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Posts posted by BuffaloBob

  1. Enough with EJ


    Play Tyrod as soon as he's healthy

    Yeah, because Tyrod was so much better the last two weeks. LMAO.


    I love these posts. Last week, Tyrod had 26 yards passing at halfime. He had 106 for the whole game. The only reason we won last week was we played a lesser opponent that the D was able to hold to 13 points. The week before that against the Giants, he had EXACTLY the same 26 yards passing at half-time and we were down 16-3 against arguably a lesser opponent still than the Bengals. In the end, he had virtually the exact same game statistically as EJ had yesterday.


    Tyrod against Giants: 28/42 274 yds, 6.5 avg, 1 TD, 1 Int, 16.6 QBR, 82.8 Rating with 4 sacks. Running he was 6-15 yards 0 TDs.


    EJ against Bengals: 28/42 263 yds, 6.3 avg, 1 TD, 1 int, 56.9 QBR, 81.7 Rating with 2 sacks. Running he was 6-22 and 1 TD. Two 1st down conversions on 3rd down and short.


    In the Giants game, the offense scored 1TD and we lost by 14. Yesterday, the offense scored 3 TDs and we lost by 13. Had the defense even remotely showed up yesterday, we might have been driving for a tying field goal at the end.


    But somehow, EJ's performance was HORRIBLE and you can't wait to get Tyrod back in there. How is that exactly?

    HOw can anyone think EJ had a good game yesterday. My God the homer glasses need to be taken off.

    Did you think Tyrod had a good game the last two weeks? See above and then tell me how Tyrod's performance is any better the last two weeks than EJ's yesterday.

  2. for sure! in the brown paper bags, another great memory that you took for granted.. i think the same black gentleman sold them for years at both the rockpile and the aud.

    i do believe that is why guys like us just keep coming back .. but the feeling of being a punching bag does cross my mind lo these many years.

    That is why the Bills are in our DNA. And why it was so hard to not see us win a Superbowl in the early 90s. Football is so different now, and so is my emotional attachment to it.


    I'm glad the players are so well compensated now. They deserve every penny.

    But that has also changed the game in ways that has profoundly altered what was at that time my great love of the game. I will root for the Bills to my last breath, but long gone are the days I used to watch every game I could, read every book I could on football. Maybe that is just an inevitable part of growing up. But the NFL is not a passion for me like it was back then.

  3. that band lives in the memories of all of us who experienced them. over the years talking to old friends, or people you would come across and talk old bills at WMS, the subject of the band always came up. all i know is that band playing in the right field corner was very much a part of the distinct culture of a bills game at WMS. there are many books about the brooklyn dodgers and the romance they had with that borough, the tradition, the band at the rockpile, the sights, the smells of those days is very close.

    The Bills didn't do much winning by the time I was attending games with my Dad in '68 and beyond, so for me, it was the ambiance that I remember. I remember a t least one December game when it was snowglobing and the band was playing Christmas songs. The bills were no doubt losing, but it was Christmas time and Santa was coming!


    I remember in '68 and '69 how i would come home from a game happy if the Bills scored a touchdown. I remember a game against San Diego when John Hadl was QB. It was one of those awful weather games and the field was so muddy that most of the players' jerseys had their numbers obscured my mud. It was late in the fourth and we were losing soundly, when the crowd notice there was one player out there whose number 21 jersey was virtually free of any dirt or mud.


    The chant started remotely and began to grow in volume. GET HADL DIRTY! GET HADL DIRTY! It when on for about 5 to 10 plays, until finally Hadl went back to pass, and the Bills sacked him and got him all muddy. The crowd of Bills faithful, still there in the 4th, suffering through miserable weather and an even more miserable game, went nuts like we had just won another AFL Championship. We went home that afternoon with a good feeling, despite yet another L.

  4. The part of WMS I remember most is walking through the streets and parking lot, into that depressing, drab gray concrete hulk, and then getting that first glimpse of the bright green field and red Bills logo.


    It was like watching the Wizard of Oz when it went from B&W to color.

    Get your peanuts here, Buffalo's best!

