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Everything posted by MrLocke

  1. People said free agents wouldn't want to go to the Giants when Coughlin became coach. They got players the last few years like Plaxico Burress, Kareem McKenzie, Anonio Pierce, Lavar Arrington and Sam Madison.
  2. System/personnelI was saying this for a while. I wasn't a huge Wade fan but atleast he switched from a 4-3 to a 3-4 to get Cowart or the best players on the field. Really good coaches should know how to play several schemes and then come up with the best one for the personnel.
  3. I thought it was a HUGE mistake signing him to that kind of an offer sheet. Think about all the money we would have tied up at the guard position with Wells and Villariel. Marv really seems to go against the convential wisdom drafting safeties high and spending big money on guards.
  4. I love the Bills, but losing to teams like Detroit and the Jets it seems like either the players or coaches have no shame. It is like the Bills are this 6'5 320 man getting his ass kicked by someone 5'7 140. I really do believe the matchup is that lobsided. If this team has any pride whatsoever they will bounce back and win this game against an inferior opponent.
  5. I'm know Theisman fan, but alteast he fuggin played meaning that he has something to base his oppinions on. They try to hype up Tony (atleast I find) like he is some sort of football guru. I say this because of the "Ask Tony" segment.
  6. I wouldn't be shocked if Kornheiser didn't know what a hard count was. He didn't know what a silent count was and why someone would use one a few weeks ago. He said if you like scoreless watch soccer or hockey. We all know how many NHL games end in scoreless ties .
  7. I thought Ross Tucker was a far better LG than Ruben was. Didn't he speak out against the former regime? Teams really used to exploit our interior o-line when Ruben was here. You can blame it on Teague all you want, but I think Ruben was also to blame.
  8. Assuming we only had the choice between Fletcher and a stud DT, what would you choose? I don't think it is really going to matter in terms of stopping the run who we have playing MLB untill we get some players at DT to keep the LBs clean.
  9. Tackles are a subjective stat. Zach Thomas jumps on the pile at the end of the play and people consider that a tackle. There is no way I would want Zach Thomas. You cannot appeal to tackles as a reason that a player is good. Zach misses more tackles than he makes. Would you still want London if he was near the top in tackles, but missed as many as he made?
  10. They weren't very good in Donahoe's last few years as GM. Do you think not re-signing players finally caught up with him? Free Agency suplements what you do in the draft, therefore if you can criticize him for the draft you can criticize him for free-agency. He wasn't able to replace Pat through the draft (Tim Anderson and Ron Edwrads) ergo he was not active enough in free agency at the DT position.
  11. I've been feeling like starting a thread recently about Donahoe. It was almost as if he didn't want to re-sign players because he wanted show that he could replace them with "his" draft picks.
  12. Can't stand the way they make Tony out to be some sort of a football guru. Not so much a problem with him. The ask Tony segment is so stupid it is not as if he has any inside sources. Tony said last night: "If you want scoreless watch soccer or hockey". We all know how many NHL games are scoreless.
  13. He likened the switch from being a coach to a GM to being a teacher and ebcoming a principal.When you are the coach you are right in there with the players just like the teacher is with the students. He said when Mularkey resigned (I hope I got that right) that that gave hima challenge right of the bat. He said he thinks the D can be much better and the o-line is the biggest cause for concern.
  14. I saw Marv on sports network called "The Score" here in Canada today and he said he thinks the D can be much better. I attribute the demise last year almost entirely to the departure of Pat Williams. He and Sam Adams were easily able to keep our linebackers clean due to their size and strength. I think will still have one of the best backs 7s in the league assuming Spikes comes back fine off of the injury, but worry that this will be irrelevant if we do not get good play from our interior d-line. I say this because I even think last year we had a great back 7, but a horrible D. Anyway I am looking for reasons to be optimistic. Please give them to me because I just don't see them.
  15. When I saw that Aaron Gibson was cut a few weeks ago I thought to myself, good this regime is not like the old one in that they want the best players and not their friends. I think the charge of croneyism against TD was justified based on his record and the number of people he brought into the organization with Pittsburgh ties. Mularkey, Richard Huntely, Kris Farris and Tom Modrak. I am wondering if anyone thinks that keeping Anthony Thomas over Lionel Gates was a case of croneyism? Thomas was great his rookie season, but hasn't done much in the league since. Gates averaged 2.7 yards per carry in the preseason and Thomas only 2.1. I know neither average is impressive, but I defienetly thought Gates was better in the preseason. I should add I never made it to training camp, but did see a fair amount of Bills coverage on the NFL network. So is keeping the A-Train a case of croneyism?
