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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. I'm sorry. You're right. I don't KNOW. What I meant to say was....I am pretty freakin' sure, without a shadow of a doubt, am just about positive we will not draft Young. This way it's not so definative for you. Better?
  2. Nice......he's a clutchless a$$. I'm glad he ended up in Big D. More reason to despise them.
  3. Just when you thought things couldn't get any better........
  4. NO WAY does Williams drop to #8. NO WAY do we draft Young. NO WAY to tell what we're doing until draft day.
  5. Well, because franchise QBs will be scooped up earlier in the round. With NEs success, they pick at the bottom. That "franchise" QB wouldn't be available there.
  6. Good point. Plus Brooks fits the vertical game they like. Raider QBs will never be among the league leaders in QB efficiency. Brooks has a built-in excuse for just this type of system. He's talented, but mistake prone. With the receiving talent on that team and Jordan in the backfield, he'll have his moments to shine. Raider fan will shudder, however, when they NEED him to drive the field with the clock winding down. Bottom line, he'll bully his way to success and break hearts when they need it most.
  7. While I think all 3 will be on board, I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that JP will be the guy. I think for him to win the job he HAS to win it decisively.
  8. oooohhhhhhhhhh...I don't know....maybe because that's what this board is for?
  9. I LOVE greasy chicken with cabbage.......mmmmm..mmmmm.
  10. yep.......me too....
  11. Great. There's enough tension on this board regarding who should QB this team, now you suggest a marsupial?!?!?!
  12. It would be stupid if the previous regime were still place. They are not. With the regime change comes philosophical and evaluation change. The fact that JP was acquired in the 1st round shouldn't have any bearing whatsoever.
  13. Thanks for the info, ACor58......much appreciated.
  14. You've already established this. Now, do you care to counter my rebuttal?
  15. You are basing him sucking on what exactly? How much action has he seen? How much has JP seen? Sherman and McCarthy are the authority? I'm not saying Nall is the answer, but to assume he's being brought in to be a #3 is presumptuous. If you think the competition that Levy has spoken is just between who is on the roster, you might be mistaken. Just because he's a #3 on someone elses roster doesn't mean our brass sees him as such. They may think there is good talent and value in this kid. Is that so farfetched?
  16. Conversely, it is my observation that if we draft a QB with our 1st selection, JP is out of a job.
  17. Why is everyone presuming he's being brought in as a #3?
  18. .....and....uhhhh....and......hey merv, what's my name?
  19. Why would they make it public that they would cut him?
  20. The quicker, faster NFL player will negate, to some degree, VYs athleticism. It's a different playing field. I see him and think Vick. I'm not a Vick fan. Schaub should be ATLs starter, but I digress.....
  21. I agree with the assertion that the Bills braintrust is not totally convinced that JP is the long term answer (or short term for that matter). Obviously, there wouldn't be a competition if they were sold on him. In light of the Brees signing and the Jets apparently interested in a QB other than those in the upcoming draft, at least one the "top 3" QBs will fall to #8. I wouldn't touch Young, I'm intrigued by Cutler but would shy away and would be REAL tempted should Leinhart be there. Which he won't be. Also, I wouldn't move up for him either. Draft day will be very telling, perhaps, on the future of JP.
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