  5. Did anyone catch this in Vic Carucci's piece today?


    "It’s no secret the Bills’ coaches preferred Matt Cassel in the No. 2 spot, which he held before General Manager Doug Whaley, who wanted Manuel in that role, shipped Cassel to Dallas. But now is not the time to get involved in any sort of power play that might drive the call to go with Taylor simply to prevent Manuel from getting on the field. If Taylor isn’t physically ready to play, the responsible thing to do is to go with Manuel. And given that Taylor hasn’t fully practiced, that decision probably should already be made, even if Ryan wasn’t ready to announce it on Friday."




    If you assume like I do that VC is reliable (I know some don't), this is an interesting comment.

    If you watch Rex's I press conference and on-field interview from Friday, t:hey day Carucci printed that drivel, you would wonder how in bloody hell vic came up with that preposterous position.


    Unless Rex went all Auntie Em Auntie Em it's a twister after the cameras were turned off, that description of Rex's position on the QB situation is frankly bizzare! Vic asked Rex lots of questions, and Rex was his usual joking relaxed self. He seemed to make it clear that the team had full confidence in EJ should he play. Yet, somehow, Vic has become convinced that Rex is gripping so hard he's about to pop and blow away over Lake Erie like a balloon.


    So Rex hasn't announced EJ as the starter. So what? Why not keep the Bungles guessing? Why not keep Tyrod working towards getting back on the field?


    Vic is, like certain other members of the local media, still desperately clinging to the EJ sucks and will never be any good narrative, and that the Bills are through with him. I heard Vic interviewed on ESPN after the pre-season, and he was STILL predicting EJ would be gone by the start of the season. It's really pathetic.

  6. Known in the day as "The Catch!"

    As Plank holder I meant they were one of the first to purchase season tickets; on the side of the end zone across from the Dodge Street tunnel. There was always a twenty piece band that played during timeouts right below.

    RIP Paul.


    I loved that band. I was just a kid, but that live band was cool. They used to play during timeouts and before and after the game. So much better than the crap they blare over the loudspeakers today.


    They used play Christmas songs in December.


    Those were the days. Speaking of them working during the offseason, Ron McDole and Al Bemiller used to build spec houses and Al had a restaurant and bar on Clark Street. Boy, what a different Era that was back then.

  7. @viccarucci

    My #Bills Take Five: Don't force QB call. http://bit.ly/1LeOFDD

    You know, it just never ceases to amaze me that these guys continue to peddle their group-think on the QB situation.


    A quote from Carucci's article:


    "Logic would strongly suggest that the best move would be to give Taylor at least one game, if not two, to heal and go with Manuel. Neither Ryan nor offensive coordinator Greg Roman wants to do that. Ryan made it clear Friday he was squeezing with all of his might to even the slimmest hope that Taylor could recover in time to get a thumbs-up when the proverbial “game-time decision” is made Sunday."


    Ummmm, I watched Ryan's press conference twice, during which Carucci asked him lot's of questions about the QB siutation and I'm sorry, but not ONCE did I see even the slightest indication that Ryan was gripping with all his might over Tyrod playing or not playing. Maybe Ryan went to pieces after the camera's were shut off, and I didn't get to see it. Maybe Vic is half Betazoid and he can read Ryan's mind whereas we mere earthlings cannot.


    But really? Ryan was his usual casual silly loose guy with the press. In response to Vic's questions, he was unwavering in his praise of EJ and that he looked great, threw the ball really well, is comfortable in the system, and said he had all the confidence that EJ would do great things if he plays.


    The ONLY thing one could use as an indication of a lack of confidence would be that he hasn't just come out and said that EJ will start. But so what? First of all, he is clearly trying not to give the Bungles any indication regarding for whom they should prepare. Also, he owes Tyrod at least a chance to try to recover sufficiently to play. But really. He's squeezing with all his might to even the slimmest of hope. Holy freakin' crap!


    Then he comes up with this narrative:


    "It’s no secret the Bills’ coaches preferred Matt Cassel in the No. 2 spot, which he held before General Manager Doug Whaley, who wanted Manuel in that role, shipped Cassel to Dallas."


