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Everything posted by MrLocke

  1. I always thought Rob Johnson sounded great in Greggo's first season here. I do not want to say JP=RJ. I am just trying not to get overly excited about JP because I do not want to be disappointed if he does not pan out. I like too how he now anticipates people comparing him to RJ because of the California connection.
  2. Jamie Rheem's brother. Joe Rheem. Jamie Rheem spent time with the 49ers.
  3. Denney is a pretty good football player. We would all prefer more sacks. I see Denney as being valueable if he does nothing more than help stuff the run and push Kelsay. I would assume he and Kelsay will be battling it out again.
  4. I agree. The LPGA should be using this as more of a marketing tool. They should try to make the LPGA more like women's tennis.
  5. Here are his measurables Geir Gudmundsen seems to be big enough 6'5' 302.
  6. I was giving some thought to the Parrish pick and I was thinking it may be so that we can play 3 and 4 wide receiver sets. I may be wrong about this so correct me if I am wrong, but I do not think we played many 3 and 4 wide receiver sets last year (only saw the games on tv) so I am thinking that Parrish, Moulds, Evans and possibly Reed or Aiken we will now have the ability to spread out defenses. thoughts?
  7. Not bad good to see the Bills on the field.
  8. Bodydona Skip? RIP. I will always remember her as Sunny not Tammy Sytch.
  9. My fave was always Carin Koch. I think she is quite cute. Sorry I could not find a bigger pic.
  10. The last few guys Donahoe has brought into the organization, whether it was Lee Evans or Mularkey it took me a while to warm up to them. My initial reaction to the Roscoe Parrish pick was that I did not like it, however as time passes on I hope I like Roscoe just like I do Mularkey and Lee Evans.
  11. The main reason I would figure that Roscoe Parrish would have a big season would be favourable coverage. As defensive coaches say "You can't double team every guy on the field". So if you double Moulds and Evans, who is goibg to cover Roscoe?
  12. 32 reps of 225 is pretty impressive. I do not know about his versatility, but do you think if he got even bigger he could become a defensive end? He certainly seems strong enough and quick enough. Also this would probably compensate for any lack of speed.
  13. I think you got it dead on. In the short term I do not think the play book will be as deep for JP because of his ineperience, however as time goes on and he starts picking up more and more of the play book it will get bigger and bigger. Also because JP will be able to do more than Bledsoe did the play book will be bigger than it was when Bledsoe was under centre, which will make our offense less predictable than it once was.
  14. You only lose the tags if you re-sign players to long term deals while they are tagged during a certain time period and if you re-sign the player out side of this period of time you do not lose the tag. In fact I think Buffalo actually signed PP then traded him to Atlanta and because we tagged him we're not reponsible for the signing bonus against the cap and Atlanta picked up the contract and I guess re-paid us the signing bonus. I am not sure what the time frame is, though. As for the transition Tag I think it is one of those things that if you have the franchise tag you also have the transition tag so i do not think we lost it when we signed TKO. As far as using the transition tag on Clements I think it is an option because I think it is the average of the top 10 highest salaries at the position as oppossed to the average of the top 5 salries at the position when you use the franchise tag so it would be cheaper to use the transition tag in stead of the franchise tag. The problem is , though that if the team does not match the deal offered to the player by the other team they receive no compensation.
  15. I said Josh Reed in part because he has a big salary. His salary is manageable but still some what hefty. Also I do not think he has much ability as far as punt returns and kick off returns. I may be wrong on this and if I am simply correct me. Jonathan or Fast Freddie Smith has good punt return ability and that is why I see him on the team and yes I know Roscoe Parrish may fill this role. As for Aiken he has been arround 1 few year than Josh Reed and was drafted two rounds below Reed so I grant him more slack, however if he does not start to turn the corner this year he could also be gone. Superhero this is not an easy question.
  16. I do not think the talent is as good having lost Jonas, however Teague, Williams and Villarial who I think are all locks to start know the scheme now, which they did not know last mini-camp. Mike Gandy and Bennie Anderson could pottentially be new starters and them not knowing the scheme could cause troubles early on, however I am confident this unit will gel and be atleast as good as it was down the streach last year.
  17. I do not want to be pessimistic but here are some worries of mine. I worry Mularkey may end like other Pittsburgh assistants. That is to say I think Cower disciples have had little success. Dom Capers had some early success in Carolina guiding them to the NFC championship game in there second season,b ut quickly faded. The jury is still out on him in Houston. The French Chef Dick Lebeau did little in Cincinatti. Haslett had some early successs in New Orleans and has done little since. Chan Gailey had some early succes in Big D but faded as well. What I am trying to say is Bill Cowher's coaching tree has not been overly succesful in my opinion. As far as JP goes I trust that MM made the right call in going with him over Bledsoe and this is because he made the correct call to switch from Kordell to Tommy Maddox. Perhpas this was Cowher's decission I don't know. I am not too worried about JP starting and that is because I think if MM can coach guys like Kordell Stewart and Tommy Maddox to decent seasons I think he and Tom Clements can work wonders with JP. As far as the o-line yes, I would have loved to have had Jennings back, however was the o-line came together they played great. Imagine how good our o-line would have been if they had played the same way they did down the streach for the entire season. The only troubles we may run into here is that Bennie Anderson and possibly Gandy if they both start will be forced to learn a new scheme. Does anybody have any idea about Anderson and Gandy's intelligence. Anyway I do not want to write an essay here, but there are questions facing this team like just like there is every team.
  18. I think Willis is great, but the trouble is how much value do you put on a rb these days? It just seems like one of if not the easiest positions to fill these days. That is to say you draft a rookie allow his contract to run it's course and then replace him with a an early to mid round pick say rounds 2 through 4. I just think about runners like Rudi Johnson a fourth round pick, Brian Westbrook a third round pick, Domanick Davisa fourth round pick as well. I just do not know how valuable RBs are these days and I do not think it is a streach to mention rudi johnson, domanick davis and brian westbrook in the same sentance as willis mcgahee.
  19. Well said. Being where I am everyone is a Flutie fanatic and I cannot stand this. I like you do not want to start a controversey, though.
  20. Perhaps I can shed some light on this. From what I understand Nolan is from a poor native reservation. I think he has been offered PLENTY! of work. From what I understand the job for Nolan would have to be pretty special for him to leave his home reservation and stop helping the reservation. I have seen many stories about him on Canadian Sports networks.
  21. Does anyone know how Owen Pochman has been doing in NFLE? Do you think he might be able to push Lindell?
  22. This is quite the point and this thought had never occured to me.
  23. The trouble with compensatory picks is that the highest you get them is in the third round and you get them at the end of that round. I know we landed Jonas with one of these picks. The point is that compensatory picks atleast in my opinion do not match what you lose in free agency. Even if you are alotted the full four picks because of where they come in the draft.
  24. I know the team made the playoffs twice during Wade Philips, however I always thought there was something lacking during his tenure as coach. I never found the teams under Wade's watch to be extremely exciting to watch. This was probably because we lacked a great offense and as good as the defense was did not create a high number of turnovers. In any event that streach from the first Miami game to the let down at home against the Steelers was the most excited I had been about the Bills since the Super Bowl years. I think this was in large part because we dismantled so many teams like St. Louis, Seattle, San Fransisco and Cleveland. We put up high numbers on the score board and created many turnovers. In any event do other's agree with this assesment or did you find the Wade Philips era to be more excitng. I am not even going to get in to the Gregg Williams era.
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