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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. No worries, they'll spoon feed him 3 fingers of Crown.....he'll be fine. A TK transfusion, if you will.
  2. Why recognize he's black? He's just a man. This "event" isn't more special because he's black. Not to me. Sorry.
  3. No thanks. I like Boldin, but we'll have to figure out another way to get him.
  4. So does your 8th post. Here's to hoping the Bills draft and your 9th post are what we're both looking for.
  5. Translation: liberal lemming........complete w/mane.
  6. Yeah but...............Did any of these President's have Montel freakin' Williams do a 1/2 hour infommercial for them?
  7. LIVE @ the "InAug"..................STRAY CATS "....gonna Barack this town, Barack it inside out....."
  8. "....I'm goin' to Kansas City...Kansas City he'e I come..."
  9. Exactly what I'm thinking. He'd step right in and start. Gaffneys' clearly better than Reed.
  10. No he's not. He's not even a first day pick. IMO
  11. Tebow is interesting as was Matt Jones............ Minus the cocaine and athletisism.
  12. Or at the carwash with a bucket of guns.
  13. Let's add him. He can retire a Bill and then we can put him in our ring of honor. One of Buffs own.....think he'll don a Bills cap upon induction to the hall? I'll pass on Marvin, thanks.
  14. They do, that and the fact he governs from the oval orifice.
  15. Hate to say it, but I go Maddow. What with her Buddy Hackett mouth, it gives new meaning to "getting a little on the side". Scratch that. I hate her so much that doing her could be misconstrued as rape. I couldn't live with that. That said, looks like I'll be "feeding the chickens".
  16. I would just like to .....I would just like to add...... I would just.......
  17. He did and apparently you picked it up and took a MONSTER hit. How many more of those 1800 yarders you expecting from LT? He's slowing down, he's reaching that magical age and he's taken a ton-o-hits. It's not over for him, but it's all downhill from here.
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