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  1. Here in Southwest Florida, I checked NFL channel and up comes 212-1. It show Colts at Bills 7 PM Thursday night. also with my 30/month loyalty discount I am actually 18 + change for Sunday ticket. Time frame is 6 moths starting in September.
  2. Interesting that customers directv are with out channels. Here in southwest Florida it seems that we have all channels showing. I called Directv yesterday to see what kind of deal I could get on Sunday Ticket..Because I have had Directv since 2002 I was giving a $30/month reduction in price for the year. Sunday ticket I'm paying $18/month for 6 months. Thats $108 for the ticket. I thought that was a good deal. It took them about 45 minutes to get me that deal so I guess there was some negotiations going on.
  3. AMEN people. No fan=no money.
  4. Just checked my Directv guide and it is being shown on Monday at 8 PM. Glad I checked or el;se would have missed it. Looked forward to seeing it Sunday afternoon after brunch.
  5. Born Pottsville PA. Moved to Kenmore 1943. Graduated DeVeaux Niagara Fall 1953. Worked Chevy River Road 15 months College in Holland Mi Grad 1958 Worked Roswell Park till 1997 Had season tickets from 1973-1996 Retired 1997 moved to southwest coast Fl. Don't miss the snow and cold but do miss the food and changing of leaves each fall. Have Sunday ticket and a small gang of western NYers in for the games.
  6. Just called Directv and payments are $44.99x7=$314,97. If you already have HD, this is included(HD) in the package. I signed up for another year.
  7. After having Directv offer me superfan for free, my first bill shower it didn't happen. I call and complained. They offered me the same deal $20 less a month. She figured out my bill and I was happy. $$$ taken out of checking account this week was less than what we figured. Good deal. have had superfan free for the last 2 years.
  8. Does anyone know if Lynch appealed his suspension? I haven't seen anything on it but could have missed it. If he does and it is reduced to 1 game, then I think things will work out. Rhodes and Jackson could have a ball in NE.
  9. I doubt that. What people seem to forget is that 2 nurses and a fellow police officer tried to get him to release Moats but to no avail. With thus much info, for running a red light e arly in the AM, its a little much. My wife is far more upset than I am and she is usually then dclm one. Guy should lose his job. Police must also act with common sense.
  10. Remember, 2 nurses andf a fellow police officer urged release of Moats but to no avail.
  11. The article did not mention any drugs at all. Even so with the urging of a fellow police office he refused to release him until he was finished writing the citation.
  12. Just read on msnbc.com that Ryan Moats, a running back for the Texans was detained in a hospital parking while his mother-in-law died. Ryan ran a stop light to get the the hospital early in the AM. The cop pulled is gun and ordered his wife back into the SUV but she took off for the hospital and was able to be with her mother as she died. Two nurses and a police officer urged the arresting officer to let Ryan go to his mother-in-law's side but in essence refused to release him. No wonder Lynch said there is a target on his and every NFL player's back. BTW the cop was white and Ryan is black. He is off patrol and on a desk job. Go to msnbc.com and look under sports for the complete article.
  13. I agree but can we take this one step further. Is TO a stop gap measure until Hardy recovers form his ACL surgery and will he act as a mentor to not only Hardy but possibly Edwards as well? Yes I am excited but do have some reservations about his ME attitude. This is just some rumblings from an old fart.
  14. The Browns have asked permission to interview Scott Poili per the Cleveland plain dealer. KC is also inyerested.
  15. Anybody have any idea if tonight's game is on the internet. Have a new Macbook and want ti try it out this way. Thanks.
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