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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. One thing I'll give to Biscuit, he's been sticking to his guns on Allen for quite a while. While i don't agree with him at all, and hope he's the one with the egg on his face, he hasn't waivered.......
  2. I read this article early this morning. While I'm a big Allen supporter, I thought the article was fair for the most part. I can't agree with the comparison to Tyrod, as he was going in to his 5th season when he arrived in Buffalo. Barnwell restated what we all know- there are 2 sides to Josh. The how'd he make that play side, and the WTF was he doing side. Allen has to show progress again this year, and this offense needs to get drops under control. I think it'll all work out.
  3. If he's not the real Paul McCartney, and the real Paul McCartney is dead, is it really this guy's 78 birthday? Just asking....
  4. If he doesn't resist arrest, assault 2 cops, take a police issued weapon (regardless if lethal or non lethal), turn and fire said weapon at the officer, none of this happens. Percieved threat is a split second decision with serious ramifications. And it's always easy to Monday Morning Quarterback any use of force. But, with any use of force review, the people watching the video don't get to feel the subject tensing up, preparing for the fight or flight response. This man appeared compliant and was not treated improperly. He took it to another place by resisting and assaulting the cops. Again, none of this happens if he doesn't resist....... The determination of whether or not he should have been shot falls directly on the officer that fired his weapon. He's got to live with the decision and the fallout from it.
  5. My point isn't whether it's about the flag or not. It's about mass audience viewing the message.
  6. Why not kneel when the ball is placed on the tee for the opening kickoff? People watching at home usually don't see the national anthem, but everyone watching will see the opening kick. It takes the whole flag/anthem issue out of the picture and more people will see the message being sent.
  7. Not quite. Not agreeing with something without action is tolerance- accepting a person's right to do something, and that is part of what is missing in all this.
  8. I'm a veteran. To ME, our flag represents all my brothers and sisters sacrifices made for every citizen of this country while serving. That flag means a lot to me as does our national anthem. I stand, hand over heart because of what they mean to me. I do not agree with the desicration of our flag, nor with the kneeling during the anthem. I understand and support the cause, as it hits close to home. But i don't have to agree or like every action taken during the delivery of the message to understand and support it.
  9. Well that ain't here...... hasn't ever been.....
  10. He had the gun while committing another crime. That's what he violated as far as the weapon charge is concerned
  11. You can fix this stuff. Ask Bruce Smith and Dominik Hasek......
  12. Hometown passes are going to be a thing of the past thanks to bodycams..... Oliver made a bad decision to drive. We will all know if this is a one time horrible decision, or if he falls off the rails. His personality doesn't come across as hood, but definately country with the horses, atv riding, ect. I think he'll straighten up and tow the line from this point forward.
  13. Is the team really a QB away from championship aspirations? Or is the QB 10-15 dropped passes being caught away from being great and championship caliber? Chicken or egg arguement.
  14. Everyone did bare witness to the Pats* rise. Now, all will watch their downfall....
  15. And they thought Bills tailgates were crazy under normal circumstances.......
  16. For some strange reason, he reminds me of Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds.
  17. This is the quality of sports reporting during a pandemic when sports are shut down. We got an article inferring Clowney is signing with the Titans based off a screenshot from a video game. I can't wait for things to go back to normal so we can return to inaccurate reporting based off bad "information from a source" instead of video games.
  18. If there's games this year, and fans can attend, I'm there. Season tickets be damned. If it's my time to check out so be it. It'll happen by lightening strike, getting hit by a bus, or attending a Bill's game.
  19. I'm not handicapping or offering mulligans to anyone. The players that are gone don't even matter at this point. None of them. This team wouldn't have been built the way it has with them here. I'll say it again, I'm pro-Allen all the way, but this has to be his takeover year with the way the offense is built now. I'm not saying Superbowl or bust, but the Bills offense needs to run like a V-12 engine instead of a 6 cylinder minivan.
  20. the 1999 colts had Manning, Marvin Harrison, and Edge James on offense 2001 Pats* had Brady/Bledsoe, Antwain Smith and Troy Brown on offense 2005 Steelers had Big Ben, Willie Parker, Bettis, Randle El, and Hines Ward on offense- stacked 2008 Dirty Birds had Ryan, M. Turner, Roddy White, Michael Jenkins, Brian Finneran on offense 2012 Colts had Luck, Wayne and Hilton(probably the weakest offensive weapons by team on this list) 2013 Seahawks - Wilson, Lynch, Tate, Baldwin, Miller, Kearse 2017 Iggles had Wentz/Foles, and a bunch of good not great offensive players 2018 Chiefs were stacked with offensive weapons- no need to list 2019- Ravens- had a good run until Buffalo exposed their run-pass option offense and how to defend it. most of the Qb's you referenced had one thing in common- great weapons to play with. Allen is going into a season where his weapons look great on paper. In his first year they were poor. Second year upgraded to good. Now they should be great. Lets see how this year goes. Patients.....
  21. So to summarize Brady's thoughts: "I knew the Buffalo Bills were building a juggernaut and needed to get the hell out of the East and the AFC. I also realize my skills are diminishing and that I need to go somewhere else ASAP, so that rather than get dismantled by the Bills, I now have built in excuses (new system, timing with receivers, ect) when I look less than average. "
  22. I'm sure this video was edited to remove the overthrow....... Good grief...
  23. The Bills take him with the 54th pick. The organization adds to TSW Allen hate.?
  24. Wow, Josh Allen is polarizing. I'm a pro-Allen guy and with that disclaimer out of the way, i will add this: Right now, Allen is just good enough. Good enough to not throw picks in the redzone, or 4th quarter based on 2019. Good enough to manage the game to get a win or maybe put together a game winning drive in the 4th quarter. I am waiting for a string of games where he takes over and dominates. I don't need 300 yrd games.... i need more than 24 points, ball control, and clock management. Comparing Qb's is getting silly. Everybody wants their guy to be the next big thing, but a lot of people use tunnel vision looking at their Qb. Mahomes, Watson, Mayfield, ect, what was their average time to throw? How often did they have a clean pocket? How many times do they have to scramble and throw on the run? How many drive killing DROPS did their receivers have? How many drive killing penalties? How much is on the player and how much is on the playcalling? Only by being a complete tape nerd can you answer those questions and make a somewhat educated guess. Comparisons and what ifs are getting old. Wins matter. The Bills are relevant again for the first time in a loooong time. Allen is in the driver seat. Sit back and enjoy the ride. I'm sure every Bill's fan is hoping he doesn't crash. And if you are a Bills fan rooting against him succeeding, there may be something wrong with your fandom.
  25. Great story! In today's world, a student's parents would sue the school under the same scenario..... and probably win.
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