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Everything posted by MrLocke

  1. First off Jauron seems to be making the same mistake Greggo did when he was first hired. Lets play "46" defense regardless of the personnel that is here. Just replace "46" with "cover two" and it is exactly what Jauron is doing. Why can't we get a coach flexible enough to actually tailor the scheme to the personnel? If Jauron was like this maybe Sam Adams would have stuck around and we would not be ruling out the possibility of drafting Ngata. Jauron had Ted Washington and Keith Traylor in Chicago, so it seems like he could get by with two-gap tackles. Perhaps Steve Fairchild will tailor the scheme to our players on offense. Second off Marv seems to be overpaying for marginal talent. I hear all this talk about young up and comers, but Tripplett, Royal and Davis, I think they have been in the league long enough that they have reached their potential. How many guys get much better after their fourth and fifth seasons? As much as I would have liked to have seen the o-line upgraded and I know it is pointless now, however I do not think most guard are worth the kind of money Marv was offering to Wells. Hopefully teams will not be able to bullrush Fowler like they did Teague. Had to get that off my chest. Go Bills! I will root for them even if I do not like what they are doing.
  2. You're right Spikes was cincy's transition player when the Bills signed him, but as TD says if we sign Hutchinson we might just be doing Seattle's work, as they can match the offer.
  3. Too bad Smith has Roscoe by about 15-20 pounds.
  4. I thought he meant the Saturday night Bills/Broncos game.
  5. This reminds me of that South Park episode. Rob Schneider is a stapler and he's about to find out that life as a stapler isn't going to be very easy or Rob Schneider as a carrot.
  6. Was there ever any news on the condition of the secuirty guard, who has legs cut out from underneath him in the Bills/Chiefs game? I hadn't heard anything since it happened.
  7. It's a joke. I have a scott baio photo on MSN Messanger.
  8. I know Cowher is really part of Schottenhiemer's tree, but when you look at Cowher's coaching tree it's not very impressive. Chan Gailey- Moderately succesful in Dallas. Mularkey- We know enough about him. Dick Lebeau- Yeah I know Cinci was a tough place to win. Dom Capers- had some early success in Carolina and a good DC, but hasn't done much lately. Haslett- We have talked enough about him lately. Cowher's coordinators haven't made great head coaches and it is for this reason I do not want Haslett. I am getting sick of football people associated with Pittsburgh and it is time to look someplace else.
  9. I think you mean chop blocking and not cut blocking. There is nothing illegal about cut blocks. That is typically how running backs take out d-lineman. Having said that Denver has gotten slightly cleaner in recent years no more "Romo Cop" or Dan Neil. Dan Neil made a career out of chop blocks. I can honestly say I would rather the o-line play we have now than to chop block as much as Denver.
  10. I saw Marcus Allen at the Rose Bowl tonight and wanted to ask the question if others thought he was as over-hyped during his career as I did. I was looking at his statistics and noticed he only had 3 thousand yard seasons. He really only had one monster season when he rushed for 1759 yards. I realize he played for 16 seasons an impressive feat and is 7th in all time rushing yards another impressive feat, but he seems like an above average back, who just played for along time. Does anybody else agree with this assessment? Or am I missing something? Mind you I am only 21, so when I watched him I was not the best judge. I am always happy to admit when I am wrong, so if you can provide me with some insight I am unaware of it would be great.
  11. I've read a fair amount that Schobel is really the only talent on the d-line this year and was curious if Sam Adam's play has fallen off or if it is that he is facing constant double teams or does he not want to play for this coaching staff ? If the Bills were to acquire another stud defensive tackle could Sam Adams return to his dominating self? Last year teams had to chose who they wanted to double team Adams or Williams and whoever was not double teamed could easily make plays. I want the rebuilding the d-line to be as easy as possible and if keeping Adams makes it easier then keep him.
  12. Do we stick with Holcomb as the starter next year? It seems like this team rallys around him. Fix the D-Line, replace moulds or get his cap number down and upgrade at LT and other parts of the o-line and I think we have all the personnel issues solved. Gray I think stays on if he chooses, as he coached the D to the #2 ranking in back to back seasons. I don't think he has forgotten how to coach. I think Clements will be the scpae goat and possibly some assistants. Get rid of TD and promote Modrak and I am excited about this team.
