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Posts posted by BuffaloBob

  1. My sense of this whole thing is that the Patriots, and all of those involved were convinced that if everyone closed ranks, cooperated minimally, and blew a bunch of smoke about atmospheric conditions, the NFL would not have the balls to get what they could by hiring a scientific firm to do a complete study, and it would all just blow over. Now that they realize they were wrong,they are doing the only thing left to do. Keep blowing smoke,throw a B word tantrum and act like they are the victims, and hope it buys them something. Goodel ain't havin it!

  2. Kiko Alonso- 24 Potential super star, NFL DPOY candidate as soon as this season.


    LeSean McCOy- 27, on the downside of his career, $12 million cap hit

    Stop with the $12 million cap hit. His cap hit to US will be $9.75 Million. Not only that, but we could convert some or even all of his $9.75 Million dollar salary to bonus, and spread the bonused part of this years cap hit over this and the remaining years of his contract. We could also give a him a year or two extension and spread even more of the cap hit out over more years, thereby further reducing the cap hit for him in the first frew years.

  3. Hey Donald, I agree with you. I've been going to Bills games since the late 60's and always saw the Jills as a symbolic part of the Bills and the game day experience.


    I can't help but feel most of these butt holes have a deeply rooted macho chauvinism and animosity towards woman in general, and especially to those who stand up for themselves.


    Just look at the last response to your post. If they aren't undressing or gyrating for him, him have no need for woman at football game.



  4. I would say what the primary contributor to EJ;s cooling off was Hackett's decision to go into conservative play calling mode. Run on first down, run on second down, pass on third down;rinse and repeat.


    Even Kelso mentioned that right before the scoring drive in the fourth quarter. He said it would be nice to mix it up for a change and play action pass on first down. They did and EJ looked much better again.


    When Hackett mixed up run and pass on first down, he had the Bears on their heels. In between, the offense stalled.

  5. They moved the ball whenever they mixed the pass in on first down. The offense struggled when they were running on every first down.


    EJ still needs work, but they need to give him a chance to succeed. Mixing up the run an and pass on first down keeps the pass rush in check. Run on first, run on second and pass on third repeatedly gives the defense the advantage.

  6. I totally agree with you Boatdrinks. Murph has never denied anyone their right to disagree. Thus, the statement that people can't disagree is simply disingenuous.


    He's been very tolerant, but just refuses to give in to the panty wadders.


    And he's absolutely right. The team hasn't played a meaningful game yet, and the arm-chair but-puckerers can't wait to run him out of town. Makes me embarrassed to be a Bills fan.

  7. I'm with Alpha Dawn, JR in Pittsburgh and the few others who have taken the position that booing your own team is boorish, ignorant and classless.


    Especially in the freaking preseason. But, then again, you don't need to meet a minimum IQ score to buy a ticket or to buy a jersey and call yourself a fan.


    Reminds me of the time when RJ was knocked senseless and couldn't get to his feet, and so-called Bills "fans" cheered.

  8. I'm beginning to think more and more that the real plan for this group is for the bad guys with real money to deliberately hide behind the rock star for the purchase, but then eventually relegate JBJ to minority background status when they are in a position to move the team.


    The only chance they have is to put the largely popular rock star out front to absorb the flack from the public and hope he eventually wins everyone over.


    I'm not a conspiracy guy in every instance, but I can't help thinking of that South Park episode about the OJ trial when Johnny Cochran was holding the monkey puppet in front of the jury, saying "Look at the monkey, look at the monkey. And the juror's head explodes.


    Look at the rock star, look at the rock star!

  9. This thread has GOT to be one of the most ridiculous I have ever seen on this board. Are you freakin' kidding me?


    Guy turns on GR and they aren't talking about football, so he has to piss and moan about it, like it's the most heinous offense that could possibly be committed because HE wants to hear them talking about football.


    Mind you, they have talked every angle regarding the Bills,ad nauseum for the past several months, from the sale of the team to Kiko's injury, who's going to replace him. They've had Joe B on every day, twice a day for months til the only thing he has left is a top 20 countdown if the top talented players. Meanwhile, Murphy is interviewing the chick from Buffalo who produced the,Bills 2013 highlight film for Chris sakes, but Oh, heaven forbid, the Bills are out shopping for freakin fans and toiletries for camp and they're talking about the Sabres! Oh, let me get my panties all in a wad and play byeeatch on the Bills board.


    And then endlessly debate which is the most important of the two teams like it freaking matters.


    Get a life! Holy crap!

  10. I don't mind EJ having some extended playing time (except for the HOF game), but only so long as the first team O-line is in there, with minimal subbing of guys who are challenging for a first team job. I do not want our QB being subjected to turnstyle rookies playing against guys who are trying to do ANYTHING to make a team, like taking out the other team's QB any way possible.


    If we aren't willing to keep the entire first team offensive line in the game, then EJ comes out as well. Let the other three guys run for their lives in otherwise meaningless games.



    I hear ya, but I would like a player who is capable of playing LT if Glenn is injured, or walks in a couple of years. There is no DJ Fluker in this draft (a pure RT), or so it appears. Btw, watch him this season. He has a chance to be the next Erik Williams, but I digress...

    I want the Bills to NOT trade up. There (imo) is absolutely no need to do so. I am hoping for a blocker, and perhaps one of the 3 SEC quarterbacks. You can't have too many due to injuries and trade value. Replacing Tuel with Murray or McCarron would be a smart move imo, as would giving EJ more protection.


    I am psyched about what can happen this week. Here's to hoping that they don't screw things up yet again!


    While I don't agree with everything you have said in support of this position, I am, notwithstanding, in complete agreement with this position (EXCEPT FOR THE QB in the first round!! Sorry, but that would be ridiculous. Unless you are suggesting that for the 3rd round or later).


    I like the playmakers we have already, and that includes Spiller. Part of the problem last year is that the O-line did not have the mobility and overall athleticism to get out on screens and to block for CJ on the outside. I would by far prefer to give EJ more time to throw, and to help the playmakers we already have on this team to be successful, and IMHO that means improving the athleticism and depth of the O-line.


    Matthews would be ideal but he may not fall. I happen to like Zach Martin almost as much. I don't much give a crap about whether they are going to play the right side and the common "wisdom" that you don't draft right tackles in the first round or in the top ten or whatever.


    It's not just that Pears is not athletic enough, WTF happens if Cordy Glenn gets hurt for any period of time? I LOVE the scenario that we would have a guy on the right side who can also slide over to the left if necessary and we can still put a lesser guy back in on the right side. I also LOVE the idea that if Wood goes down again, that either one of those guys could be subbed in for him and play at a high level. This alone to me makes them worthy of a high first round pick. Plus, you won't have to worry that either of those guys are going to be arrested for spice possession like a certain other dumbass we drafted with a high pick.


    This O-line of ours has precariously low depth as well as athleticism, and while the argument goes that you can get these guys in later rounds, that same argument can be made for any position. The only problem is, the percentage likelihood for success falls off for lineman just as it does for any other position.


    So, I too would be totally po'd over a trade up, and especially for Watkins. I would be thrilled with Matthews if he falls, and would be happy with Martin. I would be also OK with a trade back if it nets us worthy compensation and thus depth and improved athleticism for the O-line along with a mismatch tight end like Niklas.

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