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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Kevin Jones @ St. Louis Rams OR Chestor Taylor @ Buffalo Bills
  2. Actually, I do remember. Here it is. Warner, Favre Cadillac, R. Brown, C. Taylor, M. Bell, M. Pittman A. Johnson, Burress, Mike Clayton, Burleson, Gabriel Watson, H. Miller Akers, Longwell Cowboys, Falcons After only 3 weeks.......the changes Favre, Carr, Grossman B. Westbrook, C. Taylor, K. Jones, C. Dillon Burress, K. Johnson, Reggie Brown, G. Jennings, R. Williams Gates, Miller same Kickers and def How much has your roster changed?
  3. What? He's not playing the 2nd half?
  4. I appreciate the feedback. Here's is why I made the trade. I plan on playing Grossman one week. That would be week 6 vs Arizona. Favre and Leftwich are both on bye that week. Plus, Warner is not long as the starter. Either injury or ineffectiveness will push him out. At least now I can get something of value. It certainly appears, and I would agree, that Ronnie Brown for KJ seems a bit off kilter, but I gotta tell you, the Dolphins scare the hell outta me. AWFUL OL, horrible QB play AND a mere 90 yards and NO TDS against Tennesee?!??!! Scary to me. Gabriel, if and when he becomes accustomed to the Pats offense, shouldn't become this "stud" WR. If Deion Branch wasn't a stud WITH Givens there, why would Gabriel be? Reggie Brown plays in an offense that passes all day long. Stallworth always has had issues with his hammies as well. I wasn't too crazy letting Watson go for Gates. I understand the "Rivers" factor. Fact remains, Gates is the 1st option in the passing game. Lastly, acquiring my opponents FA pick, I get Jennings. For nothing. This is my reasoning, hope I'm right.
  5. Pre-trade roster (18 man roster that must carry 2 TE, 2 K, 2 def) Warner, Favre, Leftwich R. Brown, B. Westbrook, C. Taylor, C. Dillon P. Burress, K. Johnson, D. Gabriel, R. Williams B. Watson, H. Miller Akers, Longwell Falcons, Cowboys, Bills Here's the trade.... I gave...Warner, Ronnie Brown, D. Gabriel, B. Watson and my free agent pick#6 I received...R. Grossman, K. Jones, Reggie Brown, A. Gates and his free agent pick #1 I promptly took that #1 FA pick and dropped Bills Def and picked up G. Jennings
  6. Make a trade for a Qb AND WR. HURRY!
  7. I wouldn't. I prefer Favre/Gore to Bulger/Caddy. GB defense is so bad, Favre will whip it around more. TB situation is getting worse by the day.
  8. AJ, for sure.
  9. You can take this to the bank!
  10. Both are good plays, IMO. I'd side with Jennings.
  11. Brees should get you better numbers than Grossman, especially if Abraham sits. Jennings looks like the best play at wideout. Good luck.
  12. JIMINY CHRISTMAS?!?!?! Do you play in a 3 team league? Nice depth! .....and BTW, good trade!
  13. Nice RBs! Tough call. I go Brown for sure then I think Fred Taylor. I love Gore, but fast Freddy is going to have a field day againsy Indys banged up D. Just a hunch.
  14. Do it.....NOW!!
  15. I like Bush Monday night. ......then again, I like Bush every night. ......seriously, go Bush!
  16. Indeed, I did. Happy with it, too. Now, you received Gore/Chambers for Johnson/Moss, right? I like it. SF may be better than we think. Their offense will have to perform because of their lousy D. Moss, IMO, will be a non-factor this year. Chambers should become a consistent contributor as a #2, though more may have been expected at draft time. Bottom line, GOOD TRADE!
  17. Right you are, inkman. Buckhalter is already gone, but Moats is on my radar.
  18. R. Brown C. Taylor P. Burress R. Williams D. Gabriel K. Warner B. Favre B. Leftwich I actually made the trade since I posted. There's another deal I'm close to doing. Warner/Gabriel for Roethlisberger/R. Wayne. My lineup would then be........B. Leftwich R. Brown B. Westbrook R. Wayne P. Burress R. Williams H. Miller D. Akers Bills D
  19. I'd get....Westbrook...Dillon...Keyshawn Johnson I'd give....Cadillac....Mike Bell......Andre Johnson
  20. What the ..........are you in a two team league?!?!?!?!?
  21. .....guess that makes me a jerk.
  22. He seems to get nicked. Jackson may be more talented, but Johnson is in a better situation. Mark my words, Johnson will out-point Jackson this year.
  23. Understood. I see Taylor as a sturdier Westbrook. I see Childress utilizing him this way.
  24. Johnson. He's simply more reliable. jackson, though talented, seems to lack a certain toughness. I get the feeling he doesn't handle injury to well. Johnson should produce close to 1500 yds and 13 TDs. If things go right, maybe higher on the TDs. After the top 3 RBs, I think you'd be hardpressed to find a more surefire pick at his position.
  25. A fair assessment to be sure. Though, I have Chester Taylor, not anyone named Anderson.
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