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Everything posted by ropeerasers

  1. I believe you mean "There is no tight end worthy of a first round pick much less the eleventh."
  2. Tasker isn't as bad as people make him out to be, and, honestly, he seems to be getting better. The weird thing about Buck is that he seems like a funny, witty guy who can be really good, but he's too straight laced and understated. He's much better suited to baseball.
  3. Score more points than their opponents more often than any other team in the league, especially at the end of the season.
  4. It seems like it would do little more than degrade the quality of play on both sides of the ball. It was part of the Arena Football League's schtick for a long time and it never seemed to do them any good.
  5. Most famous among racists!
  6. I'm writing my congressman AS WE SPEAK!
  7. Hey guys Keith Olbermann said someone was a racist THEN he had the sheer AUDACITY to make reference to a restaurant. This calls for a very strongly-worded letter!
  8. To be fair, those criticisms are a lot closer to what they said about Haloti Ngata last year than Bunkley and Ngata ended up having a pretty good year.
  9. This year the Sabres had three all stars starters, including the all-star MVP, all of which are American or Canadian. Are you saying it benefits the NHL when ESPN ignores players like that to dwell on one player almost constantly?
  10. I'm aware of that I was just wondering what we might be getting then
  11. I know there is a bit of mystery surrounding the formula the NFL uses for compensatory picks, but based on what Nate and London got in free agency it doesn't seem completely out of the realm of possible that we could end up with one or more. Does anybody have any insight on exactly how these things are chosen and anyone venture to guess what we might get?
  12. I think trading Willis would be great if the Bills could do something to land Michael Turner from San Diego.
  13. Also, thanks for the heads up on the Arcade Fire being on. I'll definitely want to check that out.
  14. SNL is consistently mediocre because they write a 1 hour-ish show and string it out to 1 and a half. All the funny skits go on about twice as long as they really should. I can't tell you how many times I laughed at the beginning of a skit then by halfway through had grown completely disinterested. Sometimes it seems like the show is run by funny people who have absolutely no faith in their audience so they repeat the same joke ad nauseam. And I have no idea why anyone would ever think MADtv was funny. It's always seemed to me like Sketch Comedy for Dummies. The whole sketch comedy landscape has just been getting worse and worse since the demise of Mr. Show and Upright Citizens Brigade.
  15. So, cops, soldiers and firemen don't deserve pensions after they retire?
  16. I don't think it's just Simms, it seems like CBS encourages their color guys to get completely in the corner of whichever team is winning/has the momentum at any given time. Almost every game I watch on CBS is a love fest for Team A until Team B can turn it around, at which point they go on and on about how truly great and underappreciated Team B is and how they just don't got any quit in them. It's completely ridiculous. I'd bet someone could listen to the local radio broadcasts of both teams, alternating when one team takes the lead from the other, and the only difference they'd notice would be the ads.
  17. Jonathan Vilma and and Shawne Merriman aren't "the franchise guy" for their teams?
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