    Once again, this is NOT some publicly ackowledged position. This is HIS opinion. Yes they had Cassel at 2, and put him back there after he was re-signed. So what? That doesn't mean he was the CLEAR choice for any reason other than he is a veteran with lot's of games under his belt.


    He is putting out as fact that Whaley shipped out Cassel to promote EJ, implying that it was against the coaches' will. It is certainly possible, but definitely not confirmed as fact.


    And then off course you have Ole Sully chiming in as if HE knows something more than the rest of us:



    "@shoutfanatic asks: Why are BUF sportswriters so infatuated with a QB who completed 58 percent of his passes over 71 starts while barely throwing past the line of scrimmage?


    Sully: Sorry that the media’s stance on the Bills quarterback situation is too nuanced for you. No one is “infatuated” with Matt Cassel. We merely point out the fact that he was Rex Ryan’s clear choice as backup quarterback until Doug Whaley shipped him out of town to pave EJ Manuel’s way to the No. 2 job."


    Guess no source is really necessary for that assertion of fact, especially when you can be sarcastic and condescending about it before delivering your opinion as fact.

    And then at least this is delivered as opinion: "His teammates believe in him, too, which can’t be taken lightly. I don’t think they have much faith in Manuel."


    A position that is apparently belied by EJ's teammates' consistent and fairly strongly worded support throughout, including Sammy's recent offerings regarding this subject.


    All I can say is, if EJ starts, I hope he shoves this crap right up the local media's proverbial poop chute.


  8. Well sorry, not to dog pile bit it's a weak argument. The syllogism seems to be:


    A) with EJ we can only beat terrible teams

    B) Cincy is not a terrible team, therefore

    C) We will not beat Cincy with EJ at QB.


    And that conclusion might be right, if for the wrong reasons. What other people are bring up are things like:


    1) Sometimes good teams have bad days and get upset, especially on the road.

    2) No one has seen EJ as a full starter in this offensive system, that is very different from what he played in last year and therefore it is difficult to determine how good he might be.

    3) Cincy has been playing a lot of struggling opponents, and while good might be as good as the media makes them out to be.


    The next step is to debate these points and refine the argument.


    This lesson in logic is brought to you by WWiP.

    Nice post, but you lost about 90% of this board when you used the word syllogism. Anyway, those who have written off EJ will stick to that position even if he leads this team to a Superbowl. Haters gotta hate. Haters gotta be right no matter what.

  9. Felton is on my list of grievances. I don't know who I am mad at, but it has to be somebody.

    Why is he so rarely used? He says Sam Gash is a player he wants to emulate. In almost every game, Sam Gash was good for one or two plays that were "block then run out into the flats for a quick pass that results in a good gain."

    OK, then why don't they use Felton for that? It always got the crowd going, and it almost always worked.


    In my opinion, Roman may soon be known as the "Wannstedt of the Offense" unless he can find a way to get a little more creative and make better use of his players.

    Actually, the guy seems to have lousy hands. It seems that he has dropped more passes then he has caught. They threw to him more in preseason, and he dropped several passes.


    More recently, he was thrown to down by our own goal line, and he took a dump pass and literally bobbled it up into the air, and by the time he regained control, he was tackled for little or no gain. We were lucky a defender wasn't there to snatch the ball right out of the air and score an easy touchdown.


    He may be a good blocker, but he seems to have hands of stone.

  10. Was it a shove, punch, push, swipe, open hand slap? Who knows hard to tell. It happened during flow of the play and Duke was swiping at ODB when he knocked him down too. So why wasn't what Williams did a punch too? Rarely if ever see a punch called in those circumstances....at most some kind of illegal hands to face.


    Punches that get called and fined happen well after plays are.over, with 2 guys jawing, one says something about the other guys momma, and the other guy hauls off and smacks him. Something like this...


    Dude, I think you're trying a little too hard here. Duke made one more arm movement forward after hitting him, and by that time ODB was on his azzszz. Looked more to me like a follow through by which he was trying to keep himself from falling because ODB provided very little resistance to the hit. That one arm motion was hardly flailing at ODB, whereas ODB clearly gets up and swings directly at and hits Duke in the side of the helmet hard enough to cause Duke's helmet to twist violently when he makes contact.


