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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. He was patient and didn't move up. Read perfectly.
  2. But it did move, didn't it ?
  3. This warlock is is trading up.
  4. I would welcome him with open arms.
  5. Or....confirms what many smart people realized from the get-go. He'd be 1-2 coming out this year, no doubt. A distant 4th last year.
  6. Agree. Expect the unexpected. Gonna be fun to watch this unfold - league wide.
  7. Quite - logical One of the best reads on the eve of this draft. Fantastic, really! Thanks
  8. Not buying the 2-5 year TE timeline. Maybe some, not Hock.
  9. This works - provided he contributes substantially early on.
  10. Honestly, I don't think we're drafting TE with our first pick. But I think a top end TE is essential for JA's progression and rounding out the offense. A top TE prospect should be able to contribute much earlier, IMO.
  11. So we can never have a relevant TE?
  12. An impressive young man. Thanks for sharing this.
  13. It seems he'd be there for the taking.
  14. Do something else.....like tinker in the workshop?
  15. I'm thinking they have other plans for JA and how's he's used. We go as his arm goes. He's way too talented to be confined. JA and his complete arsenal will be be unleashed.
  16. good post. I think this is completely reasonable.
  17. Just playin' you. I respect your opinion. Though I do like me some Oliver.
  18. I'm sure you mean well, but I gotta side with the experts on this one.
  19. So good pick at 16, bad pick at 15?
  20. Could happen. I wouldn't mind seeing the Jets pull the trigger on a deal.
  21. Yep. Pretty much driving home the astute point made by CommonCents
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