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Posts posted by BuffaloBob

  1. I have already said the person to blame ultimately for EJ not being good enough is EJ. Here we have another person missing the point I am trying to make.


    And I disagree with your opening line. The generational type talents sure they will succeed regardless most Quarterbacks, hell I'd say probably 70-75% of the players in the NFL need the right conditions in which to succeed. That is part of the reason you see so many big FA busts. It is simply not as simple as if yoy are good you will be good anywhere regardless of situation and circumstance.


    None of which please understand is me saying EJ Manuel would have made it had Chip Kelly drafted him or any of that speculative nonsense. It is simply me saying situation matters to football players and indeed to people in most team sports.


    EDIT: and let me repeat again for the hard of reading - I am not defending EJ Manuel.

    I totally agree with you. This idea that men are born NFL QBs or not, and that if you aren't ready when you get your shot, then you just aren't an NFL QB is utter crappola.


    Playing QB in the NFL is the most difficult position to play in all of sports. Not all QB prospects have the same developmental environment as they come up through the ranks. Some get to study with the likes of Jim Harbaugh and some get to play for Jimbo Fisher.


    There was a time when QBs were given time to learn the position, but not anymore. Sink or swim is the name of the game now. If you can't master the position in 14 games, you never will. It's a BS.


    Only haters will not admit that EJ has progressed since his first year. When I watched him against the Panthers the other night, I wanted to feel badly for him because he was stuck with the threes, including a center that snapped one up nearly over his head, and another while he was calling an audible walking up to the line. Totally blew his first possession. He had two and maybe three drops that killed drives, and would have led to more snaps for him.


    Yet, he was very calm, and unflappable. He maintained his cool and finally delivered a beautiful pass under pressure for the TD. And then you get to hear everyone tell you how he's just not consistent, he can't read the field, he can't make good decisions, he has a bad delivery, he has no feel in the pocket. I also so that he was just lucky, and that he reverted to his old self when he missed O'Leary after a beautiful move to escape a sack, rolling to his right, and what looked to me like he tried to hold up because he realized O'Leary was starting up field after he started his motion. Yup. One bad pass out of 8 proves he sucks and will never cut it.


    He needs to play to get fully confident, the same way Favre got to play even when he was pissing off Holmgren early on. But he won't get that chance in this era of, you're either ready now or forget it. If the Bills cut him, I hope someone picks him up and he gets his chance. I will find it easy to root for him.

  2. You may be right. I don't try to read between the lines too much with these snippets of quotes. And I do agree that some members of the media try to push a certain story line instead of just reporting the facts. Joe B is the worst, IMO.


    I'd like to hear that interview myself, but it does seem that he's just saying "I'm taking care of business and things will work themselves out."

    First of all, if they have decided to give Tyrod a start, why would anyone expect things to be different for EJ this week? Of course Tyrod is going to play with the ones. He has to prepare as if he is playing with the ones. He's going to start. And is it a surprise that Cassel wasn't rotated down to the threes? I think it is a given that they want to keep a veteran around, even if he is safe and not terribly exciting. So how is EJ supposed to move up this week? They did give EJ reps with the twos today.


    The big question will be after this next preseason game, what happens? If EJ is still with the threes and there is no start for him in the 3rd game, I think then we know. But even then, why is it presumed that they will cut him? The media just can't wait to see EJ get whacked. So many people invested in being right. I think they are nuts if they cut him. Cassel has been hurt a lot over the past few seasons. I like Tyrod, but I am not sold on him being a permanent solution. I like him as a change of pace guy, but it remains to be seen whether he can be a true starter in this league. And he plays a dangerous style as well.

  3. I am in the other camp. I think the right coaching the right plan and the right amount of patience and faith in a young Quarterback are major difference makers in respect of whether young guys make it or not. Especially now. So few guys are coming out of college "NFL ready" I think circumstances and situation matter massively.


    EDIT: interestingly one man who might fit your requested example is Tyrod Taylor. Let's hope we benefit.

    Not sure why that should be confusing. It doesn't surprise me that you aren't sure that I know what chronologically means.

  4. He could say any number of other things....like, "I'm still in this competition. Just have to keep playing well."


    n response to a bunch of media people peppering him with questions about how come he is playing with the threes? He has already said what you suggested, today in fact. At some point, in response to a media that can't wait to see him whacked, you finally have to say look, all I can do is what I can do. If what you people are insinuating is true, things will work themselves out. BFD!! Oh, he knows he's on his way out now!! LMAO! What a story!

  5. Dude I said YOU don't know what it means, not me. BuffaloBob, you're fighting a losing battle here, trust me.

    Exactly what battle am I fighting? I think you have me confused with someone else. There is no battle here. ROTFLMAO! Except for the one in your head, perhaps.

    emulating Fire Chan isn't helping your cause... unless you ARE Fire Chan


    He's a veritable legend in his own mind!

