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Posts posted by BuffaloBob

  1. You're the troll. You've bashed everyone but EJ and get upset that EJ didn't get the starting nod.


    Me not a fan of Cassel or EJ, actually thought the best QB won the job. As far as backups go, neither Cassel nor EJ is a good fit and would force changes to the offense. More protection for EJ and shorter/quicker routes for Cassel. Either way it would allow teams to stack the box more. I am a fan of getting rid of both of them as they both have too much down side and getting someone else as backup. They are both too expensive as backup options.


    It's also possible the Bills are saying this to drive up the trade requests on EJ or Cassel.

    Really? With EJs long ball capability, the defense is going to be able to stack the box more? LOL! I suppose that EJ's performance is just a preseason aberration and he'll go back to slow eyes and scanning only half of the field, right?


    And with EJ's cap consequences, I rather doubt it makes financial sense to cut him. And really? $1.4 Million or whatever is too expensive for a backup?


    Dude, I realize you have a giant harddon for getting rid of EJ, but you're going to have to try a little harder than this. But maybe, if you bang that drum just a little harder and a little faster, you might get your wish after all.

  2. You know, I don't want anything bad to happen to Tyrod and I hope he does well. BUT, if EJ does for some reason get a chance to play this season, I hope he crams a game ball right up the proverbial rectum of the local media with his play.


    I heard Carucci on Freddie Coleman last night. EJ couldn't put it together. Struggled in practice and he wouldn't be surprised if he ends up playing somewhere else this year. Me conceded he improved some, but not enough to matter. He made not ONE mention of the fact EJ nailed it in the preaseason. Not one mention that he made the most of his opportunities and literally out-produced the other two guys in the three games.


    I so want to see these eat crow. The only hater in the local media that had the grace to at least give the kid the credit he deserves is Joe B. Tyler Dunne, Coller, Carucci, et al. Are still beating the drum.

  3. Sorry guys. Matt Coller says EJ is who he is going to be because he's 25 and analytics says that, except for a few outliers, all athletes are who they are going to be at 25, so forget about EJ. And because of two games out of the 14 he started were really bad, he just will nver be a guy you can rely on and the fact that he couldn't beat out Tyrod and Cassel, he's never going to be more than he is.


    Oh and his improvement this year is marginal, but not enough to make him better than Cassel. So all of us morons who don't understand analytics, too bad and so sad.

  4. What I was talking about with the mettle and the leadership was the last drive of the Cleveland game, combined with the Pitt game. Most of us, including me, thought his career is Buffalo was basically over. But that last drive showed tremendous mettle and leadership under those circumstances. He was all but left for dead and he got up and put together the best drive of his life, preseason or not. He threw five fantastic passes in one minute of time, including two of them on fourth and fourteen with about a minute to go. One of them was a TD and game winner. Then he had a pretty good practice and then he had a monster game against Pitt where again his career with the Bills was likely on the line.


    Several players noted the difference in his confidence level and the way he was in the huddle. I think it saved his career with the Bills and I think it showed a ton of leadership that he just didn't have before.


    And no, I don't think he should start, I think TT should, and I don't think he is ready to be given the keys to the car. But that doesn't mean he hasn't made huge strides in leadership in the last few weeks.


    I also think that a great deal of accuracy problems and breakdown of mechanics that results in accuracy problems is simply being comfortable in the game and the offense and what you need to do. And EJ always looked pretty skittish and very often looked inaccurate. But he got godawful coaching in his first two years which hurt him and now he is getting great coaching. And it took awhile but he is finally looking comfortable and he knows the offense and he is just winging it for the first time in his pro career and it shows in his accuracy and his mechanics don't break down nearly as much and his confidence has skyrocketed and that all feeds off itself.


    He may have had the light turned on. He may just be on a lucky streak. But he's clearly benefitting from being more comfortable and getting better coaching.

    I also give him credit for how he played in the Carolina game for that matter. The guy's first series was effed by two lousy shotgun snaps by Urbik. He had two drops by TEs that could have extended other drives, and he was basically running for his life the whole time. Yet he throws an on the money touchdown pass while avoiding the rush, and was downright unflappable the entire time he was out there.


    The biggest improvement I saw in EJ was his coolness and his ability to overcome adversity in all three games, and especially in the first two. He didn't get down when stuck with the third and fourth stringers, he continued to work until he made something happen. That is a huge attribute to have as a starting QB.


    I'm fine with TT because I thought he played well, also displayed poise under fire and is a bit more multi-dimensional. BUT, I still think EJ is the prototypical starting QB and still has the bigger upside, even if not by a huge margin.

  5. JFC, if you need the Hubble telescope to determine if MAYBE a microfiber of a fingernail tip COULD have POSSIBLY touched the football, than it really doesn't count as a "tipped pass". Tone it down a notch, EJ fanboys. He had a great game with one shltty 4th down pass. Deal with it.


