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Everything posted by MrLocke

  1. No where I for some reason got it drilled into my head that was the offer.
  2. I don't know if amyone around here is but I am a big CFL fan and I have that to look forward to.
  3. Would Brian Kelly have the same problems changing defenses that people think Ronde Barber would have?
  4. I think TD is dying to get a good athlete and I think he thinks he can stay put and get a good athlete. He may move up slightly to ensure getting a good athlete but not to the first round.
  5. Beagles eh? inside joke I'm unaware of? If we get an additional second round pick I just like it from the point of view that the second round seems to be where the value is. Also the current pick we have is in the mid to late part of the second round as opposed to the early part of the second round making it more difficult to get a good athlete. Also picking twice in the second round would significantly increase our chances of getting a good athlete.
  6. Ok maybe Poole was not the best example I just mean their approach to signing veterans cheaply.
  7. Maybe we can start a LaWaylon Brown fan club. Just like the Lauvale Sape fan club.
  8. Who knows. Given the way the cap is maybe we should pull a new england and try to sign cheaper veterans to replace players like nate. like when they signed tyrone poole to replace otis smith.
  9. Initially I thought this was a ridiculuos idea due to the presence of stephen davis and deshaun foster, however not any longer when you think that as talented as Deshaun Foster is he has been on injured reserve almost all of his career and Stephen Davis is getting long in the tooth. Who knows maybe they will offer us fair value.
  10. I think the only reason they keep Tice around is because he is cheap.
  11. TD contradicted himself horribly in that article. After we traded PP away he said he drafted Josh Reed to be a starter and in this article he says he drafted him to play the slot.
  12. This is just it how much of a strain would a 3rd wide receiver be on our cap? Kevin Johnson signed a 1 year 1 million dollar contract, however the cap hit would not be the full one million dollars because only your top 51? players count against the cap so he would just knock someone out with a lower cap figure.
  13. Is he even a free agent? I thought he was still locked up with Detroit.
  14. After Jerome Pathon and now Kevin Johnson is anyone alse upset we have not looked at bringing in a veteran to be our #3 receiver. I realize we have Josh Reed and Sam Aiken on this roster and one of those two might be able fill this role it just even if we use 3rd or 4th round pick on a receiver its not likely he will contribute this year. Where as if we sign a Kevin Johnson or Jerome Pathon he probably would be able to contribute. Also TD said the offense was what had to improve and in my opinion this would be an easy position to improve at.
  15. Well they have traded up the last few drafts. last year to get Shaun Andews the year before to get Jerome McDougle. They may use their picks this way
  16. Gotcha. Did you say Big 11 jokingly as it is the Big 10, eventhough there are 11 teams? Jones Will probably have an idea as to where the soft spots in a zone are due to the fact that he played QB similar to when Jay Reimersma played here.
  17. This is without a solid running game too. I always think a balanced offense is an offensive lineman's best friend because if you can keep a defensive lineman guessing whether it is a running play or a passing play it makes it much easier for the offensive lineman.
  18. I just searched google news and couldn't find anything out. stats wise he had a pretty good 2003 season.
  19. I do not know about this trade. It's just I do not know how much of and upgrade Shelton would be to our o-line. Is: lt-shelton lg-anderson c-teague rg-villarial rt-williams a significant upgrade over: lt-gandy lg-anderson c-teague rg-villarial rt-williams or lt-teague lg-anderson c-tucker rg-vilarial rt-williams. In other words, I just do not think Shelton adds much to our o-line so I think we would essentially be giving up Henry to move up 11 spots in the second round. I could see moving up 11 spots in the first round but not the second round.
  20. Also Surtain is a far more certain commodity than the prospects in this draft.
  21. I agree. Weren't similar things said about the 2003 draft? We got 3 starters in that draft and most teams are content with 2 starters per draft.
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