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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Let's see..... Split with the Yanks.... Sweep Twins...... 2 of 3 from Phils.... ............forget about the fire sale.........
  2. Oscar Gamble. Lead singer for the Ohio Players, right? That cat was funky.
  3. The Sox have the Twins for 2 after NY, then the Phils then the Rays. When does the fire sale start? I know the Yanks have payroll north of 200, but 175 mil doesn't get you what it used to does it beantowners? This thread has been dorment for too long.
  4. Whattya talkin' about there meathead, huuuuuh? ......love that show.
  5. Here's hoping the Bills aren't the next Whalers.
  6. Wow.....couldn't disagree more with any of this.
  7. Ohhhh....I get it now. Given the oppurtunity, most NFLer's would rape a 15 year old. We're clear. Thanks.
  8. thank you, lord, for my families' good health and well being....and lord, a special shout out to all who make this Bills thingy go off so wonderfully.........and ginger snaps, I love ginger snaps...thanks, lord.
  9. Yep. 3 or 4, tops . Then it's off to Honolulu to play the pre-SB classic.
  10. You will, IMO, set yourself up for disappointment. I can't see setting the bar at an above .500 mark when we are in serious transition. That's not pessimistic so much as realistic. I am on board with the new boss but think the process will be slow at first. To me, how many wins next year isn't important so much as implentation. Let's find out who belongs where on the field, particularly defensively since this is clearly the new regime's primary focus this offseason. Another draft focused on the offensive side and implementing CG's scheme would seem to be the next step. 3rd year we put it together and put the pedal down. That's how I see it, anyway. I'm cool with this, if true.
  11. "....and best supporting actress for run support goes to......SIDIBE GABOUREY......!!" Nice rack, Terrence.
  12. This theory would hold true regardless of the Bills selections this year.
  13. Ok, Brainiac. Who IS this "can't miss" QB you speak of?
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