    Awwwwww! Glad we could provide you with a little fodder for your EJ negativity. I rather doubt the hubble telescope would be required, maybe just a close-up. But regardless, it doesn't mean it didn't get tipped either. But of course, when in doubt, err on the side of NOT EJ.

  6. Cassel's out pass to Davis causes Davis to come back to the ball diving hard for a great catch and short of the first down. Cassel's pass to Easley was way outside the radius and Easley makes another great catch. No comments about Cassel's accuracy or lack thereof. If EJ threw those balls you'd never hear the end of it.


    So true. Not only that, but you'd also never hear the end about he won't throw down field, that he won't throw a guy open, or that he can't read anything but the short end of the field. If EJ threw as many checkdowns and short safe throws as Cassel, you know that would be the narrative. But the fact that EJ has improved his pocket awareness, has improved his accuracy and improved his confidence and thus willingness to throw downfield, we have to make fun of one tipped ball. It's about all the haters have left at this point.

  7. That 4th down throw was tipped ever so slightly.

    I watched that on slow motion about eight times, stepping through one frame at a time. I couldn't come to that conclusion conclusively, but the second angle sure made it look like that was the case. I think the lineman did just got his fingertips on it and it didn't change it enough to make it wobble, but it did look like it deadened it enough to slow it down and make it behind the receiver.

  8. Look at the post I was responding to. I am very rational and very much a realist. If and when EJ Manuel is not named the starter, you will not see me leading an "I told you so!" campaign. I haven't even made a prediction as to who's gonna start. I just got a little irritated after a couple EJ victory lap posts in this thread, that's all. No one knows what this means exactly but my suspicion is not much.


    At least this is what you are hoping. And you are no doubt hoping that EJ falls flat on his face during the game as well, because God forbid he throws a couple of TD passes and then you'll have to worry that EJ starts and makes an asszs out of you. Your buddies Tyler Dunne and Joe B need some support, Maybe you can call them and lend your support.


    Exactly...Even the guys on WGR admitted as much before this whole pack mentality set in...There is no question that the best case scenario for the Buffalo Bills is to have EJ turn into the Franchise QB they Drafted him to be...Not saying he's anywhere close to that yet...But I can't imagine why any Bills fan would not hope this could be the case...Or at least hope that is the direction this whole ting is headed in eventually... B-)

    People have their reputations and egos at stake. People who took the position that EJ should have never been drafted when the Bills took him (i.e. Joe B) and people who have written him off early because they think they know something and have defended that position relentlessly do NOT want to be wrong.

  10. Incorrect. They said in one sentence, Ryan said. Then in the next sentence, they said, so his time might be limited. The Ryan said part ONLY modifies the part about the all QBs getting time with the ones. CLEARLY, the next sentence is the conclusion of the author, otherwise, BOTH ideas would have been in the same sentence with the "Ryan says."

  11. I am a supporter of EJ for many reasons. But as a Bills fan, I want the guy who will give us the chance to win to start. But no matter how things go over the next two weeks, I want EJ to remain on the team, and to continue his development, because he is still in my opinion the best long-term solution we have.


    My biggest complaint is clearly the opinion of "experts" that EJ is a bust and can't possibly be a solid starting QB. While I can deal with those on this board who make it their Quixotic like obsession to beat down support for the guy, it is the media's group-think that I can't stand.


    When I watched the "Roundtable" Channel 7 held before the Cleveland game, I couldn't help but hope EJ would prove those buttholes wrong, as they one-by-one smeared and dismissed EJ with what was absolute hyperbole regarding his performance in camp and his chances for starting.


    I remember Tyler Dunne being especially dismissive, with an almost sneer when they asked him about EJ. And not surprisingly, the hyperbole continues from Dunne with this quote from his latest "article" today in the News:


    "8. EJ Manuel can’t be trusted. Don’t be fooled by his preseason numbers (13 of 22 for 188 yards, two touchdowns). Manuel’s practice tape is littered with one incomplete pass into the hospitality tent, one that drilled a cameraman on the sideline and several fumbled snaps. Every 45-yard strike in stride is followed by two or three or four head-scratching throws, which is why Taylor and Cassel have been the quarterbacks getting virtually all of the No. 1 reps. Buffalo took a chance on Manuel at No. 16 overall two years ago. Maybe it was the perfect storm for all the wrong reasons – Kaepernick had just torched Green Bay for 444 total yards and four touchdowns, Robert Griffin III was the rookie of the year, Cam Newton and Russell Wilson were ripping through defenses by air and ground. Manuel seemed like a read-option threat and the Bills were dead-set on taking a quarterback. They simply took one in a horrendous draft class for the position.​"


    What a biased bunch of trite blather. His practice tape is littered with TWO BAD THROWS? And I saw the one that went in the tent. It did not go in there on the fly! It was a bullet that bounced into the tent first of all. Second of all, it was not THAT off target. Finally, how does this idiot know whether that was EJ's fault or the receivers. It was thrown to a spot. It was to a third or fourth string receiver. And even if that was an off target throw, so WHAT? It just wasn't that off target. It was thrown hard and to a spot, and the receiver couldn't get there, or wasn't where he was supposed to be.


