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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Just to be clear - anything ESPN blows, IMO
  2. does it matter? wrongo marylou Take solace in the fact that you did all you could do.
  3. True dat. My last affair was a disaster.
  4. There's certainly more quantity than quality of show.
  5. I wish We have no chance if your last statement is true.
  6. Wow - so you're not a fan of good sports talk?
  7. I guess she missed the word pizza.
  8. Winner winner
  9. You're doing it again
  10. I can't think straight when you're yelling like this
  11. Rex? stay on topic
  12. Simple. McBeane bad. They can't even win right. example^^
  13. Gotta understand - No matter what, there will be those who will never agree with what this guy or regime does.
  14. Tissue or hanky? what's your preference?
  15. Well? Don't leave us guessing. Did it work? Did they finally drop?
  16. Yolo - my tongue was firmly embedded in cheek. I was merely making the point that if McBeane wants Shaq in the mix - thus, part of the process - well.... you know - the nancy's around here will be in an uproar.
  17. Ok - but I'm warning you. If this is a part of the "process", there's going to be an awful lot of pissed off nancy's around here. A - LOT
  18. I'm trying to figure out which of your 2 posts is dumber. Tough call. The NFL product, overall, is in a downward spiral.
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