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Posts posted by BuffaloBob

  1. 1 minute ago, RiotAct said:

    that’s not exactly a simple ask though... especially the first part.  Life isn’t one-size-fits all.  People are right to be skeptical of the government, at all levels.  That may have worked against us with the challenge of COVID, but...

    There is a large gap between healthy skepticism and what is going on these days.

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  2. 1 minute ago, K-9 said:

    And the technology has been around for a while now. It’s been used in animal and human trials for over a decade, with promising results in the treatment of some cancers in those trials. If mRNA vaccines were going to be a major health risk, those risks would have been well known by now. In the 40,000 some odd Pfizer trials before they were granted the EUA, there were ZERO allergic reactions. Thru the first two months of vaccinations, the rate was approximately 5 reactions per million shots administered. That’s remarkable. 

    I find the science behind it all extremely fascinating.

    Yes, both of the have been.  There are currently several regular track clinical trials of the adenovirus vector technology as well.  For everything from HIV to Ebola to SARS to the regular flu.

  3. 1 minute ago, JaCrispy said:

    They can if they so choose, but they shouldn’t be forced to do so, for fear of being shut down...

    Well, they could make the choice to continue to have far less people in the stands, wearing masks I suppose.  But if given the choice between a full stadium every week and the paltry number they had for a few playoff games last year, I'll bet they would be on board with choice number one.  Especially when there will be plenty of people more than happy to comply.

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  4. 47 minutes ago, Mrbojanglezs said:

    How is this not a HIPPA violation, amazing how quickly Americans give up their freedoms and are OK with it.


    These vaccines are not even FDA approved yet for standard use, its only emergency use, how the government can demand you take these experimental mRNA vaccines is crazy

    Yeah, except they aren't ALL mRNA vaccines.  Two of them are adenovirus-delivered vaccines and this technology has already been regular (not emergency) approved technology.

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  5. 44 minutes ago, Kelsayrundefense said:

    If you thinking forcing me to take an unapproved FDA vaccine that was fast tracked for a disease that has less than a .1% mortality rate for my age group is cynical, then I guess I'm cynical.

    I'd love to see where you get .1% mortality rate.  😄  Based on known current tracked figures of fatalities and confirmed cases, the fatality rate is about 1.8% in this country.  For the rate you claim for this country, 640,000,000 people would have had to have been infected in this country.  Last time I checked, that's not far from twice the actual population of the country.  So, impossible.


    You ought to more cynical of your math skills, than a virus vaccine technology that has already been approved under normal or non-emergency use against tuberculosis Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG).

  6. 33 minutes ago, Boxcar said:

    I'm simply amazed at the obedience level of some people, to the point where they can be vaccinated and think continuing to wear a mask indefinitely is perfectly reasonable.


    If you're vaccinated against Covid, why do you care what other people do? Texas and Florida are doing fine without implementing this nonsense. I don't know if I'll get the vaccine or not but I still believe in the principle of freedom and you should be able to choose what is injected into your body. Fastest vaccine to market ever, limited testing, unknown long term side effects...there are plenty of reasons to decline. Now we are being conditioned to call those people "anti-vaxxers" even if they support every other vaccine.


    It's crazy.

    It's not about obedience.  It's the right thing to do for your fellow citizens.


    All of the people refusing the vaccine are going to permit the virus to continue to circulate at a high level, which increases the mutation rate.  This increases the chances significantly that all of the Billions spent on vaccine research and development so far will be diminished, as will as the efforts by all of us who were "obedient" when a mutation emerges that is not recognized by our vaccinated immune systems and we have to start all over again.


    It's not crazy.  It's called science and doing what's right for your fellow man.  And its the best chance we have to knocking this thing down so we can get back to some semblance of normalcy in the near future.  You do realize that this thing is NOT going away on its own, right?  All it's done is mutate into a number of variants that are even more contagious and deadly then the original.  It isn't the seasonal flu where it dies off at the end of April and doesn't come back until November.  This virus killed people all summer long last year.


    I am not interested in watching mutations of this virus going on killing another half million people a year in this country while we all have to wear masks and be restricted from public activities for another year or two.

    2 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    Amazing how many people here want to point to HIPAA and dont even know how to spell it.


    Much like the Bible, the Constitution, and 1984. The most quoted works by folks who never read them.

    Or even if they do, understand them.

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  7. On 3/23/2021 at 4:23 PM, Mcdermott said:

    Wow, Voyage and Time Tunnel my two favorite shows from way back then.

