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stinky finger

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Posts posted by stinky finger

  1. In my opinion, the way the NFL CBA works out could have a huge impact on the Bills.  If they don't come up with a new agreement and 2007 has no salary cap, how many attractive free agents does anyone see coming to a Bills organization that hasn't been winning and been in somewhat of a disarray, when the sky's the limit on salaries??


    You might still have a couple cheapo organizations, but we know the likes of Snyder, Jerry Jones, Paul Allen and the like will probably throw out the cash freely.  I don't think the Bills would be able to compete.


    Seeing how we struggle to compete WITH a CBA in place and a hard cap, your assumption is not only reasonable, but likely. :)

  2. I just don't think that if Houston keeps this pick that Bush is a slam dunk.  You really have to look at Williams or Ferguson both fitting the real needs of this team before FA.


    Because everybody in the world has decided that Bush is the first pick I'm not so sure.  I think there are other options and good one's


    I agree. Bush is a wonderful talent. It's just not what this team needs, especially when you have the pick of the litter. They shouldn't cave into the thought process of everyone else projecting him as the only "right" selection at #1. I don't agree with that.

  3. Wow, you guys are rediculous...all this whining about not having anybody worth keeping but 3 or 4 players? How can you call yourselves fans of the Bills? Rediculous. Where's the loyalty? sh------- or not, the Bills are still my team...and i'm wayyyyyy out in the northwest. My friends all shat all over me this year with comments about the Bills being so pathetic and what not...I know they are, but i'm not going to B word and say they have only 3 players worth keeping.


    You should be commended for your loyalty. I just dont think it'll happen here. :doh:

  4. Both teams had the same pitiful 5-11 record in 2005. The Cards had the eigth best defense, the Bills had the 29th best defense. Both teams have horrible offenses but I want to see you argue that we're better than any NFL team on offense (ok maybe we're better than Detroit). Reality check time, as of now we're just as bad if not worse than the Cardinals.


    Thanks for bringing me back down to earth. ;) You are referring to last season only. I'm talkin' franchise on the whole. If you plug in both the Bills and Cards into the suckometer, you'll see the Cards will have it pegged. In Cardinal red. You can't argue that. Reality check? Sir, I present to you, reality.

  5. Saints would be getting robbed on that deal.....DO IT!!!


    It will take much more than J.P. to move up to #2 (plus 3rd & 4th) from #8.....cannot imagine the saints even considering it


    No doubt. Maybe the Saints would get the #3 and #4. Sounds too good to be true. I know this is a sore subject for many, and as unrealistic as the proposal is, you have to admit you'd consider it. Keeping JP at ALL COSTS is equally irrational as it is to say he's a bust after 8 games.

  6. This is what I heard... It may very well be wrong.... We swap 1st round picks this year (probably to move up to get D'Brick) and they get JP while we get their 3rd and 4th round picks as well this year... Just a rumor that I overheard.... Could be completely false but interesting if it has any truth to it ....????


    That can't be right. A swap of #1s. We get a #3 and #4 this year? For Losman and the #8? Pardon me...I have to change my shorts.

  7. New York Jets (Trade with Houston)  Reggie Bush

    New Orleans: Matt Leinart

    Tennessee:  Jay Cutler

    Houston (Trade with Jets): D'Brickashaw Ferguson

    Green Bay:  AJ Hawk

    San Francisco: Vernon Davis

    Oakland:  Vince Young

    Buffalo:  Mario Williams


    OH BABY!!!......God, if you're online....look upon Clements22 as a prophet.


    ALL HAIL!!!

  8. Arrghh!!! Don't you guys read what Marv says? We will not be drafting Ngata or any other 2-gap DT. Ain't going to happen. We'll either take Huff or Davis or trade down if possible.


    I'm thinking you're right. In light of these recent cuts, so many of these guys seem logical to draft. I'd be happy with any number of them. I'll wait to see what FA brings. It's really the only way to get a good feel as to how our first selection may go. This is exciting stuff. There is a certain cleansing feeling I'm having with these cuts. Seems fresh. I'm on board with Marv. I feel good about him and his decision making. I trust him more than anything else.

  9. can't say i'm happy about this. can't say i'm happy that we literally have ZERO run pluggers on the roster. can't say that I like losing one of the fastest, nastiest guys in the nfl. it's not like his cap # was huge. If this was a move to keep moulds...i dunno...


    so far, so what the fug


    The good news is we don't have a game this weekend. Lets see what Marv does in FA and the draft before we jump.

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