  6. @john_wawrow

    More to come: Speaking to AP, #Bills QB Manuel doesn't dispute possibility his days in Buffalo might be numbered. pro32.ap.org/article/manuel…



    #Bills Manuel to AP: "If I play well, it should take care of itself. Whether it's here or whether it's somewhere else, I don't know,"



    Link to AP story: http://t.co/v9ztueOBsB



    How exactly does his response to this line of questioning indicate he sees the writing on the wall? Really? What is the guy supposed to say? He has no clue, any more than anyone else on this board as to what the thinking is, (Oh, except for LeRoy of course :rolleyes:).


    He​ gave the same response ANYONE would give under the circumstances. I just have to play well and let things fall where they may. Big Effen deal! What a story! What was he supposed to say? "Oh no, they're going to start me. I'm winning the competition, can't you idiots see that?"

  7. I'll just let things sort out since I am unable to do the Vulcan Mind Meld with Ryan to know exactly what he is thinking. However, it would not make a whole lot of sense to have a QB you think might be the starter have reps primarily if not entirely with the third string, which is what is happening at the moment with EJ. So it seems to me that either EJ is relegated to third string or Ryan is an idiot. Since Ryan seemed to make a mess of the QB situation with the Jets, the later possibility isn't entirely remote.


    You do know EJ got a bunch of reps with the twos today, right?

  8. EJ has never appeared to play scared. He's consistently appeared to be clueless and anxious. When you can't complete a 5 yard dunk pass you shouldn't even be in the discussion, and should never have been drafted number uno.

    Funny, but I saw him complete 3 or 4 of them under pressure against the ones, playing with the threes last night. But by all means, don't let reality get in the way of your playing GM and NFL personnel evaluator. Oh, and he really didn't look at all clueless. I must admit, he did look a little anxious, but so would I if my offensive line was giving me until about 2 Mississp........ to get a pass off.

  9. Thank you for posting your own eyewitness observations.


    No problem! BTW, I thought all of the QBs threw well against air, and they all have pretty good arms, except Cassel's long balls do not have the zip on them that the other three guys do.


    They all threw pretty well 7 on 7 as well. But it's a whole nother ball game in 11 on 11.


    I see Cassel as being a checkdown guy that will draw the DB's in they will force him to beat them long, which I do not have much confidence in him being able to do. I would like to see Tyrod do well, but he still looks too much like Thad Lewis with a better arm to me. Good change of pace guy. EJ needs work to become more confident and consistent, but to me, he clearly still has the most upside. Also, now that I've seen first hand the plays these idiots are goring EJ for, I realize that we are being given a completely different picture. My suspicions of these guys having a bias is confirmed.


    Do not believe what they are saying.


    BTW, EJ stayed after practice and worked on his wide receiver screen throws. I thought they looked pretty good.


    To me it seems hes taking almost all of the blame off of EJ and consistently blaming the receivers. 5 yards out of bounds is a lot for a throw that was justbehind a receiver. Ive just seen his stuff before and didnt like it. Its pretty telling to me when every single other reporter is saying how bad of a throw that specific one was and he comes out with "just a little behind, receiver should have looked...". But believe what you want.

    I was there last night, and had this guy looked back, he could have certainly made a play on the ball. The fact that the receiver NEVER looked for the ball made it look like it was poorly thrown. It was not. I don't know if it was perfect, but it looked like it was intended as a back shoulder throw and the receiver simply never looked back, and was sort of juking around with the DB.


    EJ split reps with Simms with the threes the whole night. He has been practicing with lesser receivers who are not only not doing him any favors, they've at times made him look bad. Another throw during the 2 minute drill (I think) was perfectly thrown with loft and touch, under intense pressure from the ones D-line) and came down right through the arms of the receiver. It happened about 30 yards from me. How that guy didn't catch the ball, I have no idea, but it was pathetic.


    And yes EJ was playing threes AGAINST ones for virtually the whole night. He was sacked several times because that third string O-line didn't have a prayer of keeping Williams, Darius and Butler off him for even a two count. It was pathetic. And yet, EJ managed to stand in the pocket and deliver some decent throws in spite of that pressure. But of course, Joe B's stat line no doubt simply said, "EJ took 4 sacks or whatever."


    And finally, the saddest and funniest thing at the same time is that Cassel looked just OK when the ones played against the threes, which was most of the night, and when they finally matched the ones with the ones, it was an unmitigated disaster! He rushed every throw, even when he didn't need to, and I don't think he completed a single pass against the ones. If he did, it was one really short one.


    Tyrod played with the twos against the twos pretty much all night. He was good sometimes, and not so good at times. But he still pulls it down and runs far to soon and often. He still overthrows far too many of his long balls in 11 on 11 when he is facing a pass rush.


    I suspect EJ will get his shot to start in the second preseason game. I will be shocked if Cassel gets anything done against the ones against the Panthers, unless the ground game is really working.

    Maybe he needs glasses, like Charlie Sheen in Major League?