    Morever, if it wasn't his first and only one of the afternoon, that is significant as well. I'm not trying o make a big deal out of it, but that punk needs to be held accountable for that crap, and claiming that it was hard to interpret or hard to classify as a deliberate punch is simply nonsense. He got legally jacked with a great and legal hit, and he was pissed so he jumped and hit Duke in the head with a full swing and then ran away like a total pu$sy.


    First of all, thanks to the CBA are no longer LOTS of practices...LOL You should know that. Secondly, in practice, QBs are not allowed to be hit so I could see why a statue like Cassel would show much greater there than he would in games where he can potentially be hit hard.


    By training camp practice #11, EJ Manuel was being written off by a larger and larger number group of people in both the local media and fans alike. That's after only 22 hours of "real time" work learning a brand freakin new NFL offense for a young QB like Manuel who was taught by a rank amateur for his first two years! In the end, all of these people were proven wrong. You have to have some sense of perspective on the actual situation.


    I just don't understand the continued EJ hate when it's crystal clear that he has made a dramatic improvement in his play later on in training camp under the new coaching staff and he will no doubt be challenging Taylor for the starting job until either Taylor or Manuel win the job on the field.


    It's called being so fully invested in your position to the point that you are too far gone to come back. This clown, among others here on this board, are so far down the "EJ will NEVER be a competent starting QB" road that they simply cannot return. Not enough fuel to get back. So on they plod. There are those in the media that are essentially in that very same same place.


    Tyler Dunne from the News continues to bang the drum as well. Did you know EJ actually threw a pass that bounced into a hospitality tent and also hit a camera man on the sideline with another?????? Heavens to Betsy, it's a twister, it's a twister Auntie Em!! Oh, and Lordy Lordy, he fumbled some shotgun snaps in practice!! Oh the humanity. I SAW some of the snaps he was getting from second and third string centers early on and they weren't pretty, but why let a little fact like that get in the way of a narrative that you have invested yourself deeply within.


    Matt Coller at GR is another one. The analytics boy wonder genius who believes numbers tell you everything you need to know about a guy, and they tell him that EJ cannot possibly improve enough to be good.


    So of course, the ONLY reason why EJ is still on the team, or worse yet, that he was actually kept in lieu of Cassel at second string is because Whaley is committed to keeping HIS guy. No other explanation for it, boy howdy.


    The only guy who was heavily invested in this narrative and yet had the huevos to give credit where credit was due was Joe B. And Sal C actually conceded that he was caught up in the group think that was going on out there at SJF as well, and was outright supportive of releasing Cassel. Human nature makes some people pathetically funny, because they just can't help themselves.


    BB, I want EJ to succeed so bad, but isn't that a bit of an oxymoron? The myth of the "EJ Long Ball" is starting to gain traction.


    I'm not sure what you are asking me. I was responding to a previous post that suggested that Cassel and EJ are both not good backups to TT, because it will require a change in the offense that would benefit the defense. In EJs case, he was claiming that its because you need to provide more protection for EJ then Tyrod requires, and therefore that somehow allows the defense to stack the box. I was simply pointing out the fact that because EJ seems to have finally found the formula for getting the ball down the field, that this makes no sense. He will stress the secondary and will PREVENT them from moving up, sitting on short routes and stacking the defense. Moreover, EJ showed much improved pocket awareness and mobility in the pocket, so I don't buy the idea that we'll have play two tight ends and a fullback to protect EJ.

  13. What was his signing bonus with NO ... does he even have to play again? lol

    Maybe he is holding out until he gets paid what he should. We know who his agent is after all.

    It is probably about time to start the Parker "re-negotiate" strategy again, isn't it? I'm mean sure, he was injured all of last season but, you could make an argument he out-played his contract, can't you?


    As an EJ supporter, I was willing to give Taylor a nice 4 game look. But after reading articles like that one I'm not going to put a time limit on my support for Taylor. I'm tired of the local media trying to embarrass EJ with stupid loaded questions. I think the Bills are being short-sighted thinking that Taylor is going to last more than a few years with his style of play. Rex got it wrong and every EJ Manuel supporter know this. They know he's turned the corner. If the media wants a QB controversy than they are doing a good job of getting me worked up for one.


