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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. I can't believe the Falcons shutout the Eagles.
  2. This doesn't help....he's still a putz.
  3. Couldn't agree more, major. Berman has been done, IMO, for quite some time. His act has become old and tired.....including football. I can't watch most of what ESPN puts out. Give MLBN and NFLN every day of the week over ESPN. They are not perfect, but far better. BTW, the HR derby has gone the way of the slam dunk contest...IMO. I watched part of it last night (until I couldn't take Berman) just hoping I'd get some enjoyment out of it. I was wrong.
  4. All day, everywhere.
  5. ....aye, aye Cap'n Happy Birthday, dude!
  6. Thanks for explaining the meaning of "high motor". Didn't realize what it meant. But....I said high motor WHITE guy. I've never heard or seen high motor African American guy or high motor Philippino guy or, well...you get the picture. You've been around long enough to know what I'm talking about. Therefore, in conclusion, not only did you misread Meathead's post, you also misread mine. Tell me you didn't pull out the "I married a black woman card"......... good post!
  7. Good god........the double standard around here. Get over it, people. And for crissakes look in a mirror. Some are so quick to seemingly prove how better they are then the rest and can't type fast enough to try and villify. If you're calling for Meathead's ouster, I want you calling out the many, many of those that refer to high motor WHITE guys. That's just one example of the double standard around here. Meathead, I know where you were coming from. Problem is, if enough of the "esteemed" posters around here bark long and loud enough you may be in trouble. I'd be sorry to see that happen.
  8. Hmmmmm......can I get a vowel?
  9. Yes...and make the brim blue. What? You don't like orange lifesavers?
  10. Pssst.....you're on the wrong site if you're trying to get your post up.
  11. Agreed. I think this is where Brooks makes his name known.
  12. Lets assume this happens, is the AFC championship played In Buffalo or on the road?
  13. While I agree with this, there are those that would have you believe you're not as good a fan as they are because of this view.
  14. I'm all for what he said. No problem whatsoever. I hope this group does it successfully and professionally. I want to be proud of my team not only for its successes, but their behavior as well. Thanks, captain obvious. What seems prudish to you is important to me. But you carry on.
  15. Right on! You're the idiot fan(atic) type, did I get that right? You continue.....afterall, it IS your god given right....as a fan(atic).
  16. .......Exactly what I'd expect from someone who likes all the fancy dancing that has infested the NFL. I promise your passion is no stronger than mine for this Bills orginization. What will upset me more is if we (the players)fall in line with the others and their classless celebrations. Bills game or not, it's silly and unnecessary. Screw conservative fans? You mean screw professionalism and class. You know nothing about either. I'm referring to how I want to see my team succeed and being professional at the same time. But thanks for lecturing me on fans rights.
  17. Let me be clear. Get excited. Just stop the @#$%ing premeditated, choreographed dancing crap. It looks idiotic and unprofessional. Sorry, it does. And yes, I know it's a passionate game. Play with passion, please. Celebrate WITH your teammates, not as an individualistic camera mongering MORON. There is a difference. Both equally as passionate, one far less annoying and unprofessional. Really, now........I know we're chomping at the bit and we're all excited to see this next phase, but lets do so with class and diginity. It's lacking in the game today. I really hope we have success and that we do it the right way. Be leaders, not followers.
  18. Be professional.....not an idiot. Let the other team hate us for our play not our conduct. Same goes for their fans. Let them hate us for our good, hard nosed, businesslike approach. Not the fact that we tango in the endzone or choreograph some silly skit. Be a man. Act like men.
  19. How about they let their PLAY do the talking? I don't mean to pee in anyone's cereal, but I hope we don't turn into bunch of dancing fools after sacks or big hits. Be professional. Let the hits speak for themselves. That @#$% irks the hell outta me! I hate when other teams players do it, I certainly don't want mine doing it. Do your business, get up, get back in the huddle. What a better way to get total respect.
  20. "NAME" WR??!?!? Really? The guys done, name or not. He is not the answer in any capacity for this Bills team.
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