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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Marriage is why I have fallen in love with my toilet.
  2. Way to go, Ko!! More good news....the Mets lost to the Phillies....check the scrolling at the bottom.
  3. I think she was referring to the Jints.
  4. Marcus Allen was one of my favorites also. It seems he gets overlooked.
  5. I would agree with this. Of this list of incredible runners, I wish TD had stayed healthy throughout his career. He was special. IIRC, a 6th rounder. Unbelievable. I know Denver makes a habit of taking a "lesser" back and making him special, but TD was different. A real treat to see play. Class Act!
  6. .....ARRRRRRRGHonauts What a gay rule. I love fantasy football myself. This, however, sounds like a league of men who love men who love fantasy football. If you repeat, perhaps tapestry could be next years' theme, if it hasn't been used already. Edit: Apologies to Hops Guy.....I didn't read thru the entire thread. You were quicker to the corn.
  7. Nice addition. Very reassuring. Now lets get busy with some of our own. Peca would be a nice replacement for Grier, wouldn't he?
  8. Maybe Albany is really Mike Barnacle?
  9. But.........never any good to play in it. They won't miss him. They will rely heavily on two TE sets this year. Look for Watson to be huge this year.
  10. Point is, Isaiah apparently misread his value. In the long run it won't even matter. Isaiah is gone next year.
  11. Whitner is a legit 1st rounder. Isn't he? McCargo we can argue, but even he is an early 2nd rounder. Balkman could have been had as a FA by most accounts. Isaiah's reach seems to be deeper, IMO.
  12. Everyone, indeed.......
  13. Wherever you go to see them, don't forget to drip some red die on your exposed white sock for the world to see. You know, to comemmorate 'ol Curt and how he pulled the wool over many eyes that fateful fall evening a couple years past. He's my inspiration. I know, I know.......OT........I just couldn't resist.
  14. Very cool, if it were to happen. I wouldn't mind seeing a steady diet of outdoor NHL games. Understanding some of the complications that may hinder this, the thought of attending such an event is intrigueing.
  15. I'd like to see his substantial backside on my Fantasy roster.
  16. HB.....all the best!
  17. I, too, wish him well. Very soon. Having said that, I've felt for the past several years his "game" has gone down. You might say he's rested on his laurels. Just my observation. Get well soon, Peter.
  18. Sooooo......what are you thinking? 10-6?......11-5 if things workout?
  19. current.....VICK alltime......John Hadl
  20. TOM DELAY!! TOM DELAY!!........YE HAH!!
  21. trust me....it's funny.......or at least I'm playing along like it is.....frankly, I don't get it either.
  22. THAT......is very,very funny!
  23. ........unless, of course, they deserved it.
  24. Look, pal......if you're lookin' to get Semen on your back, you've come to the wrong site.
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