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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. This doesn't make Theismann any less an idiot. I never liked this JT. Runs his friggin mouth too much. This is just another example. What do you say we get LT all amped up on some coke and have him reenact that lovely scene from years past. Think he'd tell LT what a disgrace HE is?
  2. While I agree with your assessment, it seems the "3rd and long" issue has been a staple since the Walt Corey D's we've had. We just haven't had an offense that could mask that problem recently. IMO.
  3. Personal changes?!? He didn't transgender did he?!?! If he did, every 4th Sunday he'd come off the edge like some raving, menstruating bich. I like it......I like it a lot!! Huh?...wha???.....OH!.....PERSONNEL changes......my bad.
  4. So was Lamont........ya big dummy.
  5. Thanks for elaborating........cantankerous for brains.
  6. OT......but it's Saul Rosenberg and Drew Rosenhaus. Pardon the Jerky Boy plug.....
  7. Hey.....isn't this how you spell Maxim's last name?
  8. The FCC should ban that schmuck for being so vulgar, outlandish and otherwise ridiculous for making such comments. How dare he?!?!?
  9. Very nice......very,very nice!!!
  10. They've incorporated heavy petting for the older crowd. You and the wife should enjoy such sport. PTR is correct in his assessment of the Canadian side of the falls. However, the barrell rentals are cheaper on the American side. If you time it just right, you can cannonball the Maid-o-the-Mist with tsunami like force. Have a day!!
  11. I love joining in the middle. Eric, the tribe has spoken....it is time for you to go.
  12. After further review, this thread should have been focusing more on Carrucci's rather delectable chickenwing recipe. I think wings on the grill tonight are in my immediate future......mmmmmmm...mmmm!!
  13. Just a gut......NallBall '06.......and perhaps beyond.
  14. Crap....I drive a Mitsubishi Gallant.....do I need to seek counceling?!?!?!.........Am I....you know........happy?!?!?!?
  15. *snapping fingers*.....cuz you're one cool cat!!......HEY NOW!!
  16. Clearly Carolina. Brodeur can shut you down. CW doesn't pose that obstacle. Carolina is a better skating club, but we'd do well to avoid Brodeur. He could carry a series with his play. I'm so proud of this Sabres team. Go BUFFALO!!
  17. What the...?
  18. TOO FUNNY!!! That's just fuggin great!!!
  19. You should treat them (Sabres/Bills) as seperate entities. The Bills will give you reason to jump later this year.
  20. I fully expect another game back in Buffalo. Now if we need to go back to Ottawa for a.......gulp!.......deciding game 7?!?!?! MAN OVERBOARD!!!
  21. Who are you arguing with?
  22. "....my turn...."
  23. .....speak for yourself kemosabe....I aint goin' anywheres.
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