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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Well.....I didn't want to brag truth be told.....this "chick" could be "pulled"....this is the problem.
  2. Sounds like Andys' kid is ready for NFLs life in the fastlane.
  3. A terriffic player on a renegade team that was awfully fun to watch. Love 'em or hate 'em. What a group of characters.
  4. It sounds like you were very fond of your grandpa. I hope someday my kids kids think of me the way you do yours. May he rest in peace.
  5. I went back with an open mind. Maybe I missed something. But, I didn't. She/he(?) is nothing more than a well dentured dragqueen. She's a cross between Freddie Mercury and Prince.
  6. Do as the man asks......dance team?.......how about dogsled team?....what a pooch.
  7. Of course they do. ....it's a football team they're missing.
  8. Just papertrain the mongrol and lets all move on.
  9. Mmmmmm mmmmm. Alotta extra tread on that Tyra........I kinda like the "remodelin'" she's done.....yessir.
  10. What a relief, I'm sure. That's great!
  11. Other than the palm of my hand, I can't think of anything hotter.......she's real purty.
  12. Ohhhh......don't mind that Chris, BB. He's just a snake in the (gr)ass.
  13. Great question, MBD. I just hope not everyone shares this "win or forget it" attitude.
  14. Couldn't agree with you more. The irony is Steinbach would be leaving the Bills now and we wouldn't have won anything with him on board. Very sad commentary.
  15. Tell that to the Yankees and their stranglehold on the AL East. I know, I know.........another time and thread......sorry.
  16. You need look no further than New England and their Patsies. Sox have staying power, obviously, but the Pats will eventually end up on the heap with the Bruins and Celts.
  17. I'm guessing it'll be THIS post that'll get the natives wrestless......
  18. Leon Seals Leonard Smith Gale Gilbert Not necassarily in this order........
  19. Not for me. As far as enjoyment, it was right up there with Tanya taking a crowbar to Nancy. Lighten up. Afterall, it is only a horse of course of course......
  20. Prayers offered for a complete and healthy recovery..........soon.
  21. Michael Myers?!??! YEEEAAAA BABY!!!
  22. I like 'ChevyVanMiller' so much that I think I'll trade in my 'FordSuvBudweiser' for one.
  23. Indeed, you do. Me? My wife bought out the store of Progesso soups. Todays can was chicken gumbo. Very good, actually. *BONUS* Tomorrows Progresso soup selection shall be french onion. I shall come prepared w/ crock, french bread loaf and deli sliced mozzarella. Nothing quite like a baked onion soup. Thanks to the oven on site of course. Simply delish.
  24. So sorry.......I'm fortunate to have both parents healthy and alive. I couldn't imagine life without either. God Bless you and your family.
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