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Everything posted by MrLocke

  1. Good idea I hope Rashad Baker becomes a player, but I would rather a veteran as the backup. I thought the Bills tried to get Prioleau to take a paycut, but he signed with the Redskins.
  2. I think Avion Black was also cut by my favourite team the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Also I thought Reggie Durden a DB with Montreal was in camp with the Bills. Same as Paris Jackson a WR with the British Columbia Lions.
  3. I know what you're saying. I think about it with Joe Namath. He's an example a friend uses. Where he played that one season with the Rams. I did not mean to say that that was the only memory people will have just that I am sure that the memory of him playing with the Bucs will dig at life-long Raiders fans like my father. That one memory though, will by no means overshadow overshadow the memories of him playing with the raiders.
  4. I wish he just had of retired a Raider he only had 24 catches last season for 200 yards with the Bucs now people are going to have that memory of him with the Bucs and not being very good.
  5. Julius Jones is a good back aswell. I wouldn't be surprised if Bledsoe had some early success with Big D. He just doesn't seem like he is too hard to scheme against for defensive coordinators: blitz him up the middle and get him on the run.
  6. . I remember hearing about university professors having an ongoing competition to see who could calculate pi to the farthest decimal place. I remember playing around with my computer to memorize in highschool I know I am at a computer but I could always remember 3.141592654. As far as I could tale pi.
  7. I forgot about Steinbach. He was one of the players I thought Buffalo maybe should have selected instead of Willis. I'm more happy with Willis now, though. Steinbach seemed like one of those rare gaurds to come along who was worthy of a high pick.
  8. I was thinking about Greggo the other day and I though if nothing else Buffalo has a pretty good deffensive coordinator because of his hiring. I think often times when a head coach his ired he has trouble finding a quality coordinator oppossite his specialty. Say like a head coach who's expertise is offense would usually have trouble finding a good defensive coordinator. I think Mularkey was quite fortunate in this regard in that Jerry Gray a quality defesnive coordinator was sitting right under his nose given that Mularkey's expertise is in offense. It is funny to how he and Sam Wyche have met up again in the Bills organization after Gray declined Wyche's offer to become a player/coach.
  9. It seemed to me that when TD was talking during the draft that Bannan would be playing DT because it would give him the best chance to remain on the roster. It seemed that what TD was implying was that there is better depth at guard than defensive tackle, so give Bannan the best chance to stick on the roster by puting him back at DT.
  10. Reimersma was decent. Really good in 1999 and 2001. I was hoping Donahoe would have signed someone like Marcus Pollrad, but oh well. Euhus was pretty good lets hope he turns it up this season. Also Mularkey being a former Tight-End the Tight-Ends on this roster should get some terrific coaching.
  11. I was thinknig about this comparisson recently myself. The biggest reason I think this might be a bad analogy is I think Buffalo's defense has it all over cincinatti's defense. I think then that Losman will not have to do as much for the team to be successsful as Palmer would have to for the Bengals to be succesful. Buffalo had the #2 defense last year and best special teams where as 372 points on defense last season. I think Cincinatti's skill position players maybe better, though. Chad Johnson vs Moulds- I give the nod to Johnson. Tj Houshmandzadeh vs Lee Evans- Again I give the nod the Bengals player. Rudi Johnson Vs Willis- I think Willis will be better in the long term, but Rudi Johnson is more prooven. Matt Schobel/Reggie Kelly vs Mark Campbell/Tim Euhus. Not much to split here. Buffalo o-line vs. Cinci o-line- IMO Cincinatti has one of the best sets of book-end tackles in the game with Levi Jones and Willie Anderson I do not know about the interior o-line of Cincinatti. For the Bills, well we got McNally 'nuf said. All in all I think JP is in a better situation as I think the difference between Buffalo's defense and special teams and cincinatti's defense and special teams is greater than the difference Cincinattis o-line and skill position players than Buffalo's skill position players and o-line.
  12. Wow! All of the states? In Canada I think it is 7 of 10 provinces, however from what I have heard the states have far more power in the US than the provinces do in Canada.
  13. Yeah. I remember seeing somewhere people have been pushing for a constitutional amendment to allow foreign born people to run for president. I'm Canadian so I'm not sure what the amending formula is, however I assume it is quite hard to change the constitution.
  14. Gotta disagree with you on this one McGill Bill. I do not think you are giving ANY credit to the defenses here. Don't you think the defense should be able to stop the offense that gets the first possesion? Also in addition to this fewer than 40% of the teams that win the toss win on the first posseion here is the link to proove it.Stats. It follows then that most of the time both offenses get a chance with the ball.
  15. I thought I remember experts saying he would become an all-pro RT. I think he made an appearance in the CFL with the Montreal Alouettes. The guys confidence must have just been shotand that caused the decline in his game.
  16. Good idea. I never played ESPN, but it probably improoved Madden. Also for the price of ESPN you couldn't go wrong. whatever happened to quarterback club?
  17. I do not agree with what he syas, however I do like it when people speak candidly.
  18. Maybe he is a couson like Bo. There is Aaron ofcourse Matt the TE for the Bengals and Bo Matt and Aaron's cousin a defensive end for the Titans.
  19. I think Aaron is a steady defensive end. Not in the same class as say Strahan or Simeon Rice or Freeney or Julius Peppers, but I think he is probably in the next class below. one of the things that maybe holding him back is the end opposite to him. Now I know Kelsay is solid but I do not think Schobel is in the same kind of situation as John Abraham and Shaun Ellis where both of these guys have a terrific end opposite them. I would love to see Kelsay step up his game next year and get into the 8-10 sack range because if he does this team will have a pair of terrific ends.
  20. I do not recall it. HUGE CFL FAN right here. It was either Rich Stubler Toronto's defensive coordinator. Kent Austin Toronto's offensive coordinator. Dave Ritchie British Columbia's defensive coordinator. or Jacques Chapdelaine British Columbia's offensive coordinator. Ritchie or Stubler would be really funny. I saw most of this game, however I do not remember this. Go Riders!
  21. Good Stuff. I think Gandy will be fine at LT this season. McNally knows what he is doing as I think he got alot out of the line last year. Fewest times Bledsoe was ever sacked and Willis probably would have run for atleast 1500 yards last season if he started every game last season. I think Jennings was only an above average LT, so I think Gandy will be a capable replacement.
  22. ]I think the NHL has many problems. I am hopeful, though that this lost season will go along way in improoving the game. I really think the salary cap could make things really interesting and get me more interested in hockey agaain. On a side note I know it looks ugly but I like the idea of the bigger net and smaller goalie pads. Bigger Net
  23. I'm not sure if it was Mularkey's decission or Cowher's decission, but a couple of years ago one or both made the decission to go with Tommy Maddox and bench Kordell Stewart and this ended up being the correct decission. In any event because possibly Mularkey made the right decission to go with Maddox I trust here he is making the correct decission to go with JP. I wasn't sure about going with JP after the 9-3 finish last year, however I trust Mularkey.
  24. I think TD put alot of the blame on Pat's agent as to why he wasn't back. I am content to put it on his agent in that if his agent could have had him back here and he didn't get it done and I assume if Pat was here he would be saying nice things.
  25. I like the South Park social commentary also. It truly is one of the smartest shows on television.
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