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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. For a 5? I'd do it. Throw him in the mix and let CG weave a bit-o-magic.
  2. All around, I think Detroit makes the most sense. If Lynch is moved, this is the destination, IMO.
  3. I doubt RW will be in attendance for the festivities Thursday and Friday. Those late nights are killer for a codger.
  4. Which ever team gets to 3 first, wins. It's always nice seeing a Bahston team lose, especially so when it's at the hand of my team.
  5. You just don't get it. You see, we have to win now and we need to do so with talent that is almost choirboy like. Nevermind we don't know all the facts or that he was never charged. Ben seems to be putting himself and others in harms way, no doubt. That said, LE and a #1 or two #1's is all it would take? Sign me up. I'm interested in winning.
  6. That robe just might resurrect his career.
  7. If Lynch isn't in our plans, move him. A 2nd is very reasonable. With his issues and present strike count, take the 2nd and run. Go get something we want and need.
  8. Here's how it works. If "YOU" don't report it, it's merely rumor.
  9. Come on, get with it. Haven't you heard? The QB has to be front and center of all that is good and successful.
  10. No. I don't. I don't remember it quite like this. It was perfume on a pig as I recall.
  11. McNabb was never coming. I would've taken McNabb, but at the right price. We've seen the best of McNabb. Manning, Brady, Rivers, etc........not exactly a news bulletin. My question of "who is this guy and does he exist" was more rhetorical than anything else. Fact is, you may THINK Clausen is the answer, but you just don't know. My fear is he's not. That would put us in a bad place should he turn out to be anything but great. Does one need a great QB to win? It would help certainly, but getting great QB play from a less than great QB is attainable if the right coach with the right scheme is in place. Montana and Brees come to mind when I think of right player in right place with right coach/system. Please, they are terriffic QB's in their own right, but man, I can't help but think they'd be less successful had they not landed where they did and with whom they were coached by.
  12. Nice dream. Replace Campbell with Vick and I'm in. I think Vick is ready to ball.
  13. Agreed. By the time we're ready to win, LE will be at least 32. If someone offered up a first rounder, I'd jump on it. That offer isn't coming, IMO.
  14. Crackerdogs?!?! Is the 4H serving up new grub?
  15. I disagree with this. SD has Sproles. They need a banger.
  16. Agreed on not wanting him. As far as McNabb sticking it to the Iggles......not with that surrounding cast in DC as we see it. Advantage Iggles.
  17. Y'all can have McCoy......are there any Hatfield's in this here draft?
  18. Correctumundo, muchacho! Precisely why I said what I said when I said it.
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