And yet some will pull every ex - bill into the conversation and want to bronze them as HOFers.
Just because you don't agree with the track they're on doesn't mean it can't/won't be successful.
Says the pisser/moaner
Oh? You've spoken to the other 31 GM's?
Do tell.
Did you say they rebuilt in ONE OFFSEASON??
Let me go back ......
Yep, you did.....
He's now had 2 complete games.
It's time for McD to go. It's obviously not working out.
Hell, he STILL hasn't won a playoff game yet.
He's a friggin' .500 coach and obviously always will be.
Could be. All good. Love to see the energy witnessed yesterday.
He's just a miserable bastage and like to point it out whenever he gets too whiny - which is far too often.