    I almost wish EJ glared at the reporter and said, "Dude, I'm the best QB on this team and you can quote me on that. I'm going to become a franchise QB either here or somewhere else. Any other questions?"

    EJ is, for better or for worse, not that brash, in your face kind of guy. On the one hand I get where you are coming from. On the other hand, I think EJs teammates respect him for not being like that. Also, I thought his biggest improvement was the way he went about his business in the first two games when he did not have the ones in front of him, and had to endure a lot of adversity. He remained cool, calm and collected, even when Urbik was blowing snaps, his TEs were dropping first down passes, and he was running for his life a good deal of the time. In the end, I believe that it is this kind of personality that will have the most success under the most dire of circumstances.


    I am an EJ supporter, but I also really do like Tyrod and I'm excited to see what he can do. I too share the concerns of how long he can avoid injury, but I am happy for him because he is also a great story and I think he made it a very difficult choice. I feel badly for EJ that he didn't have this coaching staff from the beginning, but he didn't and that's how it goes. I am also happy for EJ because I think his hard work and perseverance is starting to pay off.



  15. Logic is wrong here. This is all about 2016 salary cap implcations.


    Keep both = 7.15 mil cap number this year; 2.8 cap number in 2016(EJ)

    2016 cap effect: -4.75 mil(cassel contract coming off books; EJ under contract for 2016)


    Keep Cassel; cut EJ: 7.15 mil cap number(includes ~2.4 mil EJ dead money) this year; 2.8 cap number in 2016(EJ dead money)

    2016 cap effect: -4.75 mil(cassel gone; ej dead money)


    Keep EJ; cut Cassel: 3 mil cap number this year( includes 600k Cassel dead money); 2.8 cap number in 2016(EJ)

    2016 cap effect: -4.75 mil(cassel gone; EJ still here); reduces 2015 cap number by 4.15 mil which will rollover into 2016

    Net 2016 cap effect: -8.9 mil


    That extra 4 mil is a starting G or resigning Bradham or half of resigning Glenn.


    This is year one for this coaching staff. They are not sacrificing mid 20s homegrown talent for a year of Cassel insurance(or Fred Jackson for that matter).


    This! The original case completely ignores the cap implications of cutting EJ early on the future cap. So while you may save a small amount still owed EJ, the dead cap money gets accelerated at completely the wrong time.


    BTW, the other argument I love is the, we need to bring another guy in just like Tyrod, you know, with similar talent and ability. Yes, they're all over the damn place. Just go pick one off the strong-armed, mobile QB tree! LOL!

  16. That would be odd since EJ did get 2 1st downs by running and the 4th and 3 pass was tipped. EJ was making making accurate throws and good decisions but once he was no longer with the first team "the writing was on the wall." What that writing said is not clear though and to EJs credit, he never acted like he was done.


    As far as the OP goes, let's play a game of logic from EJ's POV. If I am not taking 1st team snaps, I am not really competiing to start. If I am not the starter, the Bills may decide against keepinng me on the roster. If I am not on the roster then I will be elsewhere. Have I spent any time contemplating where "elsewhere" might be or what it might mean to my career? Not really. I am focused on learning this offense and trying to perform well each and every chance I get, whatever the circumstances.


    I do not see a story there.

    That's because there wasn't one! Everything you say is true. The issue was not that what was reported was inaccurate, it was instead what we were supposed to conclude from what was said that was ridiculous.

    Also Skurski pretty much got the same answers from EJ yesterday. Didn't know if he'd be on team. Said it's out of his control.


    So, this is the second time EJ at least that we know where EJ sees some writing that he maybe gone soon.




    Yup. it's the second time EJ, when confronted with a loaded question like, do you think you might get cut or traded, that he honestly answers that it's always a possibility but that he is doing what is under his control and is not concerned with that which is not. Yup. He absolutely believes he's a gonner!! Stop the presses!!


    Dude, maybe if you close your eyes, and wish really hard, you make can make it come true!

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