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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Ryan Tannehill.......kidding.......Get me some fallin' Blackmon!
  2. You say tomato....I say potato
  3. This just might be the single most sensible post I've witnessed here.......ever.
  4. Exactly this. Well....yes....that and McNAbb is 6' taller.
  5. This. Names like DeCastro and Cox wouldn't surprise me. Nor would I be disappointed with either. Nothing wrong with making a strength stronger. I don't think it'll be a LT or player projected at the OT position (Reiff, Martin). Not with the #10 overall. I also think we'll have an oppurtunity to draft either Blackmon or Floyd and would give serious consideration to either. Gilmore/Kirkpatrick would work for me in Rd 1 followed up with Sanu/Fleener in 2. Not at all shocked if Fleener goes night one, however. In closing, I have no freaking idea but have many scenarios I'd be happy with. I suspect Buddy will make the right, appropriate picks.
  6. Yeah because Evans solves the Jags WR problems.
  7. Since when is Eeersay an authority on player evaluation?
  8. I think you're right. No way this kid lasts until the 4th. Too hot and will get hotter. What's "too early" to take him? I wonder how our FO is guaging this guy.
  9. I really should have voted Reiff and not Martin. No way we'd take Martin at 10. He might slide to our 2nd, however......
  10. This. While I don't support taking two WRs at 1 & 2, if we ever did Sanu had better be the guy. Why not go DeCastro/Sanu?
  11. I would jump on this kid in the 4th round. I'm very impressed with hs field awareness, accuracy and athleticism. Size a concern? Not really. It might actually work to his advantage. He's harder to find. There's something about this kid.....something special.
  12. I would love Sanu in the second round. He is physical as hell.
  13. So you hope Floyd is gone before our pick? It seems you're warming up to the idea that Floyd in fact IS worthy of the 10th overall, right?
  14. Right. Because everything is black or white.
  15. I'd have zero problem with drafting one of the best players in this draft....regardless of perceived value or need. DeCastro seems to fit that bill. Like it or not people, so does TR. Again, not advocating it, nor do I think we'll select him.....just sayin'
  16. If he's there at 10 this would be best case for Buffalo. Surely, someone would jump up for TR as he will be the best player available. I suspect he'll be gone, however.
  17. Good thing for you I'm in that 99% or I'd be reeeeal pissed.
  18. I hope this causes the stupid @#$% to drop to us......welcome to Buffalo, dumbass!
  19. Where in any of my posts have I said that TR is the answer or that we should draft him? Answer: NOWHERE I merely said I can understand them selecting a player best at his position. Much like drafting DeCastro. So, while you have compiled all those lovely numbers, stats, trends, etc......I haven't ONCE said we SHOULD draft him. I hope we don't. Yes, there are other holes to fill...lets hope they do that.
  20. Upshaw will not be a Bill and Gilmore and Kirkpatrick will be long, long gone by 41.
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