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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. That is funny. Holdouts are not. Walker should do as Brett says and get his ass into camp. Honor thy contract or find another line of work. That goes for any of these holdouts.
  2. I wave the white flag Mr JoeSixPack. A rather fun exercise on an otherwise slow afternoon. G ood day to you, sir!
  3. shut up..............(make her shut up)
  4. I like his better.......it's exclaimed!
  5. .....snot what I expected either
  6. ......beeeeeeeeeelch.........what up, yo?
  7. No....I think that was Roscoe Briscoe......he had hands made of Crisco
  8. "There's no denying it, Buffalo......tennis is your sport of choice"
  9. Sometimes......Hey look....seriously......we obviously disagree on this issue.....no biggie.....what's important is our Bills .......no hard feelings Dr Fong.......enjoy the draft!!
  10. I don't know what's wrong with almost 60% of you, but "Big Cat" is about the funniest thing...HAHA...the funni....HAHAHA.....the funniest fuggin thing I 've EVER heard!!!!HAHAHAHAHA
  11. OOOOPS.......i see you already went there......I didn't read thru!!!
  12. .....with a flap in the back that unbuttons.
  13. No offense either, man. I was born with a sense of humor myself. I know funny when I hear it. Big Cat is NOT funny. Not even remotely.
  14. Then shouldn't the KID he spoke to be nicknamed Big Cat? If JP had said ..."Hey dumbass...pay attention"...would be be calling him Big Dumbass? Lose the nickname already. Should another come up, one that is given or earned, let it play out. Until then, Big Cat is, like so many picks tomorrow, a reach.
  15. I couldn't agree more. It sounds so synthetic.
  16. I think he looks like Adam freakin' Sandler.
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