  13. How much of Steve Hutchinson's play can be attributed to playing next to Walter Jones? The rest of their o-line is solid, but I wouldn't say spectacular: Robbie Tobeck, Chris Gray and Sean Locklear. I think it was John Madden who said it is better to have a great running back and average o-line than the other way around. As for Hasselbeck Could it be that RECEIVERS ARE ACTUALLY CATCHING THE BALL THIS YEAR?
  14. I personally believe the only position on the o-line worth spending Big Money is LT. There was a thread here a few weeks ago saying that skill positions are more important than o-line and I completely agree. Right Tackle may also be worth a little money, I do not give a damn about guardsa and centres.
  15. The whole thing with this team is I think they have their cap room tied down to the wrong positions. The positions worth spending money on defense are all the d-line positions and cornerbacks. Safteies and linebackers are not as important imo. good safteies can be had in the mid to late part of the draft and I'm sure Milloy and Vincent are eating up a good portion of cap room. I like TKO and London, but if you have quality d-linemen you do not need great linebackers because they will keep the o-linemen off of the linebackers. you need quality corners simply because oppossing receivers will eat you alive if you do not have them. On offense I liken guards and centres to safeties on defense. I think they are easy to get in the mid to late part of the draft and not worthy of hefty contracts. Runningbacks these days are also becoming less valueable, too. Look at all the terrific backs found in the mid part of the draft: Rudi Johnson 4th round pick, Curtis Martin 3rd round pick, reuben droughns 3rd round pick, Domanick Davis 4th round pick. I like Willis, but TD has used a 1st and 2nd round pick on running back where players of equal talent could be had later in the draft. Imagine if those picks had been used on offensive Tackles or defensive tackles. I think on offense the positions worthy of having large sums of money spent on them are: wide receivers, quarterbacks and bookend tackles. Tight End is another position not worhty of much investment. Look at players like Eric Johnson 7th round pick or Jason Witten 3rd round pick. In summary this team would be better of investing in Quarterbacks, offensive tackles and defensive tackles instead of safeties, line backers and running backs. Thats my rant. Haven't posted in some time.
  16. I think the better questions are does Mularkey look more like Costner? Or Saban look more like Spacey?
  17. I'm not sure even if Cleveland has the top pick they will selct Lineart because they have Charlie Frye. I think Frye is their future QB.
  18. I think you are thinking of Erron Kinney. He was a rookie in that game too.
  19. I might be wrong, but I don't think anybody said the Tampa Bay Buccaneers would finish 5-11 or worse. I think it is a strong possibility.
  20. I should have clairified most people grant him god like status in my part of Canada because of his NFL play and not his CFL play. It seemed like Flutie= Grey Cup when he was in the CFL. I make no insults about his CFL play. As for the CFL 18 game schedule, starts mid-late Jume ends mid November. I love the CFL minus a couple of rules. The one that gets under my skin is how defensive lineman must play a yard of the ball. As for the Warren Moon comparissons Warren Moon had a far better NFL career. Compare the numbers. Warren Moon Doug Flutie. 9 Bro Bowls to 1.
  21. Here in Canada people think of Flutie like a Canadian, even though he was born in Natick Mass. I run into Flutie fans all of the time it irritates me because they think of him like God. They always say he scrambles so well and puts up wins. I can also understand his appeal with little guy, as he is only 5-10. I don't dispute that he wins and can scramble I just always counter with that he cannot do it for extended periods of time. Flutie can play well for a few games, however I think if Defensive coordiantors have time to game plan for him he is completely ineffective because coordinators can make him a pocket passer and Flutie is not effective as a pocket passer. I can understand if you thought that Flutie should have started over RJ, but I think it is hard to argue that Flutie is a quality NFL caliber starter. Anyway do you run into many Flutie fans? and if so does it get under your nerves when people repeatidly praise him?
  22. When I think about elite Defensive End tandems in the NFL I think of; Darren Howard and Charles Grant of New Orleans a combined 21.5 sacks last season and John Abraham and Shaun Ellis of the Jets a combined 20.5 sacks last season. With all of the talk about Kelsay's progression this season and Schobel where he is already, Does any one think Kelsay and Schobel could combine to give us somewhere in the range of 16-20 sacks? With every member of Buffalo's starting secondary having gone to the Pro Bowl I really like the idea of having a great pair of defensive ends for our pass defense. Anyway do people see Kelsay and Schobel becoming an elite pass rushing tandem this season?
  23. As far as the happy feet I hear that is from his time at Tulane when he played behind a turnstyle offensive line. He has to get used to staying in the pocket people say.
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