    That was soooo misrepresentative. He threw a back shoulder throw that was up high so the receiver could come back on the ball. Because the receiver NEVER looked back, and was juking the DB it LOOKED like it was a bad throw. And if it got to the tent, it was because he had good mustard on it and it bounded into it. Such crap.


    Now that I had a chance to see practice for myself, I can really see how these buttholes are misrepresenting things.


    Most media types won't have a take against a player's chances unless they're absolutely convinced. Joe B's a big FSU guy having attended there and if he's not giving Manuel much of a shot, that ought to be telling. By all accounts, EJ still makes some of the same mistakes he made as a rookie, including an inability to make basic throws.


    No, a scrimmage isn't going to kill his chance to win the starting job, but they don't have another year to find out if the guy can play either. And it's distressing to hear people claim that EJ's issues come down to the previous coaching staff. These guys are pros and need to be able to adapt quickly. EJ should have good coaching now, so it's on him to become the Whaley thought he might be when they selected him 2 years ago.



    I understand what you're saying, but I don't get why it matters. Joe Biscaglia is a personnel evaluator in his dreams. I realize he watches FSU football and therefore has his opinion, but first and foremost, his opinion means virtually nothing to me. I watch my alma mater too, but that doesn't make me an expert at projecting their players into the NFL.


    Secondly and most importantly, I think the media needs to keep their biases in check when reporting. I realize that their bias will have zero influence on the coaching staff, but it surely does affect the fan base.


    Joe B. clearly has an agenda when reporting on the QB competition, and it is clearly influenced by his vested interest in being right about his opinion. Whenever EJ does something well, it's merely a completed pass, or a nice play by the receiver. Anytime EJ does something wrong, or at least the play goes wrong, it's a "bad" misfire, or no one was anywhere near the ball, or he runs into Bryce Brown, when it at least very likely, or certainly at least possible, that it was Brown who ran the wrong way first.


    When Cassel or Taylor misfire, it's NEVER a bad misfire, a bad overthrow, and broken plays are NEVER the fault of the other guys. And it is not even subtle. All you have to do is review his tweets from practice and the scrimmage to see it.


    And of course, he is not the only one in the media with this bias, or with a vested interest in being right about it.


    Is this much ado about nothing, probably. But it seems to me that if you are rooting for a team, and it is in the best interest of the team that we have one of these guys actually master this position to a level that produces competitive football, that one could at least root for the guy to succeed for that reason alone. But on top of that, by all accounts he's a smart kind, he is a quality person, has a great temperament to be a QB, and he gives of his time in the community selflessly.


    But hey, when ya gotta be right, ya gotta be right!

  12. Hey KOKBills, I would quote you but this board doesn't work for me on my cell. I think you are absolutely right. But it just seems like Joe B has a vested interest in being right about EJ. He has been down on him since we drafted him, and because he fancies himself a personnel expert, he is out on the EJ cannot be any good.


    I am OK if Tyrod truly wins out, but I just do not understand the amount of EJ haters out there who are vested in the need to be right that he can't make it and they knew it all along.


    This is a kid that works really hard, has the perfect temperament and is a great guy for the community. He seems like a man anyone could root for. I hope he can really pull it together. He certainly would be deserving.

  13. I really can't stand this media coverage by Buscaglia. His bias against EJ is so obvious it's pathetic. Every rthing that goes bad for EJ is accentuated with negativity.


    Anybody know if the miffed handoff was EJ's fault? Yet Buscaglia says and EJ runs into the FB. Maybe the FB ran the wrong play. When EJ misses on a pass, it's "no one anywhere near the ball," or "EJ badly misfires.". Yet anyone else misses a pass, you don't hear Tyrod badly overthrow the receiver. And not suprisingly, EJ has hit two passes for about 75 yards, and had anothe first down pass dropped, but does Joe B say nice throw? No, just EJ complete to Harvin.


    I expect this sort of stuff from the EJ haters on the board. That's fine. But the media should not be biased in their reporting.


    And for the Tyrod fans, he better do more than run because we've been there and done that with other similar athletic run first QBs. We are screwed if he doesn't do more than complete 5 yard passes and runs around end or to avoid the rush.

  14. "I don't care what the local news says. I want to hear what the coaches have to say! In either case both could be talking out of both sides of their mouth, but I agree. Coaches words carry more weight."


    I agree. If you read Joe Buscaglia's report today, you would think EJ schitt himself, tripped over his dyck, darted in the coaches faces, and the wet himself out of sheer embarrassment.

  15. One thing I guarantee Brady knew was that if there were incriminating texts on that phone, he knew that if he wanted to end up in federal court, he didn't want those texts available for subpoena once there.


    If I we're part of the NFL counsel team, I would argue that Brady was coming to court with unclean hands. He clearly knew what he was doing when he destroyed that phone, and now the NFL will never have chance to see that evidence.


    Well played by Brady's high priced legal team, but it stinks out loud.

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