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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. The rich get poor and the poor get rich? I think I'm understanding the cap now.
  2. I think he's more of a mercenary at this point with no loyalty to any team. I do think he would be a beast on the Bills d-line, but not worth the cost.
  3. I expect the Bills to make the playoffs again in 2020 and win a game or two. If we make it to the promised land and win it all , it would be a bonus. Still a few unknowns and missing pieces in the mix to say Superbowl or bust for 2020. Now if the Bills continue their current trajectory, the 2021 season is definitely the Superbowl or bust season.
  4. Buffalo News reporting Gronk signed with WWE and will start March 20 on Smackdown.
  5. This is a disconnect with reality for A-aron. It seems he thinks he's still the face of the NFL and has untouchable influence and that ship has sailed. If it's to the point that men in "his" locker room aren't returning his calls/texts now, that should tell him something.
  6. The problem is that ESPN sucks. Too much ball washing for large market teams and not enough balanced commentating.
  7. Does this in any way mean no new stadium and that their doing a renovation? Thoughts?
  8. It was a Billsy thing to do when we had Buddy or Whaley as GM. This ain't happening now.
  9. High profile player in the "NFL MECCA OF LOS ANGLES". That's how. He had a solid career, but not HOF worthy.
  10. If the Pegula owned Bills ever moved to Toronto or any other non WNY location, the Pegulas would have to divest any connection to WNY and Buffalo. This includes the Sabres, and any property holdings ie harbor center ect, due to the blowback involved. That isn't ever going to happen.
  11. Most people aren't riding a train, metro rail or bus to get to a game. There are plenty of hotels within minutes of NEF. Have you ever attempted to leave downtown buffalo in any direction when the skyway is closed from weather? Takes hours and traffic doesn't move. The point about Canadians, I thought that we all knew about the boarder/ customs. I guess not. My point was that Orchard Park is 10 minutes from buffalo. Whether the stadium is in OP or downtown, our Canadian Bills fans are going through customs. 10 additional minutes to OP doesn't ruin the trip.
  12. I agree on your first two points, however........ point #3: Build an all new state of the art Stadium/Convention Center downtown near Canalside. There are better things to develop near the waterfront than a stadium- point #4: I don't buy the BS about downtown not having the infrastructure to support a stadium - the city was once 4 times in size and population. The city doesn't have the infrastructure in place. When Buffalo had "4 times in size and population", It was at a time when families had 1 car. Not 2-4. People actually used buses back then. You do have the 2 lane Skyway leading to Rte 5 and the 3 lane 190 as express routes out of the city. And if a new stadium is near Canalside, there will be huge traffic backups to get to the 33. What do you do when wind or blowing snow closes the skyway on a game day? Everything comes to a stand still. This doesn't work. point #5: There are also multiple modes of transportation to the City v Orchard Park. ??? seems like the same transportation beside the metro rail. point #6: You don't spend $500M on an old stadium in Orchard Park - which could not be further than the fastest growing area in the region: Southern Ontario. I agree that New Era shouldn't have money sunk into it. But, Orchard Park is less than 10 minutes from downtown Buffalo. 10 minutes isn't going to make or break Southern Ontario Bills/NFL fans.
  13. It's a two way street in that aspect. But, Palmer wouldn't be beating a drum for Allen if he thought Allen would fail to succeed. It would make Palmer look like a fool and his training program look like trash.
  14. Obviously Tre White didn't need much help. Levi Wallace had a sophmore slump. But could it possibly be that while the Bills run D was atrocious for part of the season, the safeties were playing as deep linebackers and staying planted on most plays to prevent big runs? Can't remember right now if this was the exact situation, but this would make sense as to why their stats took a hit.
  15. Phillips had a good year for the Bills. If he comes back, great. If he doesn't, so be it. I don't know if he's a top 3 DT right now. Statistically sure, but measuring play by play, maybe not. Still a solid player.
  16. Forward lateral makes it impossible for me. That play makes it real easy to hate them. I still have it burned into my mind that we were going to the superbowl that year. I remember the Titans. And i say screw em.
  17. I'm a season ticket holder and this is silly. Lawsuits? Protests? This society has jumped the shark. We are all doomed.
  18. That misses my point. The Bills have been horrible against the lip kisser. What team in the league had a winning record against the Pats* since Brady lucked into a job because of a collapsed lung?
  19. It wasn't just the Bills. It was the entire NFL under New England's dynasty. The entire league and any non Pats* fan have been waiting. Hopefully the clock has run out on Brady and the Pats. The last 20 years have sucked. I want to see New England have another stretch like they did in the late 80's early 90's where they had 1-3 wins a season.
  20. Agreed 100%. Some plays it did seem like he went through his reads multiple times and didn't make a decision on what to do. Others were highlight real split second decision throws. He has developed for sure. Hopefully it continues. I'm a huge Pro-Joshy fan, but if it doesn't ALL come together next year, i may have to rethink my stance.
  21. You carry on. I am upset about the horrible officiating. But really? A lawsuit because our team lost a game?
  22. Yes it did, but still needs work. We once again have a good running game (when the coaches don't eliminate it from the gameplan) And our qb had sufficient time to throw in most plays. We had neither last year.
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