  16. I like Jauron for the simple reason that he has been a HC before. I have heard that the sucess rate is much higher with second time HCs than Coordinators or college coaches. Here's to hoping that some of what went on in Chicago is that he didn't have a GM who could get him good players.
  17. The way I see this roster is that, yes we have lots of holes. I would also that we have guys that have the potential to fill these holes. The Holes that I think we have are: QB, TE, #1 WR #2 Wr, LT, LG, C, NT and SS. At QB Losman was 1st rounder, so I think he has to the potential to step up. TE- Royal should be able to block and also with Everett being a day 1 pick I like his chances at becoming a player. 1 WR- Maybe someone has metnioned it, but how is Evans holding up as the #1 WR? He had pretty good rookie and sophmore campaigns, but I think he needs to take his game to the next level to be the #1 wideout. #2 WR- If PP can catch something like 50 balls for 750 I would be happy. I think this is about what you expect from your #2 WR. As for the o-line all I will say is that if Willis is able to force eight men up in the box and allow the wrs to have single coverage and JP is able to get the ball to them we will be in business. The o-line job is so much easier if you can keep the defense guessing as to whether you are running or passing. It is that split second where defensive players are guessing that makes all the difference. The offensive players no where the ball is going on running plays. The defensive players do not. On Defense we should have one of the best back 7s in the league assuming Whitner meets expectations. It is the D-line where the real questions are. I'm happy with our ends Schobel, Denny and Kelsay all contributed on highly rated defenses. IF Tripplett and some else can fill the void of Sam Adams and Pat Williams we should be fine. One worry I have, though is that with these smaller quicker tackles we have that the o-linemen from other teams will be able to man-handle them. I wanted Haloti Ngata in the draft. Anyway I just wanted to chime in with the season around the corner. If everyone that needs to step up does so, we could be talkin playoffs. If not it could be another long season, but not quite as bad as Greggo's first season as coach.
  18. I was being sarcastic about the west coast offense. For me it makes as much sense to play the Tampa two as it would to play the West Coast Offense. Jauron seems really stubborn about playing the Tampa 2 just like Greggo was about the "46" hybrid.
  19. The Posey release for me was reminiscent of when Greggo cut Holecek because he didn't fit the system. Jauron reminds me alot of Greggo. Only difference is he isn't saying things like: "We're going to take a run at the sack record this year". Why do we have to play a Tampa 2. What would be wrong with a regular 4-3. Good coaches addapt the system to the players. Like when Wade switched from a 4-3 to a 3-4 to get Cowart on the field. Why don't we play a west coast offense? It won SBs for the Niners, Packers and Broncos. If one were to make the case that the we are playing this defense because it has been successful. I hope Jauron can be adaptable if it ends up that our players might be better suited to play anotyher system.
  20. I think killdrive was a good coordinator at one time. He was a run and shoot coordinator who couldn't adapt to the times.
  21. I was born in 1984. My father forced me to watch football at about the age of four. It wasn't 'till I was about 6 till I got a good grasp of the rules. I remeber rooting for the Bills the entire year they lost to Giants in the SB. My Dad wouldn't let me stay up to watch the game. He did come up to give me the result when I was sleeping and I was disappointed. I guess it was maybe just that the Bills were good at the time, but I have stuck with them ever since.
  22. Thank you. If more posters were like you we wouldn't need thick skin to survive this board.
  23. In all serioussness. I believe in the best availible athlete theory unless it is a qb, guard or safety.
  24. I loved the Youboty and Simpson picks. I am not so sure about Larry Tripplett because Indy's run defense wasn't good until they got Corey Simon. I loved the Price signing because I think it is low risk and if it works out Marv is sitting pretty. I have mixed feeling about Buffalo's off-season additions. The eighth pick in the draft is just too high to make a mistake on.
  25. My main problem with the Whitner pick is that I think that #8 is too high to pick a safety. I would say that even if Whitner ends up being a very solid player that Marv is not vindicated. My reason for saying is that many good safeties are found in the mid to late round of the draft. Rodney Harrison was a fifth round pick, John Lynch was a third round pick. The point being that someone with equal talent to Whitner could have been found later. I would say Whitner will have to be voted all pro a few times in his career and be in several Pro Bowls for Marv to be vindicated just because of where he selected Whitner. I think Whitner will have to be the type of player offensive coordinators fear. It would be just like this if Marv drafted a guard or a pure full-back at #8. I know Sean Taylor and Roy Willliams were drafted around the same place as Whitner; however Whitner does not possess the same size as those two players. I think you grade Williams and Taylor higher if the talent is equal to Whitner based on the size. Please Someone convince me this was a good pick. I liked what Coy Wire said in the Real Football 360 interview about the type of players Marv has been bringing in.
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