    Time Tunnel was cut way too short at 30 episodes.  Starred James Darren as Doctor Tony Newman, who also played Moondoggie in the Gidget movies and Vic Fontaine during the last season of Deep Space 9.  He has an awesome voice. 

  8. On 3/23/2021 at 4:20 PM, clayboy54 said:

    You’re thinking Mike Nelson from Sea Hunt. For some reason I was thinking Admiral Nelson from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. 😆 

    Funny, but I was thinking about Major Nelson from I dream of Jeannie.  And then of course I started thinking about Jeannie.🥰

    • Haha (+1) 1
  9. 2 hours ago, whatdrought said:

    Does her claim say that he indicated he has done this to multiple women/multiple times? If not, what’s the legality of including that phrasing in her suit - given as it’s not a class action suit. 

    That’s part of my issue with the whole thing- these accusations are all building on each other in a way that the legal system doesn’t support. 


    This is not so true any more, particularly with respect to sexual harassment behavior where a pattern of behavior is useful to illustrate a defendant's propensity to take advantage of a situation in which he feels empowered to stalk or otherwise abuse a woman because she isn't likely to feel sufficiently empowered to seek accountability.  There are a number of evolving exceptions to this black letter evidentiary rule that one cannot introduce prior bad acts to prove a propensity to commit the acts of which he is accused.


    If the allegations are true, Watson is taking advantage of the fact that there will be no one there to corroborate his behavior, so it will be his word against hers.  Massages are acceptable situations to be naked.  There are excuses that can be made about arousal and that it was unintentional.  He is a celebrity with lots of money, and women will feel it more easy to suffer it rather than be subjected to the old victim blaming memes like, "Why were you there with him in an isolated situation and performing a sensual act and he was just misreading signals, blah blah....."


    While these exceptions have largely evolved out of stalking and domestic violence cases, they are being extended to other situations in which there is little actual physical evidence that can be used to prove the act or too many explanations for the existence of that evidence, other than that there are boatloads of women who have been harassed in the virtually the same way and other the same or very similar circumstances.


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  10. 1 hour ago, CorkScrewHill said:

    12th man is famous in Seattle .. it is just something we have on our Ring of Honor. We are BillsMafia and the Ring should reflect that. If anyone knows somebody that works for the Bills .. put in a good word. Should happen first week next year when fans. Are fully back. 


    Sorry.  I've been a Bills fan since I was 8 and it was 1966.  But I am not BillsMafia.

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  11. I see Dawson Knox the same way I saw a raw Josh Allen coming out of college, only perhaps more so.  A kid with top notch athleticism, some flashes of tremendous upside, but a lot to learn to convert that upside into consistent high-level performance, especially in the pros.  


    Knox played in only 18 games in four years at Ole Miss.  He caught 39 passes over his entire college career (all in the last two seasons), for zero TDs.  He was largely used as a blocker.


    How much good coaching did this kid really receive with regard to blocking technique, let alone running routes, getting off the line, finding the soft spots of a zone, etc.?  How many reps did he get in practice catching balls in traffic, or at all?


    He has clearly improved, and hopefully like Josh, he will put in the hard work to make up for that lack of development in college.  And hopefully, like Josh, he will eventually outgrow the boneheaded mistakes that come along with that limited development.


    I don't mind them drafting a TE if there is good value this year, but as long as the kid keeps improving, I'm happy to give him another season to see if that progress continues.  He may just be a success story.  Maybe not like Josh has become, but a success nevertheless.

  12. 15 hours ago, Don Otreply said:

    You enjoy making mountains out of mole hills, Brown , Beasley and Diggs have had numerous drops as well, it’s frankly normal that receivers drop passes, it ain’t great but it’s nothing to get up about, it just is. 


    Go Bills!!!

    I realize that for you, this may be a phrase you use in the normal course of discourse, but to me:


    A phrase from a Beatles song?  Nice!


    Strawberry Fields Forever.

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  13. 5 hours ago, Dan Darragh said:

    Preston Ridlehuber

    I was 11 when he played for the Bills.  My brother (who was 10) and I remember him for one reason.  We were at my Uncle Jack's for a Sunday family get together and we went in to watch the season opener in '69.  My Uncle, a man of fewer words than even my father, walked into the living room, looked at us for what seemed like at least 15 seconds with a grin on his face and summarily announced "Remember this name............Preston Ridlehuber..." 


    He then departed.  So much for his (what we assumed to be) prediction of greatness, other than the halfback option play he threw to beat the Patriots that year.  But because of that seemingly momentous pronouncement, his name has never escaped us.  😆

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