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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Really? The "turn the switch" thingy works? How many times has a team locked up a playoff spot, relax (use whatever terminology you wish) the last couple of weeks and never regain their momentum? Ask the Colts, Broncos and Packers as most recent examples of this. Compounding this.....we're the BILLS! This team hasn't won a freakin' thing in a generation. It would behoove them to compete/practice/play hard and with conviction whatever the stakes (job, preseason game, regular season game, playoff game) at thier highest level. Learn to win every battle you can. Creating a culture of winning from the outset. When these players walk down the hall from the lockerroom to the field it should be with the idea that they're going to be the first one to the field. Why? Because they could win that battle. Create a winning culture. Strive to be the best. Turn the switch? WE don't have that switch. These games mean something. Not the result but the behavior is. IMO, you couldn't be more wrong. This model makes me hater? I think not. Create the culture that hasn't existed here in what seems like forever.
  2. But we had a great offseason and nobody is hurt.
  3. Roll my eyes.
  4. Come on. We had a great offseason AND nobody got hurt in that game last night. Those in the know know this is the recipe for regular season success. Noooooo worries whatsoever.
  5. A lot of cavalier attitudes about a team with new key components that hasn't quite gelled yet. If the 3rd PS game is the dress rehearsal, should we not be looking for more cohesion and all out play from all involved?
  6. I see they're only in Danbury, New Haven and Bridgeport. Some years ago they were right in East Hartford. You might do well to revive that chapter! Good luck and welcome to the board.
  7. You just saved the bitchers some typing. You listed the issues rather succinctly. I think you may have supported their argument. You may view this list as a half full scenario while others, half empty. Also, posting the score at the time of first teamers players isn't very encouraging to those skeptics. This is, afterall, a Vikings team that is not thought of very highly.
  8. This. Do those who think the "prime" players are laying down just to stay healthy, why play them at all? Apparently, these are the same people who think we'll hit the proverbial "switch" and everythng will come together as planned right out of the gate week 1. What, cohesion has been established already? We've established nothing as a unit but add individual talent. I hope we're as good as many of you are making us out to be. Personnally, I'd like some real time proof of this.....maybe in a preseason game would be nice.
  9. If the Jags are cuting your ass, you KNOW you're done.
  10. Pics? Does she look like she was beatin' with an Easton?
  11. "It's this big, I swear!......don't believe me? I'll have this young man pull it out and show you".
  12. And why, then, when you say Tonawanda, do I think of the old Two Guys Plaza parking lot where they would have a yearly carnival? Ahhh yes.....the good old days of yesteryear. I loved riding the Trabont!
  13. A few observations about the picture. 1) It appears Warren Moon is contemplating strangling RW with red tape. (still bitter about comeback?) 2) RW appears much shorter and huskier than usual. 3) His wife Mary?.....yeah, in a heartbeat!
  14. They're 30 & 31 not 40 & 41, right? Hardly old, HGH or not. If you're looking for decline from the Pats it won't be because of age.
  15. Fact is his contract is ridiculous and it in no way reflects his value. He is a rotation player now and yes, should excel with what's around him now. He was paid like an impactful difference maker. He is anything but that.
  16. Yep........this sums it up.
  17. Just another reason why I don't watch ESPN. It just sucks.
  18. Look at ther schedule. 12 is the baseline.
  19. .....you're assuming the OP likes woman. I'm not buying it. Anyone think Kelsay is going to be more impactful than a healthy Merriman or Anderson to this defense is out of their mind. Kelsay may start...I'm more interested in who finishes and is on the field in key situations. What I got from the the article is that Kelsay does hs best work off the field.....but he works really, really hard on it......whatever.
  20. I guess you didn't read the whiny response above. on page 1
  21. This is what came to mind for me as well. I'd be very excited, no doubt. I'd be thrilled! I harken back to '04 (living in New England) when the Sox (who I HATE) won the WS. Some of my best friends who are Sox fans always wondered what they'd do, how they'd feel, how "things" would change for them if they ever won. Yes, they were besides themselves with joy....initially.....and disbelief......but somehow expected more. I'll bet the initial joy is overwhelming, but might leave me wondering.....is this it? Either way, I'd realllllly like to find out.
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