    And no other QB has hit a cameraman or someone else on the sidelines with a pass????


    The most egregious exaggeration was the "Every 45-yard strike in stride is followed by two or three or four head-scratching throws..." This is plain BS. I went to few practices and NEVER saw a good pass followed by 3 or 4 head-scratching throws. In fact, I did not see even ONE head-scratching throw follow a 45 yard strike.


    This guy is way worse than Joe B with his hyperbole.


    In the end, I will be behind whomever the staff chooses, and I will be behind whomever is playing QB at any time during the season. But I hope EJ if not against Indy, eventually emerges as a successful starter, either for us or some other team, just to shut Delta Bravos like Tyler Dunne the EFF up with their biased crappola.

  12. FWIW:




    "Ryan said, however, that all three quarterbacks will get some time with the first-string offense on Saturday. So Manuel’s time with the starters may be brief."


    This quote is a little misleading. The part of the quote that is NOT from Rex is that EJ's time with the starters may be brief. That was PFT's suggestion, not Rex's.

  13. Yeah but other radio show guys can exchange pleasantries well without ticking off too many seconds. And let's face it, it's not like they are so content rich they struggle to work it all in.

    It's really more of an indictment of the stupidity of that type of silly rhetorical question being used so ubiquitously as a greeting that it just is lame on talk radio. There are other ways to begin a conversation on a phone other than asking someone a question as a greeting that is so trite and useless. Are they going to go into detail about how they are feeling today with every caller. And the fact that people expect a talk show host to respond to that inane question every 45 seconds just demonstrates how lame it is in that context.


    Except in situations where a friends or loved ones are seeing each other for the first time in a while, so that the question is sincere and a real response is sought, it is just a lame greeting for someone you don't know.

  14. Even simple manners, people call in and say "hey guys how are you doing?" They respond a resolute "fine" nothing more.


    Yeah folks say don't listen, but the bills talk just offers a missing piece of home u can't get anywhere.

    To be honest, having to listen to virtually every caller ask, "How ya doin?" "How's it goin? every call makes me a little nuts. You mean, how am I doing since the last guy asked me 40 seconds ago? I realize its just an affectation but it just sounds so lame to me. Thanks for taking my call is almost as overused. My favorite is: "Hello? Can ya hear me ok?"


    BUT, I think the station must have told them to say something, because they used to completely ignore everyone who asked some form of How's it going? If I'm a talk show host I would tell anyone who asked me one of those lame rhetorical questions would be hung up on!

  15. You know Im a guy right?

    You know this is a sports forum right?

    You know Im not a nerd right?


    I went to college like you buddy. You dont need to go there. I will not dot my bla or cross my bla. Not here. Not ever. My job, now that's different.


    Very lol. Playing the gtrammar card on a SPORTS FORUM.

    Ahhh, you went to college! Well, then I stand corrected . Your a genius no doubt, at least in your own mind.

  16. Like I said dont take me serious.

    I was right about Peters. I was right about Lynch.



    Im right on this too. But whatever guys. You like mediocre. I dont.

    How would anyone when you don't even post with proper grammar. And who cares about Lynch and Peters, they were both a-holes while they were here and Marshawn still is one, so who cares? That's why they are gone. But oh, I guess some NFL team will be calling you soon and offering you at least an assistant GM position. But you may want someone to review your resume, as I doubt they'll want to hire some clown on a Bills board who is clueless regarding the use of adverbs.

  17. Without a run game and vs a solid #1 defense.

    Dont forget that.

    Hey what's up?

    You'll be thanking me when we're in the afc championship game with Tyrod as the starter. Not Ej.


    With Ej, we dont make the playoffs.


    Please read line 2 of my signature.


    Tyrod had a run game! the First team OI-line was blowing Cleveland off the ball and even those scrub rb's were gaining yards. Moreover, the first team O-line was giving Tyrod all ton of time sit back and decide what to do with the ball.


    EJ was the one who had ZERO running game, as well as ZERO protection.


    Thanking you for what exactly?

  18. But why Jr????????????


    Cause he was good vs 3rd sringers?


    If anything the last 2 games have just solidified him a job. That's it. But never a consideration for a #1. He will always be an unlucky/average qb.


    Dont take me serioius. But that's the way it is.



    Ummm, noooo, because he was really good against third stringers while playing WITH even worse third stringers.


    And, that's don't take me seriousLY, and don't worry, I won't. And it doesn't appear many others on this board are either.

  19. "Less than likely" is what I've maintained throughout. Do you still think there's a better than 50% chance he's our opening day starter week 1 2017?

    Is this part of your "Jokeman" shtick or are you really citing Tyrod Taylor's mop up duty and practice stats?


    That's right, negative practice stats are only relevant when they're EJ's, and therefore serve to support your narrative.

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