far. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying the Bills are bulldozers or juggernauts. But they are the 5th best team in the AFC this season.
  22. Cleveland beat the Bills because of missed kicks. The Bills have been in the game, with seconds left, against the lauded Ravens and the dynasty Pats* and made the playoffs with 2 games to go. I'd call that a successful regular season. In two weeks the real games begin. Keep that in prospective. The Bills already have a chance at winning the Superbowl, no matter the odds. There's 20 other teams and hundreds of players and coaches that would love to be where we are.
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