In the spirit of accuracy, he has "BUS" wriiten all over him.
He's much too small to fit the "T".
BTW, I hope you're wrong too. I hope the kid gets it soon. And for crissakes, Aaron, have a pattymelt!
".....Whhhhhhooooo are you.....who, who...who, who.....I really want to know!!!..."
I think you guys got this all wrong. I believe Senator Melissa Etheridge was just trying to show the young folk how hip he is by singing the chorus of a very cool Who tune.
That......or he's a paranoid prick. You decide.
I love the second picture down. Looks like the Grinch sled after he burglarized Whoville.
Also note that if you don't recycle your plastics and dig a deep enough hole to bury those plastics in your backyard like I do, this second pic is proof positive that you can indeed reach China.
I used to enjoy Lupica on the Sport Reporters. He was always kind of weasly, but there was entertainment value.
Now, he's nothing more than a self centered, egotistical little rodent.
As mentioned earlier, both sides will have their say and the pissing contest will continue but you can go way further into OUR country and realize the carnage left behind by many of these Mexican criminals.
I'm not justifying what has happened here, I'm just sayin'.......
Typical Metz. The ultimate tease. Now they'll go ahead and lose 9 of 12 to sub .500 teams.
Minus the Mariano debacle a week ago or so, the last time The Yanks lost to the Twins, Killebrew was batting cleanup and Kaat was bringing it.
Though I have to admit, I've always had a soft spot for the Twins. Not sure why......