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stinky finger

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Posts posted by stinky finger

  1. Damn, I'm telling you, you guys are starting to sway me towards Vernon Davis.  It would be awesome to have a game changing TE like that.


    I was thinking the same thing. I'm all about Brick and Mario. I also know that at #8 it's not realistic. Sooooo.....knowing it's the trenches I think we should address, Ngata seems to be the next natural option. However, I admit to getting caught up in this Davis stuff. I'll tell you what, I could be swayed. Tough call.

  2. I, too, am a Yankee fan. For many years, I have wished a hard cap for MLB. As much as I enjoy the winning and competing for a ring every year, it got stale. It was expected. It took the fun out of it. You can't possibly enjoy the success to it's fullest knowing you have the upper hand on the majority. (Before Sox Nation jumps on, SCREW YOU, you're 2nd in line in payroll)


    To answer your question, it would not effect me as a Bills fan. Conversely, as I pointed out above, (Cowboys/Redskins = Yankees/Sox) I would hope the Cowboy and Skins fans wouldn't be dancing in the streets should we learn the NFL goes uncapped. It is not good for the broad base of fans overall. The perennial loser as well as the perennial winner.


    keep it fresh....keep it real......

  3. What, that he wasn't able to use his considerable leverage to get the community to build one for him?  Why is an inability to lobby on his part a problem for everyone else to deal with?


    Right on. And I don't want to hear him pi$$ and moan. It costs $40 freakin' dollars to park in his lots.......then you have to walk a f@#king mile to get to the stadium. Do have any idea what it's like walking a mile with a sixpack of Michs clanking around in your pocket. I can just about kill them before arriving at the stadium. Jiminy Crickets!!

  4. Probably depends on what he wants. The Pats will not be the team that offers him the most money, but if he wants to have a shot at a title and a chance to face the Bills twice a year then yes. Maybe the Eagles but my guess is going to be Denver.


    (TO will be in KC)


    That's just it. I don't know that the descrepency between his highest offer and his lowest will necassarily determine will he will play. I think he'd take a little less to go to a contender. That's not to say that he wouldn't be a good fit in Denver, he would, IMO. And yes, Denver qualifies as a contender, but which QB would you rather play catch with? I just have a feeling. I hope I'm wrong.

  5. Some of the people on this board are going to find out the hard way just how important EM has been to this team (and to Lee Evans) -- especially if he ends up with the Pats.  That would be especially painful.


    At least, he will not end up with the Dolphins now that MM is there.


    I agree. All things being equal, and depending on how his offers may vary, why wouldn't he want to go to NE? Whether they pay him a nickel more or less, beating up on your old team is a great motivator. In a well oiled machine like the Pats, EM would excel.

  6. Panthers.


    He will give them a great option beside steve smith


    He would be terriffic there. With the lack of WR depth in the draft and limited FA WRs, EM would do well most anywhere. He'll be a wanted man. Put him in KC. A nice fit there. Moulds, Kennison and Parker. Gonzo and LJ. Green pitching. Terriffic OL. I wonder how the loss of OC Saunders will affect this offense. It certainly is a talented group. Herm will probably find a way to derail the train, however.

  7. Not true. Davis is a game changer. Not a luxury player. BTW, TE is a need. KE was drafted by the last regime. Who knows how the new guys feel about him and he is injury prone.


    If you could promise me Shaffer and Bentley, then Davis would be a great selection, otherwise the priority has to be the trenches.

  8. Ngata is the pick if he is there....but if not, davis is sure hard to pass up.  Still, u just can't do it.  YOU JUST CAN'T!!  Davis is a luxury player, we have real needs on this football team.


    You are so right. Davis would be tempting, just not the priority. In my perfect world, it's Brick or Mario. Since that's not happening, we should go Ngata. But damn........Davis sure would be a treat to watch.

  9. I wouldn't go that far. Some people think it is a good idea, most people don't, and a new topic is born. I don't think that we have been "reduced" to anything. Half of the fun on this bored is being able to disagree with a post, no matter how crazy it is, and respectfully back up your own point without being a total @sshole. (though I think some posters have a problem with that last part.)


    I hear you. Please don't confuse my dicpiction of what I perceive to be desperation with ideas presented by others (myself included) with good board banter. We're obviously going to have many differences. Thus the fun of being in this forum. But man-o-man......we're desperate for a winner in these here parts. We'll try anything. Something has to come together one of these years. Hopefully we're on course. :D

  10. What have we become?


    This is what happens, boys and girls, when an impassioned fanbase has used up all it's conventional wisdom. We reach. We hope. Too often we suck at the reaching. We've been reduced to this out of desperation. :D

  11. I know where you're going, and im hoping that this means ngata will fall to us too. But not with those two teams. The 49ers have Eric Johnson, when he's not injured he's right up there in the top 5 TE's, and Oakland has 6'7'' Courtney Anderson who they like a lot, especially in the red zone. Even though Davis ran those great numbers, i dont see oak or sf going for him. But i wish they did.


    I could see Al Davis selecting VD with #7. The thought of teaming a healthy Moss, Porter and the talented Gabriel with the likes of LaMont Jordan in the backfield would be difficult for 'ol Al to resist. Al looooooves the offensive side of the ball. If they ever improved their OL, yikes!

  12. Don't think Greenway's a particularly good tackler, and he'd probably be a reach at 8. If there's one LB who justifies a top 10 pick, it's Hawk. I'd be a tad disappointed with this - about half the teams think he's the 4th best LB in the draft.


    I wouldn't mind Greenway, just move down half a dozen spots. I think the two guys that have the potential to "fall", albeit slightly, are Hawk and Vince. Just for the record, I don't endorse the drafting of VY, just merely speculating.

  13. They obviously didn't sign him long term because they couldn't afford to do so and can anyone actually see them NOT signing Alexander?  IMHO they have to sign the MVP of the NFL (and face of the organization) to a long term deal.  If they do, is there any money left over to match an offer sheet on Hutch?  There might be (I'm not that familiar with Seattle's cap situation) but if there is why didn't they just sign him?  I don't why they didn't Franchise tag this guy.


    I here what you're saying about saving face, but, Alexander is a terriffic RB in large part because of that awesome left side of the OL. If Seattle is planning on keeping one or the other, they'd be wise to keep Hutch. Seattle could replace SA, not so sure about Hutch.

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