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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. I will add absolutely nothing to this. I'd be a fool to. And again, you've been wrong each time. Wayne is nowhere near being done. While this would never happen, it would be an absolute no-brainer. Dare I say it would be a steal. I'd do the deal if Jones were 110% healthy. 120% even.
  2. Best and most reasonable post in this thread. By far.
  3. We went from worst uni to best in the league. I wouldn't mind seeing them do all whites (away uni) at home as well. AS much as I dig the home blue shirt, going all white all the time is cool.
  4. Agreed. The fact he's not new and shiny stands in the way for some. I'm not advocating a blank check, but this guy deserves this job.
  5. He's a Raider fan, chances are he's had his license revoked.
  6. Most impressive. Though I'd bet he'll throw up more duds than not this season. It was the Cardinals D for crissakes.
  7. While the post in and of itself may be reasonable, the whining of the masses is also. The talk of 3-4 year plans doesn't sit well, nor should it, with those rooting for a team who hasn't made the playoffs for whats going on into it's second decade. I applaud the stoic, thoughtful, "reasonable" faction here, but many have had it up to freakin' HERE with the ineptness this franchise has had on display for far too long.
  8. Not very reassuring when the freakin' Jagwires release a player who is better than what we have at that position. Believe it.
  9. Not true. They brought this kid in as Instant replay consultant, ala Jim Tressel in Indy. Only we have his services from week 1.
  10. It's probably Ronde's kid. Who'd know.......
  11. Key players? From this roster? Yeah, save your nickels, Ralph. We're loaded with key players. Sorry, not buyin' what your sellin'.
  12. You had better stop. You won't be welcomed around here. We won't be in play for Luck and we're not winning more than 5 games either.
  13. Detroit has a formidable front. They'll make many a good QB look like this. Stafford, if he stays healthy, will have this team competeing for a wildcard. If we compete against the Pats for once I'd be happy.
  14. More accurately, we're the "old" Lions. The new ones look like they're on to something.
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