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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. As I go thru this schedule time and again, I keep coming up with the same record. Yep....7-9
  2. Astro, to be fair LynchMob was refering to our offense. Innocuous just might fit perfectly.
  3. Agreed. If in fact it is Philly we're talking too, I'm wanting and asking for both their 1st rounders. Say what you will about Peters, but he's a young, top notch talent at a most important position. Philly knows what they're getting in him. Ask for their 1's, get them if you can. If they balk, demand their earlier 1st rounder and their 2nd. We don't go lower than this. If we're doing this, it's imperative we do this right. The 1st and 3rd can work if they throw in Brent Celek. I like what I seen from this kid last year.
  4. This wouldn't be kosher. BTW H & A....I don't have my glasses on, is your avatar blowing the handle of a shoe tree?
  5. I don't want the deal to "suit me", I want a good deal for the 2nd most important position on the field. If Philly wants him I ask for both their 1's. I settle for their best #1 and their #2. No worse a deal than this.
  6. I get the impression that whatever road this kid travels, he'll be a success. As mentioned earlier, he'll be a mid to late round choice. Some team will be happy they drafted him.
  7. If and only if we deal him, I want both Eagle 1st rounders. Or..... Their best 1st, their 2nd and Brent Celek.
  8. I don't want to deal Peters myself, but if we did, said player AND a 3rd would be foolish.
  9. These may be cliches but macaroni nailed exactly what I'm thinking.
  10. I'd clearly take Reed over Galloway at this point in their careers, but you're higher on Reed than I am.
  11. Agree on Schobel. I know what the numbers say, but for the life of me, I can't remember a big play and his sacks seemed to come in bunches. Inconsistent and unspectacular. JMO....
  12. pfft.....well then......it's settled. If it's guard he wants to play, so be it!
  13. I could make a case that last year was his best. no biggie......he won't be missed.
  14. Do you really need the NFL Network to tell you the "state" the Bills are in?
  15. RuffMuff, your opinions and observations are always welcomed here. I swear it has nothing to do with your avatar.
  16. Bring your "Fire Jauron" sign and garner camera attention whenever possible. Thank you.
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